Ig Nobel Prize

in science •  9 years ago  (edited)

I first heard of this spoof of the Nobel Prize when I was reading about the Dunning-Kruger effect that simply states, if you’re incompetent, you don’t have the skill set to realize that you’re incompetent and as a result, you usually vastly over rate your ability. It also implies that people with a lot skill think that certain tasks are easy for everyone therefore under rating their ability. Dunning-Kruger were awarded the 2000 Ig Nobel Prize in psychology.

The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people LAUGH, and then THINK. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology.
– from http://www.improbable.com/ig/

Below are some of the winners from 2015.

Chemistry Prize - for inventing a chemical recipe to partially un-boil an egg.

Physics Prize - for testing the biological principle that nearly all mammals empty their bladders in about 21 seconds (plus or minus 13 seconds).

Literature Prize - for discovering that the word "huh?" (or its equivalent) seems to exist in every human language — and for not being completely sure why.

Economics Prize – Bangkok Metro Police for offering to pay policemen extra cash if the policemen refuse to take bribes.

Medicine Prize - for experiments to study the biomedical benefits or biomedical consequences of intense kissing (and other intimate, interpersonal activities).

Mathematics Prize - for trying to use mathematical techniques to determine whether and how Moulay Ismael the Bloodthirsty, the Sharifian Emperor of Morocco, managed, during the years from 1697 through 1727, to father 888 children.

Biology Prize - for observing that when you attach a weighted stick to the rear end of a chicken, the chicken then walks in a manner similar to that in which dinosaurs are thought to have walked

Entomology Prize - for carefully arranging for honey bees to sting him repeatedly on 25 different locations on his body, to learn which locations are the least painful (the skull, middle toe tip, and upper arm). and which are the most painful (the nostril, upper lip, and penis shaft).    

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the most painful (the nostril, upper lip, and penis shaft).

Best Prize

Keep the Bees away from me. ouch!

hahaha some funny jokes, nice post XD