A Conscience Is A Burden When Lies Are So Profitable

in science •  7 years ago 

As I browse the internet, I am bombarded with examples of charlatans getting rich (or at least staying comfortably above poverty) by selling utter falsehoods. If I were without scruples, I could easily come up with a completely fabricated story that could persuade credulous people to feel smugly satisfied after believing my expertise in something that is blatantly wrong.

I have already posted about David "Avocado" Wolfe, an archetype of this kind of charlatan, but he's hardly alone. Below, I present some sound arguments supported by credible evidence that contradict some bizarre beliefs that have become prevalent on parts of the internet and in certain groups.

Ancient Aliens Debunked

Video by VerseByVerseBT

Ancient Aliens is perhaps my favorite mockumentary. The problem is, I'm not sure its producers know they are making a mockumentary in the first place. There seem to be enough believers in such ideas to warrant in-depth documentaries on the subject, too. Popular culture and social media are full of people making claims of both ancient and contemporary alien influences on humanity, and they typically rely on anecdote, personal incredulity about alternate explanations, and outright lies rather than real evidence. I have no objection to the concept of extraterrestrial life existing, and I love science fiction speculation about what extraterrestrials might be like if we ever encounter them, but extraordinary claims of extraterrestrial influence on human history require extraordinary evidence.

Testing "Spirit Science"

Video by CoolHardLogic

Many early Greek philosophers believed they could use reason to describe the universe in purely geometric form. Since then, the sum of human knowledge has advanced quite a lot, and we know much more about the laws that govern reality. However, there are people who hunger for mystical mumbo-jumbo supported by blatant logical fallacies and outright falsehoods instead of evidence-based verifiable science. "Spirit Science" is far more absurd than the ancient Greek ideas thanks to the latter's foundation in speculation without evidence, and the latter is built on speculation in belligerent contradiction to evidence.

Proving the Earth is Not Flat

Video by VoysovReason](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6V5DZJsjnJd3N2uEkpGIg)

The Earth is a spheroid. This is supported by thousands of years of measurements, geometric proofs, and easily-performed observations today. It is the heliocentric solar system model with a spheroid Earth that allows precise predictions of astronomical events including meteor showers, comets, and eclipses. Flat Earth explanations, on the other hand, fail to match our observations and fail to make accurate predictions. Really, to call it a "theory" at all is an insult to language until such problems are addressed.

How do I get in on this racket?

Despite the arguments and evidence presented, many still believe in alien intervention, "spirit science," and a flat earth. If I had no conscience, I'm sure I could spin a pseudo-scientific idea into literal gold on the internet, or sell snake oil to hypochondriacs and desperate people with real illnesses alike.

I once even tried my hand at writing plausible but completely false explanations for common objects as a joke.

The centimeter was originally devised in France in 1752 as the perfect thickness for a slice of bread used to make toast. It is derived from centi-, a provincial term for toasted black bread, and m'etrois, or "measure." The Metric system was devised later from this foundational unit. A proper loaf of French Bread is long enough to cut into 100 slices of perfect-thickness toast, thus establishing the "meter" and taking advantage of the similarity of the bread slice and the prefix for 1/100 of a meter to make it appear as though the meter were the true base unit.

I also tried adding absurd embellishments to historical events. For example,

There are a lot of strange coincidences in the assassinations of presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Not only was Abraham Lincoln shot in Ford Theater, and JFK shot while riding in a Ford-produced Lincoln convertible, but Abraham Lincoln's famous stovepipe hats were made by the Bostonian milliner Warren Kennedy.

What do you think? Shall I abandon truth in order to earn a quick buck by bilking gullible idiots? Or is it better to assert that truth a superior ideal, the scientific method is a necessary tool to explore the validity of ideas, and intentional deception a cruel abuse of others?

Posted first on Golos!


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we just not s at all i just know that only we need to confirm it before giving any prediction

I have no idea what you are saying.

I am just preferring that people are saying some thing before they make a research and i consider its a lie . like earth was spiral and they called it round in starts . did you get me ?

That was a little more comprehensible. Is English a second language? If so, I may have some suggestions for better translation and grammar correction to help you. I don't want to be misunderstanding someone due to a language barrier, and I want to support people who are learning new languages.

my language is not english yes mine is urdu and pushto

Don't feel too bad, he leaves incoherent comments on a bunch of my posts too.

i am trying to learn it well but i just do not get the right idea mostly even i try my best to get it . i am not from english country to its really hard :( please don't mind

I don't mind, obviously you're not spamming and it's just a language barrier issue. It's just hard to tell when something is spam or there is a language barrier, I often assume it is someone just leaving spam because that is what most people on the site do. Just keep learning it as you go along. Maybe try to find a good translator that you can use online? That may help you communicate better on here with people.

my language we are having has no translation . i am trying to avoid spamming and talk to people here always to learn more and more . but i am trying to avoid that good post and things like that i wish i can get more to it soon .

Is your native language Urdu? Do you use Google translate to help translate things to English? If not, it would be better than nothing as far as free translators go. Either way, just keep trying to be genuine and learn as you go, buddy.

Yes my native language is urdu i will focus on learning good stuff thanks for the help .

Ancient Aliens takes bullshit to a whole new level! It is oddly entertaining however, if you can suspend your disbelief.

My favourite in this regard was a series I saw a while back called 'Finding Bigfoot'. Well-meaning but highly deluded loons roam around the woods of the US, howling into the wind int the hope of bumping into a sasquatch. 😁


Ha! Yeah, I love that kind of show. I just wish there was more emphasis on how absurd the premise is, and less weasel words pretending there's some kind of validity to outright bullshit. But as a resident of the Northwest, I also kinda hope Sasquatch turns out to be real after all despite the odds.

Large mammals are discovered every year that we didn't before have proof of. We estimate we know about 5% of species, although to be fair most of the ones we think we're missing are insects, plants, and microbes. The number of species grows exponentially as they get smaller.