Hybrid Pig-Men! Nostradamus Saw an Event at the Time of Nibiru that Just Came True…

in science •  8 years ago 

Prophecy Alert:  Nostradamus saw an event and got it right again, identifying a major scientific event happening at the time of the Nemesis/Nibiru revealing. The "Hybrid Pig-Men!"

Quatrain: Century 1:64

At night they will think they have seen the sun, when they see the half pig man:
Noise, screams, battles seen fought in the skies.
The brute beasts will be heard to speak.




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This has been going on for awhile and it seems like they are just trying to get the people ready to show these beasts in public. Didn't king David and his mighty men fight people that had heads like a lion? I forgot which verse it was. But yeah, this is nothing new.

If you really want to dive into the deep end and see what kind of wicked stuff TBTB are doing with genetics, I recommend you check out what whistleblower Donald Marshall is exposing.

Satan and Evil are real, human hybrids are proof.

Absolutly !!! Also has Christ returned. As scriptures said he would, he came with a new name that nobody know, is called upon his people(ISRAEL- 2 Chronicles 7:14) and means "Word of God"(Rev 19:13).

His name is Ra-El or RayEl. RA-EL is a direct reference to the ancient Middle Eastern God's, and is also Lear reversed. RAYEL is also a truncation of Raymond Elwood. Amen RA could be anglicized to Raymond.

Elwood (The Branch): Zechariah 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Shoot (Branch); and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD.

Here you can find more information:

Didn't read the article, but yeah I though the ban on human/animal chimeras was one of the taboos that would stand the test of time, at least in the developed world. I was wrong. The future is one of monsters and gods, perhaps just like the distant past.