Well Known Scientist Michio Kaku Says He Found Definitive Proof that God Exists

in science •  9 years ago  (edited)

"Blasphemous" statements

One of the most respected physicists, Dr. Mitchio Kaku, recently said he has found proof that God exists by using primitive semi–radius tachyons showing us living in space created by an intelligence. This really had risen strong wave of reactions and opinions all across scientific world and also general public.

We will try to go deeper into this to help people like me (and possibly some of you) to understand what it is all about and what could lie behind these statements before we block our ability to search for the truth with our own prejudices.

Image: Tachyon visualization

Dr. Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku is a Japanese American theoretical physicist, futurist, and popularizer of science, professor of theoretical physics at the City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center. He has written several books about physics and related topics, has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film, and writes online blogs and articles. He has written several best sellers about physics.

Kaku has had more than 70 articles published in physics journals such as Physical Review, covering topics such as superstring theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, and hadronic physics. In 1974, Kaku and Prof. Keiji Kikkawa of Osaka University co-authored the first papers describing string theory in a field form. And string theory is an important part of this story.

Image: Dr. Michio Kaku

String theory

This is going to be hard for most of us. Particles are expected to be most basic elements with some properties. String theory sees each of them one-dimensional object called string. This theory describes string propagation and interactions. Each particle has mass and charge and other properties. In string theory, these properties are described by vibrational state. So it's this vibrational state that says it's certain particle. Certain state corresponds to graviton, other state to different type of particle.

Image: Known particles are seen as a String state from String Theory perspective

This theory fits many problems and it's a good candidate for a theory of everything. The issue with this theory is that is very universal and it's hard to do "reverse engineering" for example to find new particles, etc.

Image: Estimated visualization of strings

Well, to make extra long story short, research went on an on. Over the next years, Gabriele Veneziano, an Italian theoretical physicist and pioneer of string theory concluded that the lightest particle must be a tachyon.

What is tachyon

Tachyon is hypothetical particle. Here we go, we will operate on hypothetical level here. What does it mean? It means that some scientists believe it exist and some don't. That's not really nice start. But let's continue . That's not all, it's expected that tachyon moves faster than light. Hold on here. Yeah, I suppose that you know light moves in space with certain constant speed. Depends on type of space, but in vacuum it travels 299792458 meters per second [m/s]. This is something that is believed as constant and nothing can be faster as Albert Einstein postulated. Well, tachyon can, according to certain theories. This bring new opportunities or issues (depends how you see it) like breaking causality which, simply said, means that traveling in time is possible.

Image: Tachyon properties

The semi – ray used by Kaku, has a few theoretical properties of these particles which are able to create the effect of the real tachyon as it is hypothesized. However, this does not work on a subatomic scale. You wish to have some thick dense about tachyon cosmology, feel free to check resources below. I'll leave it to your interest and suggest you read "Thoughts on tachyon cosmology" so you have some better idea what this is all about. My intention is to stay on earth as possible and keep things as simple as possible (but not simpler).

What Dr. Kaku said

He said several statements which launched hua ge avalanche of reactions on various places. There are the major statements:

  • “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence”, he affirmed. “Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore.“

  • “To me it is clear that we exists in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”

  • "God is a very intelligent mathematician."

  • "God's way of thinking can be compared to Music."

  • "We live in a “Matrix””

Image: Playing on strings (particles)

And the most detailed one

  • "Analyzing the behavior of matter at the subatomic scale, hit by the pitch radius semi tachyon for the first time in history, a tiny point in space, totally free of any influence of the universe, matter, force, or law, is perceived in an unprecedented way absolute chaos. So, what we call chance no longer makes more sense, because we are in a universe governed by established rules and hazards not determined by universal plane. This means that, in all probability, there is an unknown force that governs everything.

These are very serious statements and for me (someone who were watching his comments on various topics) very surprising. Why? It's Dr. Kaku mostly express the highest respect to science and scientists itself and count it as an ultimate possible goal of a human effort. So Dr. Kaku is definitely not religious, nor spiritual man or man going this direction. And even so there he is declaring ultimate governance on sub-atomic particles level, a very strong statement and I believe it must have been quite challenging to him to admit and proclaim this.

Our homework

Here I wish to go through his statements about tachyons so we can understand what he meant. But I must disappoint you because most of us (including myself) don't have enough theoretical knowledge about sub-atomic particles, theoretical physics and String Theory that would be required. However even if we have all this knowledge it is not certain that we would be able to follow all the reasoning for the statements above. It's because theoretical sub-atomic particle physic is still very open to various theories and certain assumptions cannot be proven in any known way and declaration of some theory as major is based on consensus. This is also a reason why there is a group of scientists who are having issues with String Theory and these conclusions.


And so it's not that surprising that also many other people (some scientists included) refused Dr. Kaku statements basically because these statements deny their life-philosophy where they are their own masters in the world created by chance without higher purpose. It's quite understandable but still it would be worth to understand more regardless to our opinoins about the world.

Image: This is what statements above invoke in many people (some scientists included)

Big unknown

Here we are with findings Dr. Kaku refers. Unfortunately, Dr. Kaku didn't publicly elaborate more on this topic or at least it is not recorded in known internet and so I was not able to find anything more specific and so let's try to do our best translate what he could mean by some understandable way.

Here is my best understanding of his findings:

When we observe (mathematically, experimentally or both) tiny sub-atomic particles hit by special tachyons on their level there where is no place for any chaos and uncertainty is, it leads to a conclusion that there is higher governance as coincidence and probability has no place here.

That is how I read these statements it and I give a notice in advance that my understanding might not be ultimately right and you have to bring your own effort here.

Image: This never happened


It's obvious that Dr. Kaku observed something special that led him to the interesting and serious conclusions he expressed. Based on his expertise, previous statements and his general world-view we can assume that he found something that moved him to these conclusions about the Higher Intelligence who governs the Universe at least on sub-atomic level. I also understand skeptics who are trying to discredit his work although they were his fans while he was still in harmony with their agnostic views. I personally welcome these findings because they confirm with my world-view as well as same other people can hate them because they deny theirs. For most of us, all of this unfortunately stays is the area of beliefs as we are no experts in sub-atomic physics, String Theory and Tachyons and we cannot (at least without great effort) to go deep enough through equations and experimental results as Dr. Kaku and some others who can. We can only try to critically follow his ways of thinking as far as we can understand them and make some personal conclusion. Or we can become experts in theoretical physics and confirm or disprove his findings on a scientific level. But that would be quite a long journey. Anyway, I still hope this article gave you a slightly better picture about given problematic with avoiding overwhelming complexity and made you think about these ideas with an open mind.

Image: Choice is yours


NOTE: If there are some experienced theoretical physicists I would definitely like to hear your comments on the matter

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He's lying! So he could not prove the existence of God!

It's hard to prove the existence of anyone.... like it's difficult to prove an existence of any person you haven't met yet. You can have lot of evidence but you will always end in your initial presumption and many people will support you in that based on their experience. And you can be either satisfied with that or not. If not you can still meet and get know any person but you need to seek that person, otherwise you have no chance. If you don't seek you will end knowing nothing with just a pure speculation in harmony with our internal preference. Dr. Kaku is seeking a lot, he has a good chance to find.

Since thachyons are still hypothetical, "god" is at best an hypothesis.

From physics point of view and how scientists consider something as proven you might be right. Also it will be good to wait until Dr. Kaku publishes his findings in more detail. However, there are still many areas outside physics where God was proved more than enough. Moreover, I assume that God doesn't want to be proven by some group, he wants to be found by every individual in first place.

Can you please elaborate "However, there are still many areas outside physics where God was proved more than enough." ....

I was away for few days but will shortly answer how God is proven outside physics:

  • thousands of known records/testimonies of people healed by God (even the incurable diseases by current medicine technology)
  • hundreds records/testimonies of people who visited Hell or Heaven (or both)
  • thousands people delivered from various psychical diseases or serious addictions by God
  • over 2000+ fulfilled prophecies up-to several hundreds years in advance
  • personal testimonies preserved in Bible and some other records
  • facts in Bible considered false for many centuries and verified by modern science and archeology since 20. century
  • everyday experience of God in lives of many millions of Christians all around the word

You just quoted the Bible as an argument of proof, something tells me that arguing with you is going to be a collossal waste of time...so let's just leave it at that.

@keithmax: You asked for evidence outside physics and you're complaining now. It's called schizophrenia in some circles ;-). Napoleon was right when he said: "Man will believe anything, as long as it's not in the Bible."

Okay let me ask you a bunch of questions, let me know what you think....

Let's setup 2 groups of people of say stage 4 Cancer or full blown AIDS, now 1 group reads the bible or whatever practices that the cristians religions require.

To the other set is with the same determination will be recited random gibberish and the necessary rituals albiet uttered with random words...Now do you think the ones who have been given the christian treatment will survive more?

Also if you have a control group that have been treated with studied drugs and no prayers, how do you think those will fare?

@keithmax: Good question. It depends who those people are and what's their life and their way of thinking. But let's assume all people in all groups are the same. It's impossible in reality but let's ignore this for now. In such a case, yes, the group who will study Word of God from Bible has a better chance to live and be healed than the group who will read random gibberish. Condition here is they will be opened for that Word. Otherwise they can end worse than the other group because they missed their chance. Because it's not about reading. Reading just should help you to understand God's reality and once they understand and accept it healing can be done.

Sounds quite difficult to believe, and getting the scientific community to agree with his findings is going to take another few years of "research".

I still get the feeling that he's somewhat bias, is there any records anywhere that discloses his religious standing?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I don't think there are such records. I've seen lot of materials with him and I would bet his religion is only physics and the only authority he takes into consideration are only another established physicists. And so I would take him even more seriously.

As a believer of simulation theory, I don't necessarily believe that the coders are "God" in a religious sense, but with lack of better terminology that's what we have to use. Hell, if there was a team of coders, it certainly would give rise to a pan-theistic belief structure. "The God that coded how water works", "The god that figured out taste", etc.... :) Nice post.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Kaku does not have a good reputation in the scientific community, especially from peers I personally know and who are great physicists. He is seen as a trained physicist with a successful career, but not as one seminal leaders of theoretical physics. He also seems out of touch with particle physics today.
I have however never really taken the time to go personally deep into his works. From the comments of my friends, I will not do it... There are too many more interesting things to do and not enough time, which means that a selection must be made :p .

One important point to keep in mind. Kaku has a theory, and a theory is after all, a theory. Not THE theory. There are other theories on the market. The one that one prefers (and that is not refuted by data) is a matter of subjective choice.
For information, I have myself worked on several of them.



PS: I am chocked a bit by the title of your post. The words Well known scientist...

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