in science •  7 years ago 


  Fusion is the energy  fountain of the Universe, arise in the core of the Sun and  other stars.   What we are seeing as light and feeling as heat is the  effect of a fusion reaction in the core of the Sun: hydrogen nuclei run into, fuse into bigger helium atoms and release enourmus amounts of energy in the  procedure .


 All stars, including our sun , are giant nuclear reactors. They are could thermonuclear reactions becouse they require enormously high temperatures (million of degrees) to initiate them.The principal reaction in the sun is thought to be the fusion of four hydrogen nuclei to produce one helium nucleusand two positrons. Atoms always the hotter they are, the faster they move. Sun's core, where temperatures reach 100,000,000 Kelvin.  Hydrogen atoms collide at very fast speeds, the  electrostatic repulsion that have between the positive charges of the nuclei is come through and the atoms fuse. The fusion of small hydrogen atoms produces a bigger helium element.



The mass of the helium atom isn't the   complete sum of the initial atoms, still some mass has been missed and huge amounts of energy have been gained. İt is the Einstein's   well-known formula E=mc² describes: the bit of missed mass (m), multiplied by the square speed of light (c²), results in a  huge figure (E), which is the amount of energy originate by a fusion reaction.

Sun turns 600.000.000 tonnes of hydrogen into helium in every sec. and  releasing great amount of energy.

Fusion science defined the most effective fusion reagent in the laboratory setting to be the reaction between deuterium -D- and tritium -T- which of two hydrogen -H- isotopes. The -DT- fusion reaction  generates the biggest energy gain at the "lowest" temperatures.It requires  nevertheless temperatures of a billion Kelvin—ten times much more than the hydrogen reaction consisting in the Sun.

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The fusion of tiny hydrogen atoms produces a bigger element, helium, and one neutron.
At enormous temperatures, electrons are separated from their nuclei and the gas becomes the plasma—an ionized state of matter .  created of charged particles (positive proton and negative electrons), plasmas are   almost a million times less dense than the air we breathe. Fusion plasmas supply the   ambience in which light elements can fuse and profit energy.   

Make fusion in a laboratory:

  •  huge temperature (to provoke high-energy collisions)
  •   enough plasma particle density (to increase the likelihood that collisions do occur)
  •  enough confinement time (to hold the plasma together, which has a  tendency to expand, within a defined volume).   

 In ITER, fusion will be had in a tokamak  machine. İt uses magnetic fields to control the hot plasma. The plasma particles are heated with backup heating methods. The fusion between deuterium and tritium -DT- nuclei make one helium nucleus and a  neutron with enormous energy.     



The helium nucleus have an electric charge which is the matter to the magnetic fields of the tokamak and continue confined with the plasma, giving to its continued heating. Nearly 80 percent of the energy produced is taking away from the plasma by the neutron that has none charge of electric for this reason it is unaffected by magnetic fields. The neutrons are getting by the walls of the tokamak, where their kinetic energy is transferring to tokamak as heat.This heat is capturing by cooling water circulating in the vessel walls and using to make steam and making electricity.


       Almost all of the Universe exists as plasma, like stars ,the Sun and interstellar matter . The northern lights (aurora borealis), lightning, neon tubes like  fluorescent  are  Plasmas on the Earth      




The fusion of 1 g of hydrogen prodeces great of energy like to the burn of 20.000 kilograms of coal  

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