Einstein was right- Scientists proved Theory of relativity

in science •  8 years ago 

Altough I'm not educated in science, and many things in this field I dont understand, I'm not the only one- I think lot of people have small education in field of science. But, I think that very small number of people didn't heard for the Theory of relativity of Albert Einstein- and finally scientists comfirmed that this theory exist.

What is Theory of relativity?

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity consists of two scientific theories in the field of physics: special relativity and general relativity. These theories are designed to explain the fact that electromagnetic waves do not obey Newton's laws of motion. Electromagnetic waves are pulsed at constant speed, independently of the observer's movement. The basic idea of ​​both theories is that the two observers, which are in each other's relative motion (ie, moving one in relation to each other), measure different time and space intervals for the same events, but the physical laws will both look equally.

The theory carries the name of relativity because it does not have absolute magnitudes, but all in relation (relation) to one another. There is no absolute mass, there is no absolute time and there is no absolute space. These sizes are measurable only in relation to one observer. The point from which the observer observes the event (observation system) is as accurate as the point of view (observation system) of any other observer who is at a different speed.


So, what happend?

Scientists have applied a new analytical technique to data collected from ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) telescopes and other telescopes over the last 20 years. This new analysis of a star orbiting around a supermassive black hole in the Milky Way Center revealed discrepancies in motion that are anticipated by classical physics. But it has revealed effects that are consistent with the predictions of the general relativity theory of Albert Einstein.


This theory represents the relativistic overthrow of Newton's theory of gravitation. The earth's nearest super-massive black hole is that in the center of our galaxy is 26,000 light-years away and four million times more massive than the sun. This giant is surrounded by cluster of orbiting stars in a strong gravitational field, which is an ideal playground for exploring Einstein's theory of relativity.


This technique compared the predictions of Newton's classical theory of gravitation and Einstein, and discovered small changes in the S2 starship. Although the change is exceptionally small, it coincides with the theory. This is the first time that the effects of relativity theory are measured on a star that circulates around the black hole.


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What you say in the middle of your post is not entirely true. Mass is well defined.
It is an intrinsic property of any particle or object. Relativity only concerns space and time that are thus not absolute.

Special relativity is used for decades in calculations and it works damned well. A couple of predictions of general relativity have been recently observed in data and were still pending to be confirmed experimentally. On the other hand, it is good to keep in mind that the doors for alternative theories are still open. If I got it right, you mention one of these observations that are in agreement with general relativity predictions, don't you?

Maybe could you provide the sources where you read the info, so that I could have a deeper look and give more details?

All masses are not Well define, you can't 100% precisely mesure any object mass, so its not absolute.

What you state is incorrect.

As I said, the mass is a property of any particle. An error on a measurement is one thing, and you can make an error in measuring a mass. This is right. But the mass itself is always well defined.

This is also what special relativity tells us. If you take any elementary particle, its mass is one of its properties. The mass of the photon is zero, no matter what you try.

All you said is correct, but here we speak about theory of relativity so rest mass is absoulte, but relativistic mass is not As the name suggest

The relativistic mass is a confusing concept that should be avoided at all cost.

Physicists use the wording mass for the invariant mass or an object, or its rest mass. This consists of an intrinsic property of it.

What is abusively called the relativistic mass is nothing but another name for the energy of the object (divided by the speed of light squared). Therefore, it is better to use the wording energy instead.

I hope this clarifies.

Absolutley..also, I express better on my languange- so, if you speak croatian we can have better discusion 😂😂😂
But, I agreed with you, energy is better choice.

I can speak English, French, a little bit of German and a little bit of Dutch,. Therefore... sorry ;)

Its forgiven..Thanks for some great inputs...As I Said on beggining of my post- im not educated in science so This comes As a little class for me ☺️