What if you were an E.T./Alien

in science •  7 years ago 

Now a days everybody is talking about aliens as if they're their next door neighbors and living with them since forever. Everybody sort of have a theory about aliens yet the very word “alien” itself means being from unknown origin.

I mean everybody was born on this Earth what if you were born on some unknown planet wouldn't that be so cool, right? I mean driving your crazy spaceship like a Ferrari with your gal sitting by your side. Driving to Earth from some different dimension, mutilating some cattle for god knows why, making some crop circles to grab some human attention right!

Alright jokes apart, just imagine you were an alien from a planet far away from observable universe. How would have you made sense of this Universe? I mean there would have been no physics like here because all our science is an outcome of careful observation of phenomenons happening on Earth and nearby. Would Sun be the “Sun” for you? And what about theory of relativity? Does alien also call “Atom” Atom? Do they even call anything by vocal words?

I mean let's talk about the true blood alien from a true planet for a second and assume all the theories are real and you were somehow transformed into an alien with some magical Sci-Fi ray gun and you forgot all about this Earth and all that goes around here. Now try to make sense about the Universe considering you don't live in milky-way galaxy. I wonder if Aliens also call it milky-way or do they laugh at us for calling it that? And If I really stretch my imagination here and ask you about all the powers that you possess.

We are starting to pay attention to Quantum Science and things are actually making sense after experiment and all that some good scientists do in their good labs and this is like their new muse.
People say we have just 5 senses and when somebody really try they say we also have a sixth sense.
But I personally believe we have infinite senses, some we have developed and some we are developing. And what about the collective synchronized senses? I believe we have something like that but it's not accessible by all. Ancient Hindus called it “kundilini” I personally see it differently.

What about combination of senses with machines, I mean in the end we all decode what we see, hear, taste, feel and smell in the mind in the form of an electrical signal. We are already using sensors and stuff to decode things that we were never be able to decode before! Like night-vision, magnetic field, heat, cold etc. We decode it indirectly with the help of sensors that are not inbuilt inside of us.

So what if you were an alien and had two brains in place of two hemispheres like two processors on one motherboard with a dedicated graphics processor for clarity? Can you imagine that?

To be continued...

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