Did You Fart? - The Science of Gas - (A STEEMing Special)

in science •  9 years ago 

If you’re human, chances are you participate in this activity on average 14x per day. But you may be wondering what is a Fart?

Scientifically it's called "Flatulence"

Here is how a fart breaks down chemically:

Nitrogen   -              59%

Hydrogen -              21% 

Carbon dioxide -     9%

Methane -                 7%

Oxygen -                   4%

Hydrogen sulfide - 1% 

                               = 100%  pure fart

Most of the Fart is manufactured by the different types of E.coli bacteria that reside in the intestines which are completely natural and aid in the digestion process

Now most of those chemicals are also naturally found in the air we breathe and they don't have much or any odor associated with them. So why do they sometimes smell horrible?

Well it’s all do to that 1% concentration of this chemical:

[H2S] Hydrogen sulfide

It is commonly known to smell similar to rotten eggs and is actually very poisonous in higher concentrations. But don't get alarmed, the 1% we produce is harmless. 

Depending on how much your gut produces this chemical from the food you ate is how smelly it actually will be. And there has been research that proves this interesting fact:

Men and Women, on average, produce the same amount of gas but Women tend to have higher concentrations of H2S. This means, that yes

Girls have stinker farts than guys.

Fun Facts:

Beans product the most gas because they contain sugars are body can’t digest, but the bacteria love it. These bacteria devour it while producing loads of gas as by products, but luckily most of these gases aren’t the H2S and thus don't normally stink. But sometimes quantity is just as annoying as the quality of fart.

The sound of a fart is generated by the speed of it leaving the body. It has been known that a fart can travel up to 10 feet per second.

Smelly farts come from foods rich in sulfides: Cauliflower, red meat, and eggs are notorious for the worst of the worst.

Good articles:




Will you now change your eating or farting habits?

Comments always welcomed and thanks for reading

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Haha, that should have been in the OP. Hilarious! Then you put kids in there and it all falls apart. :)

Haha, I love these guys! Haven't seen this one yet =P

Evry thing about farty party

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

"chances are you participate in this activity on average 14x per day" I don't know what I ate yesterday, But I probably provided a full month of fart supply just today. I should be fart free for a couple of days right?

Image of steemish

Ugh.. NASTY lol.
Are you trying to make people puke?
That picture looks as bad as a fart smells.

Picture of your girl there?

sure it not a whale ??? ; - )

Thanks for this, As gross as it sounds I've always been curious about this!

Thank you for this hilarious post. I wonder if there is a table somewhere associating type of function with smell.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

59 + 21 + 9 + 7 + 4 + 1 = 101. So it's even 101% pure fart! You did that on purpose you little rascal, didn't you?

Yesssss!!!! farting woop woop

@generation.easy this was certainly a fun read. Thanks for the post.

Wow, I didn't expect this to be such a hit! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

But what about dancing?

Farting is invaluable for evolution of society.

If people supress farts, shitty gasses tend to rush back to brain, where shitty ideas are produced because of them.

It would have been nice if you would have added instructions on ways to mitigate this.
Foods to avoid, medicines or herbs that can help, etc

Hmm... I am skeptical on the breakdown list for farts. I don't see "Taco Bell w/ Hot Sauce" on there lol

60% of the time my farts stink every time

That's a great image you made! I'd love to use it for a different idea I have. Could I pay you in $5 in SMD to use it?

​OMG! I learn lots about fart especially in ​scientific way lol