We are a bunch of energy and why string theory is correct!

in science •  7 years ago 

"You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.'' Desderata.

Have you ever wondered why we are here? Where do we go where we die and of importance where do we come from? I know no one has any answer to these, because we were never meant to understand! Anyway, it never hurt tried to let your mind wander just a little while to the cosmos, but even you go there, just indulge yourself in the mystery of quantum (the world of the small)
Quantum world begin at the atomic level to the smaller constituent that we just started to observe and understand. You may think of electrons, protons, quarks and other elements which have been hiding lots of interesting properties for years. Though we are all made up of these elements, when you start looking keenly at them, the normal classical laws of physics start to break down. Characteristics such as spooky effects, probabilistic nature, ability to behave as a wave and a particle at the same time become more interesting.
Let divert a little from quantum world, we will come to it later after we look at two critical things that defines everything we see in the universe: mass and energy. You remember Albert Einstein formula E=MC2, well that exactly why we here. This is the most popular and widely used scientific formula. Simply it mean that energy (E) is equivalent to mass(M) times square of velocity of light (C2). Well, C2 is a constant that remain unchanged and is equivalent to the speed of light. So is you want to convert mass to energy, you simply divide it by the speed of light M=E/C2. Remember we are all made of of mass and every observable particle in the universe has mass. Theoretically, we can all be converted to energy through this equation. However, practically, you know the antimatter? the exact opposite of matter? when they collide with matter of equal quantity; they annihilate leaving only a huge amount of energy. Practically speaking, this demonstrate matter is made up of pure energy. I can confidently say 'we are a bunch of energy'.
Back to quantum world, below the quarks, which are the smallest observable particles, scientists have theorized them being made up of strings of energy that vibrate to keep them in various states: there are many flavors of quarks up , down.....The combination of of any of the flavors determines the outcome of the next higher element and subsequently the nature of the atom.
To proof the string theory is real you just need to think of proton and anti-proton when they collide they will leave nothing behind but energy. The strong force and other forces within the proton (938.28Mev) cannot account for the total amount of energy emitted during that catastrophic collision. In the case of proton+antiproton annihilation, I would expect high-energetic pions to carry most of the energy. The total energy (kinetic energy of pions, rest energy of pions, energy of photons, and other particles if they are produced) adds up to the rest energy of the proton plus the antiproton, plus the kinetic energy if the particles did not collide "at rest". This is about ~1860 MeV + kinetic energy. The catch is in the +kinetic energy, which is supposed to be the vibration energy of the strings.

We are children of the universe, universe resulted from ignition of energy and, therefore, we are a bunch of energy vibrating in our unique ways.

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