Monkey is his human origin ... not the opposite!

in science •  8 years ago 

Our eyes have drawn a vision of human evolution based on Darwin's  theory, which represents our conversion from primitive primordial ism,  but the research on the skeleton of a primitive fossilized man 3.7  million years ago may prove that the course of evolution we know is  wrong and should be reversed
At  the British Science Festival in Swansea, Professor Robin Compton  explained that humans, monkeys and chimpanzees evolved from a common  ancestor who walked upright and lived in trees. So  the chimpanzees changed their body shape so they could move quickly  using their four limbs, while people continued to use only two limbs. It is not true that straight walking evolved after humans descended  from the trees to move around the open savanna areas. Man walked  millions of years earlier.
In  fact, Professor Compton believes that the use of tools, which is a  human characteristic, began to develop when primitive man lived on  trees, and when he walked on his feet, he used his hands to cling to  nearby branches in order to stabilize his steps, gradually became aware  of different uses of sticks . "This  image is drawn on one of my t-shirts We have learned that evolution  happened in this way, but I will try to convince you that it happened  in the opposite way, and no matter what," he said. The idea seemed strange and uncomfortable to us, but chimpanzees and  humans come from more human-like ancestors than chimpanzees
He  added that modern man is still like our ancestor who lived in the  forest and we can go back to live there if we learn how, we are not  animals left the trees. "So, have we really moved from living in trees to living on the  ground?" In fact, we did not leave the trees and we can go back to them  easily if we want to and we decided to take off our shoes
The most perfect

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In  the 1990s, in South Africa, old fossils of human anthropophilus were  found, the same species as the famous Lucy, but not dated until last  year. While the length of Lucy was 1.1 meters, the size of the African  fossil known as Little Foot was close to the size of a contemporary  Western woman
According to Professor Krompton, Flossy was a dwarf of Australopithecus, just like the dwarfs of modern man. Little Foot is the most perfect Australopithecus that has been created, so that its legs are almost the same.
Professor  Crompton is an expert in the use of computer modeling to simulate  walking. He has studied Lucy for 20 years and is planning today to use  Little Foot's dimensions to determine how she walked. Twenty years ago, he sparked international controversy because he was  the first to declare that Lucy was as straight as modern man, and based  his conclusion on computer models, and he is now confident that Little  Foot will put an end to this controversy
The  skeletal structure of the Little Foot is the perfect one to this day.  The front end is completely full and has only one hand, and the legs are  almost perfect," he told the Independent newspaper. He  stressed that they would build a model on the computer without having  to guess the size, because they know the lengths of Little Foot  precisely, so they can discover how they walked. "We have started implementing a small part of this project, and we are  rebuilding the basin area because it was in a rather bad situation," he  said

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As  for the recent study published by Nature about Lucy's death after  falling from a tree because she was not proficient in living on trees,  she was walking on her feet. Professor Crompton ruled out this theory  and pointed out that we have ample evidence that the chimpanzees and the  unseen monkeys were Trees are sometimes subjected to serious wounds. He pointed out that some academics disagree with him and still believe  Lucy is on her four limbs, but their number is decreasing day by day.
The  proponents of the theory of evolution of human mobility over time until  he walks straight and steady on the ground, that human foot is the best  proof of that. It has long been thought of as fixed and not like soft gorilla feet. But  Professor Crompton and other scientists have found evidence that the  muscles and tendons are the ones that keep our feet solid and not the  bones that hold them tight. "So  the human foot is as soft as the feet of other monkeys, and it is like  the gorilla foot, and its characteristics do not indicate that it has  adapted to our transition to living on Earth, so we typically resemble  the primates and have their feet


Interested in this @gavvet

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Such a great and interesting topic. Please continue to keep us updated on the evolution of our understanding of our origins.

Darwin's theory is just a theory master @mars9, the theory must be proved and must make sense of all human mind and must make all human agree that man comes from monkey ,,,! According to my knowledge just the opposite, that the monkey is a creation and man is another creation, although once in the story there are people of Israel who is cursed to be a monkey, it is a cursed monkey and not a monkey it comes from humans, ... I think so. ..!

I agree with you my friend

thank you my freind

A wonderful topic beautiful greetings to you please support on my page


Very informative, thanks!


That was an interesting read, thanks for the info 😊


Nice post upvoted and followed.....please follow back at @superkrish


Your welcome

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Great post brother

I am a firm believer of Darwin Theory of Evolution. Brilliant post!

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Both humans and apes seem to come from a common ancestor. At that level, I am not sure how relevant it is to classify this ancestor as more human or more apish. Which seems to be what this is all about ;)

Darwin's theory still applies, but its reversed as you show in the last picture. Always got to be open minded for new discoveries, many conditioned minds will want to believe the other way despite evidence.