That’s No Moon…It’s a Space Station!

in science •  8 years ago  (edited)

10 weird facts that make our Moon seem like a giant space station.

Most people don't spend too much time thinking about the Moon... But, I do.

It turns out, our Moon is really strange. Here are a few really weird things I've discovered that make our Moon unique in the solar system.

#1 - No Rotation

Well, actually it does rotate... but, in a very peculiar manner!! Our Moon is locked in what is called a "synchronous rotation" with the Earth. Meaning... The same "near side" face of the moon always faces Earth and the "far side" face of the moon always faces away from Earth.
You will never see the other side of the Moon with the naked eye. No other moon in our solar system is locked in this strange "synchronous rotation" with the host planet.
But, This would make a great situation if you're a giant space station!! Just plant some guns or cameras dead-center on the near side of the moon and they'll always stay pointed at their target.

#2 - Perfect Alignment

Did you ever notice that the Moon perfectly hides the Sun during a solar eclipse? What a weird and amazing coincidence right?? What are the odds of a perfect alignment occurring naturally? Ummm... I think the odds are like a billion to 1. While standing on the Earth both the moon and the sun "appear" to be the same size in the sky.

The moon's diameter is exactly 400 times smaller than the sun's diameter, but it is also 400 times closer to Earth. So, from Earth, the moon and the sun look about the same size. It's almost as if an intelligence of some kind perfectly placed the moon in orbit so that the alignment would occur on a regular basis.

#3 - Way Too Large

The moon is 1/4 the size of Earth. It's the largest moon in relation to the size of its planet in our solar system. Most moons are tiny in comparison. Our Moon is actually larger than Pluto!!

#4 - No Return Missions

Only 6 Apollo missions landed on the moon (11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17). Only 12 people have ever walked on the moon (1969 - 1972). After Apollo 17, the Apollo missions ended abruptly. Apollo missions 18, 19, 20 were cancelled. For the past 44 years, no one has walked on the moon. Did Nasa find something on the Moon?

"Buzz... Let's get the Hell outa here and never come back."

#5 - Hollow Moon

Between 1969 and 1972, Apollo astronauts placed seismometers at their landing sites around the moon. NASA then used the spent spacecraft for science, directing these modules for controlled crashes into the Moon. These crashes caused moon-quakes. Scientists measured the vibrations moving through the Moon and found that it "rings like a bell".

Apollo 12 sent their spent lunar module back to the Moon. It impacted about 40 miles away from the Apollo 12 landing site with the force of one ton of TNT. The resulting shockwave built up and peaked in just eight minutes. Then it took an hour to fully dissipate.

Apollo 13 blasted their S-IVB module at the Moon 85 miles from Apollo 12’s ALSEP — It hit with the force of 11 and a half tons of TNT. The seismic impact peaked after seven minute with shockwaves 30 times greater and four times longer than those from Apollo 12’s lunar module impact. That's over 3 hours boys and girls!! Let me say that again... The Moon rang like a bell for over 3 hours!! Have you ever heard of an earthquake lasting 3 hours??? It has been theorized that this can only occur if the Moon is hollow.

NOTE: Hollow structures do not form naturally in outer space.

#6 - Shallow Craters

All of our Moon's craters are shallow. The entire surface of the Moon is covered in a thin layer of crushed and powdered rocks called regolith (from the Greek rhegos = blanket + lithos = rock). This regolith layer appears to be very thin (maybe 1 or 2 miles thick).

Beyond that, it has been theorized that, the moon is made of metal. Maybe some kind of super-strong metal shell, protecting an artificial moon, just below the regolith layer. That's why all the craters on the Moon are so shallow and seem to have a maximum depth limit. The metal prevents meteors from making fully concave craters. Instead, many large craters appear to be convex on the inside with just a thin ring on the outside.

#7 - Heavy Bombardment

The near side of the moon appears to have been hit by a massive Bombardment. It has been theorized that, weapons of mass-destruction may have been fired at the Moon in the distant past.

Notice the far side of the moon looks completely different with much older craters. Scientists are unsure why the maria (dark terrain), which make up 16% of the moon, is concentrated on the near side of the moon.

On the near side, it looks like all the old craters have been erased by giant explosions. Could a war have taken place in between the Earth and the moon? Did our ancient ancestors fire massive weapons at the moon? What were they targeting?

#8 - Moon Glow

When viewing the moon during the "New Moon" phase (When the illuminated side of the Moon is facing away from the Earth), the moon appears to be glowing faintly.

I'm not sure if starlight is responsible... or maybe Earth's city lights are being reflected back... or maybe the regolith has some "glow in the dark" properties. But, I can honestly say I see the glow during every "New Moon" phase. Check it out for yourself.

#9 - Moon Lights

Apollo astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong reported seeing multiple strange colored lights emanating from the moon’s surface, while in close lunar orbit.

#10 - Moon Tower

There appears to be a large square tower on the far side of the moon that looks like the size and shape one of our modern day skyscrapers.

See also:

Michael Matthews

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#4 Alien outpost maybe? I won't be surprised if the G8 got a message from our extraterrestrial guys asking humans to stay away from the moon, which takes us to the points #5 "Hollow structures do not form naturally in outer space." and #6 " has been theorized that, the moon is made of metal." So, is the moon actually someone else's space station/outpost? That's why the Apollo missions ended abruptly?... Interesting. Great info @michaelmatthews... Upvoted

Always intriguing to look more closely at our moon. Crrow777 on Youtube has some interesting insight with what he and others have filmed, too. Make what you will of his opinions, but the lunar wave he captured is something to consider.