How You Can Help to Defeat Aging - November 2017

in science •  7 years ago 

I keep posting content related to defeating aging to Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Steemit, and so forth. I will keep posting more to social media. I have called Congressional representatives and Senators requesting that they help to defeat aging. I attempt to leave at least one politician a voicemail at least once per month. I hope that you do the same. 

Below is a sample voicemail script you can use when calling your lawmaking representatives. 

Voicemail script:

Hello. My name is [your name]. My phone number is [###-###-####]. My zipcode is [#####]. I want to let you know about an issue that I care about. I hope you attempt to learn more about this issue and take action on it. The issue is aging. Aging kills about 5,000 Americans each day. Please read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey. Please help to have public research dollars devoted to SENS Research Foundation, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, and Life Extension Advocacy Foundation. Please feel free to call me, or have one of your aids call me if you want me to give you more information on this important issue. Again, my name is [your name], and my phone number is [###-###-####]. Thank you and have a great day. [hang up]

If you speak efficiently, the above script takes about 40 seconds to read. You do not have to use this exact script. Perhaps your lawmakers voicemails don’t allow as much recording time as mine. 

You can look up the phone numbers of your elected officials on and there are other ways to find their phone numbers to. On the Facebook mobile app, if you click the like button on posts by your elected officials you may then be presented with a button you can click to call them. Facebook helps to make the process easy. However you decide to approach it, finding the phone number for your elected officials should not be difficult. You can also Tweet to them, write them a physical letter, email them, or attempt to meet with them face to face. There are many ways to engage in activism related to defeating aging. Only call the law makers that represent you. This will have more of an impact than calling lawmakers which represent people in different states or locations. 

Thanks for reading this. I’ll post another update next month at least, maybe soon. Together we can help to hasten the defeat of aging! 

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