The Quantum Science And Prophecies of the Solar Shift, or Assension, or Apocalypse

in science •  7 years ago 

As we enter the Age of Aquarius cosmic energy (radiation or shift) will profoundly alter our consciousness and reformat our solar system.

We are entering into a new 'Domain' (New Age or New Cycle).

These major cosmic changes have been the prophecy of many religions and spiritual teachings. In addition, these changes have also been calculated by many scientists as well.

Ancient (and new) Prophecies (End of times 2012 to now and into future):
Mayans - Calendar 2012
Bible - Apocalypse (Greek meaning = uncover, revealed)
Law of One
TimeWave - Terrance McKenna
Montauk Project - CIA tests in 70's &80's to remote view past and future.

*Space Domains
Dr. William Tift

  • Quantum Red Shift
    Dr. Harold Aspden
  • Atomic Galactic Scale

As above so below.

We have been taught some bad fundamentals. Especially in the field of Physics.
And particularly as physics pertains to the movement of the Solar System.
As the Sun moves the planets move around it.
Law of Rhythm

**Galactic Superwaves
Dr. Paul LaVoilette

  • Gamma ray pulse emanates from our galactic center at regular intervals.
  • Minor and Major intervals are every 13,000 & 26,000 years.
  • We are due for a huge one.
    Hopi "Blue Star' prophecy

Cosmic / Astrological alignment creates torsion (and ether) through the cosmic web.

***Reciprocal System Theory
Dr. Dewey B. Larson
-In mid 1900's came up with his Unified Field Theory (kind of a Theory of Everything)
BTW - His best friend in school was the Nobel Peace Prize winning Dr. Linus Pauling (vitamin C therapy).

The yen and yang. Law of Polarity.
Gravity vs. Radiation
compression vs. expression
implosion vs. explosion

Also applicable to time travel and free energy:
space X time
time space

Stars start out Red and turn to Blue (as in welding a piece of metal).
We are taught the opposite in school.

Space dust swirls and compresses.
Young Star starts off Red
then orange, yellow, white
finally it expands to Blue and then becomes a Super Nova.
Stellar evolution is Quantum.

Our Sun (or Star) is moving from yellow to white right now.
It is going from a Class F star to a Class G star.

-Revelations 6:12 'Black Sun'
'I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,'

The magnetic North and South poles are shifting again. Currently our Sun is experiencing massive coronal holes. Aprox. 1/3 of the Sun is Black. It will become completely Black. Not sure if this will be a three day Ascension or not.

Everything above is centered around Quantum Ascensions.

Thank you for reading!! I have outlined a lot of information here.
Please take some of the names and theories that I have listed and do your own research.

We are One!

Here is a gathering of different physicists research in an effort to explain what the heck is going on with our solar system, and what it means for us:

Chater 8 of "The Divine Cosmos" by David Wilcock: "THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM" -
Dr. Paul LaVoilette's Starburst Foundation -
Simple Essence of Dewey B Larson's Reciprocal System of Physics PDF -
Stillness in the Storm: "The Energetic Evolution of The Solar System | At the Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution" -
Black Project Insider Daniel's Papers (See: Time and Timelines describing the Ascension process) -
Solar Revolution on (Documentary-Watch and share fast!!) -

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