The Theory Of Athanasius Kircher.Shallow world, magnetism and Egypt.

in science •  8 years ago 

Athanasius (Athanasius?) Kircher wrote many scientific papers that were rejected by scientists of his time.
And no wonder.
His approval was extremely opposite to the traditional one, at that time, science.
He was considered a charlatan, whispering about the relations with the devil.
In principle, he gave occasion to whisper his illustrations.
Such as a bat cat.


So his theory was successfully pushed away.


I already wrote in my post "Athanasius Kircher. Forgotten scientist ahead of his vremia"that Kircher was very interested in the internal structure of the Earth, studied Geology, and even went down into the crater of an extinct volcano.
Based on his research, he developed the theory of underground structure of the earth. According to him, the Earth inside is riddled with passages in which circulates the water.
In the center of the Earth is a fire.
Water from seas and oceans getting into the Earth is heated and rises again upwards, leaving the earth forms rivers that flow into seas and oceans.


Kircher argued that under the earth there is the fire of the store of which periodically erupts fire.


According to him the Moon, too, had a similar structure.

Maybe his theory was influenced by myths about the underground world called Agartha.


He was a Jesuit and maybe believed in the legend of the Templars departed to the underworld.

Theory of magnetism

Kircher was seriously involved physics. Especially magnetism.
On the basis of his research he wrote the book "Magnes sive de arte magnetica tripartitum" (Magnet or about art magnetic tripartitum).
The scientist claimed that in the world all the particles are magnetized and can interact with each other.
Moreover. People, animals, plants and all around the can, with magnetism, both heal and to harm.
Even the feelings he tried to explain the magnetic waves.


The theory of magnetism of animals adopted from Kircher Friedrich Mesmer. He was so excited about it that it became known as the "theory of mesmerism".
And of course it is still recognized as unscientific.

Mesmerism (animal magnetism) — unscientific theory of the German physician and astrologer of the age of Enlightenment, Friedrich Mesmer, who had a notable influence on medical theory and practice in the last quarter of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century. Until the late nineteenth century in different countries were produced hundreds of treatises on animal magnetism.

It is interesting that Wikipedia never mentions the writings of Kircher preceding theory mesmerism.
In the article about Mesmer a quote, 1781, which he clearly read Kircher died in 1680.

All bodies in one way or another capable of conducting magnetic fluid as it does a natural magnet. This fluid fills the whole matter. This fluid can be accumulated and strengthened in the same way as electricity. This fluid can be transmitted over a distance. In nature there are two kinds of bodies: some enhance this fluid, while others weaken it.

Kircher believed that the magnetism is in plants.
Because they can follow the sun, even in cloudy weather.

The plant known as gerimal steadily follows his master, even when due to fog it is not visible. Acacia opens its petals with his sunrise and closes with sunset. So does the Egyptian LOTOS and regular sunflower. The nightshade exhibits the same passion towards the moon.

Kircher even invented a clock using a sunflower.


And although his theories are considered unscientific in medicine today magnets are widely applied.

Oedipus Egyptian

The most controversial essay of Athanasius Kircher.

In 1633 he was in Rome. And there he saw columns of Egyptian hieroglyphs.


Then he got a sign confiscated from cardinal Bembo after the sack of Rome in 1527.


But these texts are not considered correct. Jean-Francois Champollion, considered the first person who correctly translated the Egyptian hieroglyphs(at least of his translations are accepted by Egyptologists), recognizing the correct methods Kircher, nevertheless admitted the translations incorrect.
Supposedly the columns and plate are at Rome were the only copies.

Here I want to do a great retreat. I have a question, if the opening of the pyramids and, accordingly, the obelisk of Thutmose located in Carnac was officially made in 1798, where the COPIES in Rome.
And the obelisk doesn't look much like the "Egyptian column" which saw Kircher.


But for example another "Egyptian column" in our time.


I think this post is much more similar to the "copy" in Rome, than to modern obelisk in Egypt.

In my opinion the reason why rejected the transfer Kircher, was different.
Kircher believed the history of Egypt is much shorter. As proof of their translations.
In this he was a follower of Isaac Newton, which generally numbered the beginning of Egyptian history the XI century.
Who with such transfer to agree.
And the illustrations in the book also suggest some thoughts.

Here's an example of a pyramid.


Why the pyramids in a densely overgrown area? And they are clearly visible to the vegetation?
Here we can assume that Kircher was not in Egypt and didn't know what pyramids are in the desert.
But here is another illustration from the same book.


Here the pyramid is clearly located in the desert. So it was known to him?
And the first picture we see a sarcophagus that cannot be.
If I remember correctly sarcophagi were found in the late 19th century. Three HUNDRED years after the death Kircher.

Do we need a scholar of traditional science?
Easier to forget and not to remember.
And only miraculously preserved books written by Athanasius by Kircher, provide an opportunity to understand his greatness.

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@gildar Pyramids large puzzle has not been reached I'm from Egypt

In a chamber under the Sphinx?

There is room in the Great Pyramid, but is not accessible

As I understood it there may be a chamber under the sphinx that includes a technologically advanced library from Atlantean society- the evidence I have seen compels me to believe the sphinx is about 12,000 years old- this was determined by geologists not Egyptologists.

So what do you mean that the Sphinx is not the Egyptians have built

I'm not really sure who built the sphinx but I suspect the Atlanteans played some sort of technological role.

Thanks for sharing, that's really interesting!

Kircher is my favorite writer! thank you for the post, @gildar.
serious scientists laughed at Kircher entire 18th century. there were a lot of funny stories about his lying (fair enough!). but the same time they were quoting him everywhere in their serious science works.
fantastic hero!

Great post- thanks- The earth is indeed honeycombed (as opposed to hallow)- these are massive caverns large enough to house cities and I believe do. If you think about it it makes all the sense in the world to dwell underground with all of the possible cataclysms that can and do occur on a planet's surface. As I understand it the honeycomb design of a planet is common as is subterranean living throughout the galaxy. Furthermore because these civilizations do not experience cataclysms some have existed for hundreds of thousands and even millions of years below the surface. Hopefully much of this will soon be coming to light and those fellow Earthlings that live within the Earth will emerge to assist the surface population in advancing both spiritually and technologically.

Oh and there's more water within the Earth than on the surface including of course all the oceans. In regards to a central 'fire' I would guess that is describing some sort of sun like object- not saying that doesn't exist- I don't know either way but as I understand it within the honeycomb caverns closer to the surface are a mushroom like fungus that emit light within the caverns creating a soft glowing ceiling effect.

Padre Athanasius explored a live volcano which had recently erupted, Vesuvius. Also explored underground in Malta. Some of the theories Athanasius came up with and were reject are true. He had access to the vast underground archives of the Vatican. There are treasures there from the pre-flood world and ancient civilizations. Some of his errors were due to reports from others which turned out to be false. Lots of his work was based in experiment but also from documents written in various languages. Just saying.