Do you think the life on 11 000 meters under water is impossible? You are wrong! Mariana Trench.

in science •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemers! Do you think the life on 11 000 meters under water is impossible? You are wrong!

Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the World Ocean. Its depth is approximately 11 000 meters, 10 994 ± 40 meters, to be precise. People thought there can’t be any life in that unreal cold, absolutely dark place with enormous pressure. When this theory has broken, it was a real surprise, just a shock!
Mariana Trench stretches along the Marian Islands for 1 500 km. This trench calls like that in honor of Spanish queen Mariana. This stretch has a V- shaped profile. The pressure at the bottom is 108,6 MPs, what is the 1072 times more than the normal atmosphere pressure at the level of the World Ocean. Mariana trench stays on the border of two tectonic plates, in a fracture zone of them, where the Pacific Plate goes under the Philippine plate.

The First researching

The first studies have conducted in 1875 year by the British corvette called «Challenger». The crew has established the depth 8367 meters. The expedition on «Challenger» has been repeated and established the new maximum depth with a depth finder – 10 863 meters. Many different countries were making a lot of studies but the last one told us that the depth of Mariana Trench is 10 994 ± 40 meters. The deepest place there calls «Challenger deep» and it stays deeper under water than Everest stays under the earth level.

The First plunges

The first dive of a person at the bottom of Mariana Trench has been made in 1960 year. It have been made by US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and researcher Jacques Piccard on bathyscaphe «Trieste». Devices have fixed the record depth which is 11 521 meters. Moreover, the great surprise was waiting for researches because they have met flat fishes up to 30 cm, which look like flounder, at the bottom of this really deep frightening place without any ray of sunshine. It was amazing! It was a real miracle! How can these fishes stay alive in these horrible terms?

The Japanese probe called «Kaiko» has fixed the depth 10 911 meters. What do you think? Alive organism calls «foraminifera» has been discovered in the samples that were taken.

Automatic underwater vehicle «Nereus» has come down to the depth 10 902 meters. It was the first machine that has done some photos and videos of the bottom and has taken sediment samples there.

Of course, I should say about James Cameron, the third person in the history who has achieved the deepest place of Mariana Trench’s bottom. By the way, he has done that alone. In addition to that, he has found more than 20 000 microorganisms in the soil samples which he has taken. How can they stay alive under such incredible pressure of water? Today it’s the question without an answer.

The great secret of Mariana Trench

There’s a hypothermal source at the bottom of this dark deep-sea object. It’s really amazing and wonderful! The point is in the bubbles which seethe in the waters of this source. Actually, it’s not just bubbles; it’s a liquid carbon dioxide. This source is only one in the whole underwater world. The temperature of sources like that is always lower than the temperature of environment so there are always vapors near them, which look like white smoke. The hypotheses about the origin of life on the Earth, especially in the water, have born because of them: low temperature, many different chemicals, an enormous amount of energy, - everything of that has made truly great terms for ancient flora and fauna.

The live in the darkness and under huge pressure

No any vertebrate is able to stay alive in the terms of such a huge pressure, without any light. However, shellfishes feel themselves well enough in these horrible, scaring terms. No one knows how their shells withstand this enormous pressure. They live near serpentine hypothermal sources because serpentine contents hydrogen and methane. These substances don’t kill the habitants, vice versa; they help to form alive organisms in this aggressive environment.

Amoebas live in Mariana Trench too. Amoeba is the simplest creature. You can see them just in a microscope because they’re not longer than a half of millimeter. Nevertheless, gigantic toxic amoebas which are 10th cm in length were discovered in this dark and deep magic place. Can you imagine that? Isn’t that a miracle? According to science research, they have grown so huge because they have been trying to adjust to these cruel and hard terms. Unbillable cold water, impossibly huge pressure and the complete absence of light just haven’t given them any choice.

The shrimp shaped amphipods were also found among the habitants of this trench. It produces unique chemical substance. According to studies of some scientists, it’s a vaccine of Alzheimer 's disease.

What’s even more astoundingly, that the huge monsters live in that place too. However, they live not at the bottom but in a total cold darkness too. Most of them don’t have eyes but they can feel even better in different other ways. Some of them have something like a little flashlight on their head to lure their pray. It’s a really great skill in the terms of lack of food.

The abilities of all these creatures are undoubtedly sensational: they have adjusted to enormous pressure, terrible cold, absent of light, uranium, lead, mercury and other deadly dangerous chemicals.

Here you can see some photos of one of Mariana Trench’s "monsters"

Thank you for your attention!

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is not it a on the first picture?

it is named after Spanish Queen Mariana and the Mariana Islands

Yes, it is!

wow, this is a very cool video, I have the creeps

Interesting post man! I like to follow interesting people!

Thank you!

So amazing post!


You persuaded me! It's great! :-)

Thank you!

Isn't it Mariana trench and not Marian trench?

It is Mariana Trench, sorry for my mistake.

That is one really ugly mother☠@✴# of a fish! I wonder how it tastes as sushi?

I don't know, but i would be eat this fish