Is it possible to use the sun as a computer?

in science •  6 years ago 

Yes, the question is, is it possible to use the sun in our solar system as a computer. The sun has been a source of heat and light for millions of years. Now think of the sun as a huge processor power. It would be pretty awesome, so scary. There is a problem that needs to be solved before using the sun as a giant computer. To be able to communicate with the sun. Our communication with the sun must be mutual. We sent the signal to the sun with an appropriate wavelength over the electromagnetic spectrum. Will the sun turn back as a signal ? It is almost impossible to communicate with the sun. But suppose we communicate and the sun responds to us. Will it be possible to code the sun as a huge processing power ? Will the sun allow it ? Let's ask a more accurate question. Is the physical structure of the sun suitable for use as a huge processing power ?

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What type of communication were you hoping to achieve from the sun?

"We sent the signal to the sun with an appropriate wavelength over the electromagnetic spectrum. "

Yes, that roughly describes the carrier. I’m not referring to the carrier when I ask what type of communication you hope to achieve, although I can see how my question was ambiguous.

I’m asking what do you expect in the other direction?