What You Need to Know About Sir Isaac Newton

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

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“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” This quoted statement came from Sir Isaac Newton. Fewer people understood this statement, but if you have read the story of Newton, he was referring the giants to theories and philosophies established by other philosophers. He made this as a foundation to find more concrete hypothesis and facts. Through theories and philosophies, he discovered the Law of Gravity.

Personal Life

Sir Isaac Newton was born in the year December 25, 1642, and died March 20, 1727. He was English Physicist and Mathematician. Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He had lots of contribution to Science because of his discoveries. Some of these discoveries are the composition of white light, the three laws of motion, basic principles of Physics, and the law of gravity. These discoveries gave significant impact to Science. In the history of modern science, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy is the most important.


He had a traumatic childhood that made him anxious and had psychotic tendencies. It was proven when he stated, “Threatening my father and mother Smith to burn them and the house over them.” Despite his traumatic history, he managed to show his skills and discovered essential components of the world we live in.

Quick Fact: Isaac Newton was the first scientist to be given the title of a knight. As you could see, the title “Sir” in the beginning of his name is one indication that he had great honor in England.


Here are some of his discoveries we need to look at:

It is true that Sir Isaac Newton is known for his discovery of law in gravity. But he contributed to Science more than that! In this section, you’ll be amazed at what he had done.

Three Laws of Motion

Here are the three terminologies of the laws of motion:

  • “Everybody continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is funny eyes compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.”
    -This simply means that anything exerted with force through pushing or pulling will make motion changes.

  • “The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body and funny eyes inversely proportional to the mass of the body and is in the direction of the net force.”
    -This statement means that if a thing is heavier, the change of motion is lesser. In contrast, there would be more change in motion if the thing is lighter.

  • “Whenever one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body exerts an equal and funny eye opposite force on the first.”
    -This is another term for "to every action there is always an opposed equal reaction."

Discovery of Calculus

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Newton contributed greatly to the discovery of Calculus. Even though some Mathematicians had ideas and claimed theory regarding calculus, it is said to be more concrete fact with Newton’s discovery. This discovery helped people to solve mathematical problems successfully.


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Isaac Barrow recommended Isaac Newton to replace him in his position as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. Isaac Newton doesn’t need to tutor but he needs to deliver lectures. During his three years of lecture, he created the essay “Of Colours” and revised into “Opticks.” The study is one of the major scientific revolutions in the year 1604.

Law of Gravity

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Even though Optics is his first discovery that made him famous, the law of gravity is the discovery that made him known to people. He discovered the law of gravity by looking at an apple falling from nature while he was searching through the forces of nature. Through this discovery, scientist discovered other essential matters happening in the universe. It also brings sufficient knowledge needed by people.

Fast fact: The tree where Newton saw the falling apple was later called as Newton’s Apple Tree. This tree is still alive for more than 300 years!

Significance of Contributions

Scientist contributes to the improvement of technology. Sir Isaac Newton did the same thing. His discoveries affected our studies today. How did his discoveries help our technology?

  • Through his discovery of optics, he discovered and invented the reflecting lenses for telescopes. This helps to discover other magnificent wonders in the sky.
  • From the discovery of Calculus to the law of gravity, Newton made a foundation for modern Physics.
  • When Sir Isaac Newton discovered and explained Calculus, it helped to solve math problems that algebra and basic mathematics could not explain it.

Final Thoughts

Sir Isaac Newton left a significant impact on the society. We often hear his name in the history book or related to Science discussions. The efforts he exerted to search through these important discoveries link up to the discoveries in present times.

"To myself, I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me". -Sir Isaac Newton

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