The car working on water-a reality!

in science •  8 years ago 

The fact of its existence is suppresed by secret services!
Certainly, at once they have started to shout, that it is the next nonsense that spreads over the Internet and all about it have forgotten. But I decided to ask myself a question: " Is it really nonsense?". And I have been really surprised, when learned, that it is ... a reality! And moreover, this car has been invented ... in the 80th years! But in the eightieth years the developer have simply was physically killed.... Yes yes, he was simply poisoned...


Already at least since 1980 Stanley Meyer declared, that he has constructed buggy which runs on water instead of gasoline though gave controversial explanations concerning a mode of its work. In some cases he claimed that he has replaced spark plugs with "water splitters", in others — that it uses the "fuel cell" dividing water into hydrogen and oxygen. In this « the fuel cell », under the statement of the author, due to an electric resonance detonating gas was obtained from water and burned down in a usual internal combustion engine for obtaining net energy. Meyer's statements have not received independent confirmation, and the court of state of Ohio has found him guilty of "impudent fraud". But the scientist - the self-educated person didn't give up! He was offered million fees, only for the sake of that he has forgotten about the invention and has allowed the oil companies to earn on burning of natural resources further... But he refused everything, believing, that he will rescue the environment having created the engine which can use fully water, however... Stanley Meyer has suddenly died on March, 20th 1998 after a dinner at restaurant. Coincidence? The official version - Meyer has died of aneurism. However! His brother claimed that during the meeting with two Belgian investors at restaurant, Meyer has suddenly run out on the street, having cried: "They have poisoned me!" Then he fell down and died...

Of course, there was made an investigation and the conclusion was made that Meyer had high blood pressure and died because of a brain aneurysm.

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