RE: Here why you’re struggling to get out of bed in the morning

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Here why you’re struggling to get out of bed in the morning

in science •  7 years ago 

Usually i don't like to be 'that kinda guy who complains' but i've noticed some serious errors as well as the missing point in your writing why some (or a lot) of us are actually have a hard time waking up.

First let me say that i have suffered from heavy sleeping issues since the age of 12 and with my latest understandings of the subject i have almost completely cured myself from it. And second this comment is not ment as criticism but as a positive feedback, i recognize the information you present because i've have been hearing it for years from doctors etc. But working with these points will never work unless you start looking at the following..

Sleeping schedule..
Is indeed very important but the underlying structure of this are your hormones, if you hear someone talking about 'their biological clock is out of sync' or something like that, they are actually revering to there hormones, who are out of sync.

Why is this important?
Our biological clock is a true mechanism within us but if we refer to it like that it seems like there is little we can do to adjust it. I have to find my clocks reset button yet.. On the other hands if we look at the real cause of the disturbance of our biological rhythms, which is an imbalance in our hormonal system, and we track down which hormones are causing the interference, we see that we are not that powerless at all..

Cortisol and the adrenal glands

The true reason we are not getting out of bed is because our adrenal glands (who produce numerous of hormones) are overworked and do not function as they should. To explain all of this is a bit to much for this comment but the it comes down to cortisol which is, next to your stress hormone en anti-inflammatory agent, the one that wakes you up in the morning. (Together with Dopamine and some other friends, but cortisol is the one who is related to your 'biological clock'.

The adrenal glands are the ones who cope with your stress throughout the day, and if you have overworked them with years of a 'not so optimal lifestyle' their cortisol production is also disturbed. This resulst in compromised cortisol levels through the day which cause your glands to be exhausted by night, and because of that you won't have enough cortisol in the morning to wake you up.

Snooze Button
Here you actually mark a good point but the main reason behind this phenomenon is again.. You guessed it, cortisol.

In a healthy body, your adrenal glands produce a significant amount of cortisol at the moment that you naturally wake up, (that is when you are fully rested, so not when the alarm goes off. If you have to wake up with an alarm that is already the first sign that you're waking up earlier than your body has reached its fully rested state (or else you would wake up naturally by yourself) Because the body is not fully prepared for the wake up it has to produce your daily dose of wake up hormones out of nothing, causing your adrenals to be even more overworked (good start for the day). Now your body naturally gives you 1 big cortisol release to get you out of bed in the morning, but if you snooze this your hormones have to go in full reverse to get you in to sleep again. The next time you want to wake up (by alarm of naturally) the cortisol release is significant less, because all of the power that was put in to the first effort to wake you up has been wasted.

Then we come to Genes..
Genes do express some of our behavior but we have full control of how they express themselves through our lives. We influence them by the thing we experience, believe, and do. Some evidence to back this up is the very simple example of an (genetically) identical twin. IF our genes where fixed, and we were merely victims of them, the twins should have keep the same genes throughout their live and therefor run in to the same habits/diseases/etc.

The fact is that if your take an (genetically) identical twin, and measure their genes at birth they are off course identical. But as soon as the years go by, and they both follow a different path of life, because of the things they do and experience, you will see that by the age of 25 they will have completely different genes!

Time of the year..
The time of the year plays a role indeed, since the days are shorter and the night naturally activates our sleep hormones, but any sign of a struggle from your body, represents an under laying issue of health. The only thing that doesn't want to come out of bed, is your mind.

Your phone is the reason..
Again you start out with a very good point, the blue light in our screens etc indeed disturbs our sleep cycle, but what you mention after that is completely nonsense.. And i'll explain you why..

Melatonin is actually our sleep hormone!!! It is decreased/supressed as long as we receive to many blue light. This is because our organism sees every blue light as a signal that the sun is still up (since we naturally receive blue light from the sky by day) The hormone that keeps you going (and won't let you stop) while your endlessly scrolling online is dopamine, it is the same mechanism that makes people addicted to most drugs.

I've still not mentioned all the things that are not quit right about this blog but i think this is sufficient for now.. Again, no criticism but Steemit is about bringing good content (with the right information) so i had to reply on this..

Cost me more than an hour to write this, so i'll probably edit it and break it down ever further and then publish a blog about it, you should check it out then its ready, although i'm wondering if you still feel like following me after this comment :)


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Firstly, I truly appreciate all the time and effort you have put into this!
Secondly, Obviously, you spent a lot of time learning about this matter. I really like your plentiful explanation for most ideas, I will take note of them for future articles concerning this topic!
Finally, after such comment, I have to follow you and I will make sure to check out your post about it !

Thank you, i really appreciate your respectful way of answering.
This is exactly what i like about Steemit, people are respectful here (most of them off course) and are open to new ideas. Thanks for the follow, i will soon start posting some interesting blogs especially regarding this type of subject, but i'm launching another project at the same time here in The Netherlands related to honest information/education and especially 'drug harm reduction', so got lots of work to do, but hang in there as i will soon appear on your feed :)


I've been studying medical science 10+ years on my own but got stock so many times with the conventual info thats out there. And note i'm not saying the following to undermine your (future) profession but some of the info that a typical medical book represent is really outdated and the good stuff is being suppressed by people with a lot of money in the pharmaceutical industry. Because the real medicine can't be produced nor be sold nor be patented, because it is healthy and rightful living that cures us! (i feel another article coming up :$)

IMHO you can learn far more from the internet and a lot of books that are not that well recognized by the medical industry. Take for example a book called 'Adrenal Fatigue' by Dr. J. Wilson. This explains a lot of the concepts i talked about in my comment but most of the people in de medical industry (including my doctor) don't even recognize that such a thing exist! And that while there are (hundreds of) millions of people that have 'unexplainable' symptoms that when closely looked at all relate to hormonal disbalance and in special exhaustion of the adrenal glands.

This comment has received a 1.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.