“John’s Law”

in science •  7 years ago 

So when referring to science and the scientific method we develop “laws.” Essentially a series of observabe, testable, and repeatable actions, that can be categorized and applied as further foundations for other studies.

For example, Newton’s work and the “universal law of gravitation.” Unfortunately we have got so far away from test and so reliant on mathematics, we are left between a “rock and a hard place.” As I am typing, kids all over the world are being taught “gravitational pull,” ie. The moons impact on tides etc. Not only is this terribly failed “science,” Newton himself wasn’t even convinced. He capitulated it was the biggest hole in his work and was far from satisfied. After all, it was a “thought experiment,” that quickly became science fact (the most likely cause of “tides” being magnetic in nature. Water is a natural diamagnetic and salt water more so).

People have mistakenly become immersed with formulas that are based on false axioms and assumptions. Math is NOT science. Math is a formal science, never to be substituted for test. It can describe, but never explain. This is very important when talking about the reality of natural physical sciences. “G” has been thrown into every equation on Earth and it’s got people very confused as to how the nature of reality operates.

Below is a new “law” I want to introduce and want people to test. Scientists and people all around the world, can apply it and test it. As a matter of fact, I want them too! True wisdom comes from never being satisfied with results and never surrendering to absolutes. Our “scientists” of today have forgot that. They have doubled down on mathematics and theoretical principles that have no correlation to our reality. Sadly, most of them are actors and have no original thoughts.

I openly challenge any scientist on this and have been debating these points for awhile now. They know where to find me @foreverflaterth

Below is “John’s Law” and I encourage everyone to test it’s validity. Thanks. Peace.

“If Earth has no detectable motion. No measurable curve. And water is always flat and level. Earth is not a globe.”
-John’s Law (invoke it)

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One of the false axioms I see happening all the time is the idea that your integers don't have to be a measurement in reality. So when they apply the inverse square law to the dissipation of light they always assume the distance of the sun. Essentially this is imagination and not a measurement. Thus what looks like math isn't because the numbers are not measurements. If you have a foot which is 12 inches, but sometimes it changes to 11 inches well no mathematical operations can be done when the measurement is not a constant. Dividing a foot by 2 is only 6 inches if the integer is 12 inches. If statements applied in math proves it is not math. LOL

P.S masoncerritos will be voting for your next post. Do not bother following.

Man I was just fighting with something similar. I was looking at the sun distances and doing a little research. I came across the fact that Au had changed. I always just thought it was this fractal of “light speed.” It used to deal with suns mass and complex factors. I just find it crazy that people have thrown actual test away, for mathematics. It bothers me they cant understand math can never be used in lieu of the scientific method to come to some of these conclusions they do. Math is a formal science, not a substitute for test. And you mention false axioms, so much of this theoretical science we have now is based literally off complete assumption. A quick example, would be if the Cassini probe never went 750 million miles away to Saturn, that was about 4,000 offical white papers, that were misconstrued as absolute fact into academia. You see how quickly this can ugly real fast. Thanks for the reply.

I do see how ugly it gets all the time in real BS research. I don't know if you know how the fraud is getting into science so I will share what I think. Ever wonder how the Big Bang Theory was named. It was specifically given the name theory because they knew people would question it if they called it the Big Bang Hypothesis and that the confusion would help them make converts. It has worked so well they have continued the practice. See the Theory of Evolution Hypothesis. They just forget to categorize their ideas properly and people join the religion of scientism.

P.S Up voting your own post is really just more curation value and I don't think people should mistake up votes for likes. I also up vote comments because it ads more curation value to the post. Authors should up vote commenters on their post for the same reason, even if they don't like the commenters comment. It is all about raising the value of steem in the end. LOL

In fact if you go to my wall you will see it says I have 92 post, but over 80 of them are really comments. Post take longer to create then comments. LOL

In fact the more comments on your post the more curation value and both the commentator and the author reputation increases. The more comments you make on other peoples post the better odds they will comment on your post. The up vote on comments encourage comments on your post specifically because it raises reputation. See I opened this account 4 days ago and all ready have a reputation of 33. That is 8 points more than you start with.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment