How electric eels get the flow of electricity in their body?

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

You may have known this snake-shaped fish. Probably because unikannya or because of the advantages that should make You love eel species. The eel is a ferocious predator in swamps and rice fields. Eels are active at night. This fish is known for its strong species, because these fish can live in the soil in the span of months despite the absence of water.

Scientific Classification

The orderGymnotiformes
The familyGymnotidae
GenusElectrophorus Gill, 1864
SpeciesE. electricus
Binomial nameElectrophorus electricus
(Linnaeus, 1766). [Source]

The electric eel is a type of eel that lives in fresh water. Yet it's different with some other types of eel. The eel has a strong power-flow pressure. Size can be up to 650 volts which is often used to hunt for food and defend themselves from animals with no predators. Wave the electricity flow in the water, forcing the prey out of their hiding because it stung utility power. The eel usually found in regions of the Amazon River and arinoko River and some of the surrounding area. This eel can have up to 2.5 metres 8.2 or equivalent walk with a weight of 20 kg or 44 pound equivalents. But the size of the eel is in General is only 1 meter.

We know that there are quite a number of fish species have organs that can generate a flow of electricity. But only a few have the strong pressure. Power-producing organs on the fish are mostly composed of nerve cells and muscle cells which have undergone important changes.

Its shape is like a dish composed to produce mucus that is commonly called elektrosit. Usually all order this disc of mengahadap in the same direction and load 100 to 200 the order record. As contained in fish terpedo, the order contained on this fish reaches 140 to 1000 electric disc in each column. And the greater the amount of fish the size of this disc the more, even reaches half a million. Electric cells of the over the body of the eel, which gives positive charge on its and the negative charge on the tail.

The workings of electric disc is the same as the way things work is often a battery. At the moment the fish rest electric organs are not connected muscles of the whole fish. But when the fish started receiving signals from the electric organs of sarah will work simultaneously and generates electrical energy. This time, the voltage and elektrosit fused to produce the flow of electricity by different amounts. As in the fish terpedo, only has a pressure of 220 volts, whereas on the eel electric flow has a pressure of 650 volts.

Including the carnivores

The electric eel is a type of animal meat eaters or commonly called carnivore. Electric Eel consuming different types of fish, birds and various small species as a food court. Electric eels have no teeth to eat so he was often looking for small species in order to swallow it whole. Electric Eel can not see light their bodies compensate for poor eyesight with produce low-voltage electrical field and help them manoeuvre in the Lake mud and dark.

How electric eel shock hazard level?

As explained above, that an electric eel can issue an electric charge of 650 volts. However the electric eel also can control by issuing a fraction of electric charge. Usually for menyetrum the prey he did it the first time with a low voltage so that the prey in the nest will come out. When prey comes out she will be menyengatnya by the use of a higher voltage, so that the prey will be paralyzed immediately.

On the tail, there are many small slab batteries are vertically and horizontally. Voltage from each battery is not large, but when combined all slab (series) will acquire a large voltage i.e. 650 volts. The capacity of the electric charge in the battery that you normally use at home only 1.5 volts. You can compare for yourself.

Indeed stings on humans is very rare. Because of its existence which is not easily obtained. However, if exposed to the shock would disrupt the system breathing so that the victim died more not because of direct lethal shock. However, because the result of unconscious in the water after the electric eel is rallied.

Utilization of electric eel for humans

In addition to endangering humans, electric eels can also provide benefits to human life. As meant by the National Research Center in the Amazon, Brazil. They are currently utilizing electrical energy generated this eel disungai Amazon. Sourced from electric eel research that generates electricity continuously when no other predator and prey disekelilingnya. The research team has an innovation to save and collect the energy so that it can be used for housing-housing for 24 hours.

In addition, the quintessence of organ makers extraction and the body of the eel has been known to contain anti-cancer enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme is important for the performance of compound nerve cells in the brain. Anti-acetylcholinesterase can be a remedy to cure some diseases caused by acetylcholine, such as Alzheimer's disease or senile. []

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Good info.
