Dedicated to all Physicists

in science •  8 years ago 


This blog I dedicate to physicists not without a reason.
One of the most famous XX century Lithuanian's physicist is our relative.
He was well known in abroad too, because of his discoveries and science activity.
His name is Adolfas Jucys(1904-1974). Adolfas Jucys dedicated all his life to Physic and scientific activity.
He developed Physic in Lithuania a lot, that's why he is called the Father of Lithuanian's Theoretical Physic.
His merits in this field is really great! I'm proud of him!
Physicists traditions continuing in our family - there are some more physicists in our family,
one of them is my husband, one of Steemitians:
It is the fact that nowadays major part of physics work not according to their speciality
but in political and business structures.
I think that versatile education of physicists let them to adopt their knowledge in different areas and thus economy is benefiting from this.
Adolfas Jucys was born in 1904 in the ordinary farmers family. He was 14th child of his mother!
Family was poor, and he was not able to learn continuously.
It was 6 years period when he could not learn and had to work in families farm.
He finished school only in 1927 and with an excellent marks in all subjects!
He graduated University in 1931. He worked in University Physics Cathedral since 1934 to 1940.
In 1941 A.Jucys was awarded Doctor degree and from the same year till 1971 he was the Head of Cathedral of Theoretical Physic at Vilnius University.
He organized first Institute of Physics and Mathematics in Lithuania
and was it first Director, later the Head of the Department of Quantum Mechanical Calculations of the Institute.
1951 A.Jucys defended Physic-Mathematics science Doctor Dissertation at Leningrad University (in Russian: Ленинградский государственный университет имени А. А. Жданова)
During all his life he active participated in many conferences,
seminars etc, related with Physic, was responsible for many important projects and works,
had presentation and read lectures in abroad ( Russia, Czech, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Poland, Canada, England, France, USA), wrote many scientific articles. He has read lectures in Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh Universities.
He read Lectures in many sciences centers of France - Paris, Marcel, Lion, Strasbourg.
He participated in many conferences,symposiums, seminars not only in Lithuania,
but also in abroad. In 1972 he participated in III International Conference in USA,
read report, and visited Cikaga's University and National Standart Bureo in Washington.
In 1973, before die he had scientific mission to Canada for 5 weeks
and when he came back home, he died after 2 weeks.
The main area of A. Jucys researches was theory of atom.
He developed the theory of the electronic structure of atoms,
formulated in a general from the multi - configuration Hartree - Fock equation taking into account the corelation effects.
Physic - is not easy fundamental science. All phenomenons which occurs in the nature
could be explained on physics theories basis.
If some could not be explained it means relevant theory is not in place yet.
In Lithuania big attention is paid to physics also. Probably deepest traditions are in Physics faculty of Vilnius University.
Every year they celebrate physics day - FIDI - during which current and also graduated physics students marches together with their symbol - dinosaur.

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