What You Need To Know About Sugar

in science •  7 years ago 


This post is a bit of an aside from my typical Monday technology post but since it is science and it is because of technology that we know these facts now I feel it is a close enough fit. As I learn more and more about a topic the more, my habits change to fit my new found knowledge. So if I read a study about why something is terrible for my health, I may only change my habits by five percent.

It's this same studying that leads me to a low carbohydrate diet. I was addicted to sugar and carbs more than most people I know. If I walked past a cookie or doughnut, my mind raced about how good it will taste and immediately I needed to eat one. I would even think about these sugar and carb filled treats and crave them until they filled me up to the point of nausea.

Now I can walk past the same cookies and doughnuts and not think twice about eating them. It's as if I reset my body and the cells forgot how the food tastes. Of course, I remember the taste of cookies or an excellent jelly-filled doughnut, but now it seems my body no longer cares about these foods. If you have a sweet tooth like I had you can reverse the "curse" and free yourself from the addiction. All it takes is some willpower, but even then you can make it easy with a few hacks.

However, this is not the post to show you how to make it easy to live a low carb diet but why the sugar is killing you. If you are an intelligent person, the information I came across over the past year will have an impact on you as it did me. Take small steps to improve your health, maybe today you skip that sugary Starbucks drink and have your coffee black or try a salad at lunch. Whatever you do, do not try to pile it all on at once but go one step at a time.

Since man began to produce his food instead of hunting and gathering it, his diet has contained large amounts of carbohydrates of one sort or another. It did not occur to anyone that it made any difference whether this carbohydrate consisted almost entirely of starch in wheat or rice or maize, or whether the starch was gradually becoming replaced by increasing amounts of sugar...
- John Yudkin

Sugar Is A Poison

Much like alcohol, sugar is a poison and as soon as we consume any amount of it our bodies work hard to get it out. With alcohol, our body displays signs that we are intoxicated by the drug in physical ways that we can gauge and measure. However, sugar does not show these same sign because our brain does not metabolize the sugar as it does with a beer or glass of wine. Even though humans do not feel intoxicated after eating sucrose (sugar) in general this chemical does the same damage to our liver and body as being drunk on a daily basis.

Our bodies do not require sugar!

Think about our ancestors even 150 years ago. They did not have an overabundance of fruit year round as we do and the same fruits were most likely not as big and sugar-filled as they grow to be today. Go back even further in history, and we would never see fruit like we do today an average human may have only come across these sweet foods a few times per year depending on their location. Just how some alcohol will not kill you, the same goes for sugar, but we are eating way more than our bodies are expecting.

So if sugar is just as bad as consuming alcohol why are we eating so much of it without a second thought? We don't need it to survive like most other foods since there is no nutrition in the sugar like we find in spinach or kale. Heck! There are ever specific compounds in some fats (essential fatty acids) that we need to consume because our bodies can't make what they provide.

For an in-depth look at sugar and alcohol check out this video.

Fat Gain By Soda:

When I saw these calculations I was in shock. Just by drinking once 12 ounces (59.1 ml) can of Coca-Cola each day has enough sugar to have our bodies gain an extra 16 pounds (7.24 kg) a year! But it gets worse as we increase the amount of Coca-Cola with our bottles and big gulps.

Ounces Of Coca-Cola To Weight Gain Per Year:

  • 6.5 oz per day = 8 lbs per year
  • 10 oz per day = 13 lbs per year
  • 12 oz per day = 16 lbs per year
  • 20 oz per day = 26 lbs per year
  • 44 oz per day = 57 lbs per year
    from "Sugar: The Bitter Truth"

Sugar Is In Everything

Low Fat crazy lead to a rise in sugar in processed foods. The reason being that when we take out the fat from a food that same food tastes like trash and no one wants to eat the product. So what do the food companies do? They dump a bunch of sugar into the processed food so out mouth loves the taste. But as we just saw above consuming only one soft drink each day cause use to gain weight over the course of a year.

Now we add in all the sugar from the low fat food and we all eat way to much sugar. Which causes us to get fat. It's a bit ironic that when we take the fat out of fo,od we get fat. But this is exactly what eating sugar does along with many other health issues that Jonh Yudkin pointed out many years ago. These same health effects from sugar are one becoming public knowledge again as new science reinforces Yudkin's findings.

For More Information:

Thanks For Reading!

If you have any topics that you would like me to cover please feel free to comment them below and I'll add them all to my list!

All images came from royalty and attribution free sources unless specified.

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I recently read that eating sour as in lemons helps to stop the sugar craving. Also you may replace unnatural sugar sources like procressed sugar by dried grapes and other dried fruits.

Oh very cool! I hear a lot of good things about lemons.

Hello there @jrswab,

I was browsing the science tag looking for something to read and came across your post :)

I really like the material you referenced here. Particularly, Sugar: the bitter truth

I am interested in this statement of yours :

I was addicted to sugar and carbs more than most people I know.

So many people are addicted to sugar without being aware of it. I think 'food addiction'together with the ready availability of energy-dense foods are the culprit of our obesogenic society.

But, to tackle this issue, food addiction would need to be first formally accepted by the diagnostic statistical manual; and second, people would need to acquire the understanding your shared here:

We don't need it to survive like most other foods since there is no nutrition in the sugar like we find in spinach or kale.

However, for the former statement to be put in place, sugar would need to be regarded as an addictive substance, which would, perhaps, unfold wider issues: political, economical etc..

Thank you for relating your personal experience to this topic!!!!

Thank you for reading and for your awesome comment!

I ditched carbs 4 years ago, and feel much healthier, sleep better ect.

That being said, I do have the odd beer, and make my own bread now (it reduces the carbs i intake, because of the effort involved to make it.lol)

I wonder sometimes if I drink beer for an alcoholic beverage( I could drink whiskey with less carbs) or whether it's actually some surreptitious subconscious action - to get to the beloved sugars!

Never underestimate the sneakiness of addictions!

4 years that's awesome! I am only 4 months in and find I love how it makes me feel. I do still eat carbs on some weekends if I am with family to not be rude by refusing their food. However, with intermittent fasting I find I get back into ketosis fairly quick.

it's not as awesome as it sounds - on and off the wagon ! lol

I always manage to find some way to have some carbs (not including fresh veggie type)

Sugar is a double-edged sword. My philosophy is "everything in moderation". Luckily, I don't need to watch my weight, and I never feel guilty for eating a sweet treat. Fizzy drinks are not only bad because of sugar. There's so much other crap in there, the sugar would probably be the least of my worries.
When you compare to the low sugar intake by ancient humans, have you come across articles talking about use of the brain? As far as I know, the brain is a sugar-dependent organ. It's the last one to switch to ketone metabolism in times of starvation. Do our modern lifestyle and work activities not require more brain activity, which might contribute to making our body crave sugar?

the brain is a sugar-dependent organ.

This is not true as I have found out in the past few months. There are things called ketone bodies that our brain can run off of in a much more efficient way than glucose (sugar).

Check out this video for a good overview.

Interesting video. Haven't thought/read about this topic since uni. Nice wee update.

I agree that the sugar is a slow poison that will kill us when many consume it. I drink coffee never wear crazy

Sugar is a killer...more addictive than meth...
Great post!

This is great, @jrswab. Very educational. I wonder if there is some interesting science behind addiction and will power you could share with us.

It's quite possible since we only have so much willpower. I'll dig into the subject and see what I can come up with. Thanks for reading!

Read 'The Chimp Paradox'. Non-scientific writing, but excellent take on willpower and how to get a handle on it.