Echinodermata phylum in the study of science

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)


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It's good to be back here to share information and science postings, in this post will try to review some benefits about starfish.

The subject

original photos by @green07

Although called starfish, but this animal is not classified as a family of fish, this animal is very different from the fish.
In a paper mentioned about starfish, that:

Starfish, although in English it is known as starfish (star fish), this animal is very much related to fish. The starfish is an invertebrate animal belonging to the phylum Echinodermata, and the Asteroidea class. Starfish is a radial animal symmetry and generally has five or more arms. Starfish does not have a framework capable of helping the movement. Their frame serves as a refuge. They move by using a water vascular system. They depend on the foot of the tube located in the ventral part of the snake star's arm, which serves to move and help feed. Starfish are invertebrate animals that move freely with the legs of their tubes, crawling along the seabed in a low enough speed for most species. source

Resources exist in starfish

original photos by @green07

Starfish become very important to maintain the coral population, but the starfish has a very large number of potentially damaging coral reefs, because coral-eating invertebrates as the main food for him.

  • Bioactive

A source says that there are not many benefits found from starfish for health and business, a
s explained by the sources below:

Starfish Culcita sp. is one type of echinodermata that has not been widely utilized and most people do not know the existence and potential of the starfish. Research on the bioactive compounds of starfish is still limited to the discovery of unknown compounds of activity. Though marine biota is known as a source of various bioactive compounds such as antioxidants. It is the underlying research to determine the potential of antioxidants and bioactive components contained in starfish. The results of this study are expected to enrich information on the content of antioxidant compounds and bioactive components of starfish that can be useful for the field of food, pharmaceutical and other industries. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of starfish extract, determine the active component (alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, saponins, phenol hydroquinone, and amino acids) contained in starfish through phytochemical test, and know the active fraction of sea star extract that has activity antioxidants. Starfish in this research comes from the waters of South Lampung. The highest yield of the extracts was the extraction of stratified methanol solvent and single methanol yielding 8.38% of the 50 g samples and 6.55% of the 10 g samples, respectively. The yield of the hexane solvent was 2.06% and ethyl acetate by 0.19% of the 50 g sample. Rough extract of starfish has antioxidant activity that is seen from the value of IC50 obtained. IC50 value of hexane extract of 3074 ppm, ethyl acetate extract of 670 ppm, methanol extract stratified at 1120 ppm, and a single methanol extract of 641 ppm. Rough starch extract contains 4 of 6 bioactive components tested by phytochemical methods, including alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, and amino acids. Separation or fractionation of compounds using thin layer chromatography (TLC) technique was carried out to separate the compounds present in the crude extract of starfish that had the best antioxidant activity of crude extract with ethyl acetate solvent with IC50 670 ppm. The best eluent used is ethyl acetate: chloroform: formic acid (9: 1: 0.05). Chromatogram observation of KLT result with UV light at wavelength 254 nm detected 9 spot with Rf value 0.06; 0.14; 0.21; 0.33; 0.56; 0.62; 0.70; 0.75; and 0.84 from the crude extract of ethyl acetate.source

Starfish has a unique shape

original photos by @green07

The body shape that is owned by the starfish is very different from other aquatic animals, this unique animal has five legs that are often called in the scientific language with the name of radical symmetry. But not all starfish have five legs but there is a starfish that has more than five feet. The slowest running animal has more than 1500 species, as mentioned by the source of NATIONAL GIOGRAPHIC:

Sea star is one of the beautiful animals and has many colors, sizes, and shapes (almost all of which are like stars). They have smooth bodies with thorns on their soft surfaces. At the bottom of the body, they have tube legs that will move if we turn around. These marine animals are also an interesting icon. Let's find out 10 facts about starfish!

  1. Starfish instead of fish
    Even though they live in water, they are not fish. Starfish have no gills, scales or fins. Starfish also move with movement quite different from fish. Fish move by pushing their body using the tail, while the moving sea star is assisted with their small tube feet.
  2. Starfish is Ekinodermata
    Yes, the starfish belongs to the Ekinodermata Phylum, that means they have five radical symmetry points, where their bodies are made up of five sections or multiples arranged around the center of the disk.
  3. There are thousands of species of starfish
    There are about 2,000 species of starfish. Some are in the interdial zone, in deep waters, in the tropics, and some in the cold waters.
  4. Not all starfish have five arms
    Although the type of starfish with five arms we know the most, but in fact not all of them who have five arms. There are several types that have more than five arms, for example, a solar star that has up to 40 arms.
  5. Starfish sleeves can grow again
    Starfish can indeed regrow their lost arms. It is also useful when they are threatened by predators, so they can sever their arms and then leave. The growth of new arms to starfish, usually takes about a year. source

original photos by @green07


The little animal that had been studied further about the benefits it has, there may still be many in the birth by a starfish that has not been found, it will be interesting to talk about in various fields of science.
Sea stars have a hard skin that can protect their body from other predatory animals, perhaps this post becomes a useful information for the preservation of marine ecosystems and open up the potential study of the science of starfish resources in education.


  1. Wikipedia

  2. Ipb

  3. Nationalgeografic

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how do i tag myself

I do not understand what you mean

I never really thought about the different varieties of starfish so this was a really cool post for me to see! Thank you for sharing!

yes, that little animal has rarely got our concern