in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

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What comes to mind when a Pregnancy Test for a Man shows Positive?# A man can test positive if he pees on a pregnancy tester. How? What a pregnancy test looks for is the presence of elevated levels of
the hormone beta human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). There are certain types of testicular cancers that also release this hormone. Thus, if a man has elevated levels of hCG, he could have testicular
cancer resulting in a positive pregnancy test. The opposite is not true; just because you’re a guy and you test negative on a pregnancy test, it doesn’t mean you’re cancer free as not all testicular tumors secrete
this hormone. Interestingly, several other types of tumors also secrete hCG. So sit back, read on, and find out everything you didn’t think you needed to
know about hCG. Human chorionic gonadotropins main purpose in pregnancy is to keep the lining of the uterus (endometrium) thick during the first trimester.
It does this by promoting the secretion of another hormone, progesterone, by the ovaries. Just prior to ovulation, the ovaries naturally produce progesterone. This does several things- it slightly elevates the body temperature; it makes the uterus muscles less likely to contract; and it helps create
more mucus in the vagina. This all helps keep the sperm alive and more likely to reach the egg. If progesterone levels were to drop off, the lining of the uterus is thinned by shedding. After around week 20
of pregnancy, the placenta produces steroid hormones to diminish the role of hCG and thereby progesterone. So what about hCG and cancer? It can be released by several types of cancer tumors such as cancers involving the ovaries, stomach, lungs, and testes. Cancers involving the liver, mutated epithelial cells, and those involving the endocrine (hormonal) system and nervous system are also associated with hCG release. Finally, this hormone is typically found in extremely high levels in patients suffering kidney failure. As mentioned before, a negative pregnancy test doesn’t mean one is
cancer free. There are several types of testicular cancers and not all produce elevated levels of hCG.
Lumped into two categories, they’re known as seminomas and non- seminomas. These types of cancers also produce other markers that aren’t picked up by pregnancy tests, such as alpha-fetaprotein andlactate dehydrogenase. The only type that always gives off hCG is known as Choriocarcinoma. In fact, only 20%-40% of seminomas and 40%-50% of non-seminomas give off elevated levels of hCG.
So to sum up- yes, men can test positive on pregnancy tests and if you do, you should immediately head on down to your local clinic and
find out if you have cancer.


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I was actually taken aback when i saw the title, which is only due to presence of cancer.
Great post

Nice post.. I have just been educated