Science Shorts: Healing Sounds Vs. Killer Tones

in science •  9 years ago  (edited)


Hi everyone and welcome. In today’s episode of Science Shorts we will be looking into how sound vibration can be used to heal and to hurt. What are the best ways in which to use sound for health and wealth? What are examples of sound being used to harm and control? We will explore these and see just how effective both can be.


Science likes to rigidly define things, cut sharp and swift like scissors. It has to in order to produce certain technologies that we didn’t have in ages past.


But before such labelling beings were using sound vibration naturally to uplift themselves and others. This came in the form of singing or chanting, and helped lift one into a higher state.

Folk singing occurs across all societies, likewise does chanting or Mantra. However, sound used as a war cry by an army would instil fear into the opposition and a ruthless king or ruler would use their voice to issue commands of condemnation and strike the death sentence upon many a being.


In modern times we have seen sound be used by diabolical dictators to brainwash the populous, like the propaganda of Hitler, and the more covert uses like the disclosed CIA Project MKUltra.

Sound Science

First let us start by looking into the origins of the restorative and benevolent uses for sound vibration.

Eventually some people came along to categorise the types of sounds we hear and the effects they have on ones of state of being.

In 1859 the term ‘binaural’ was coined, which simply means to hear with both ears. Then in 1916 a German psychologist and philosopher named Carl Stumpf defined dichotic and diotic forms of listening. Diotic is a stimuli that is picked up in the same way with both ears, whereas dichotic is one which is different to both ears.


Generally it is easier to synthesise dichotic sounds, tones and music with the help of technology and computers to produce two totally pure and different sounds for each ear, with minimal distortion.

However, it can occur naturally too while listening to say a live orchestra play. The left may more easily pick up the violin and the right the clarinet, for example.

There is no doubt that listening to Classical music has a soothing and uplifting effect on one’s soul. But to have a more potent medicinal effect sound needs to be synthesised electronically, and delivered arhythmically through headphones. Audio embedded with such tones are known as binaural beats.


A recent small pilot study found that listening to such binaural beats ‘improved perceived sleep quality and the post-sleep state of athletes’, as seen here:

This is great. Because if such sounds can allow one a more rejuvenating sleep then of course that overflows into the waking state and allows one better performance in one’s profession. In this case it was soccer players. Perhaps a sustained habit of listening to binaural beats would allow one to advance in ones chosen field. As greater health means greater wealth, in most cases.

The effects can be more psychological as well as physical, as demonstrated here:

In this case we see how listening to binaural beats helped reduce anxiety before surgery.

This effect of making one more peaceful has been taken up by the ‘New Age’ movement and incorporated into things like the esoteric Chakra system from India. The claim is that certain frequencies or Hertz can increase the vibration of these energy canters. It is usually suggested to listen to these tones while one sleeps. As such, some compositions are 8 – 10 hours in duration.

People claim that these compositions act like at kind of short cut for the more conventional spiritual practices. 'DNA Activation' is a common buzz word to get people interested in using such products that certain companies offer, at a modest price of course. Although, it is said that charging for the meditative experience is akin to a mother charging her baby for breast milk.

Verbal Rewire

Something that lasted a lot longer was the conditioning found in Project MKUltra, a mind control program run by Americas CIA between the 50’s and 70’s.

One of the goals was to create a drone like human being that could be controlled, ordered about to undertake various tasks in the world.


The use of hallucinogens, solitary confinement and other insidious methods were used. Among them was the use of verbal abuse - the relentless input of negative sound from another's voice.

It was intended to break down the subjects mind entirely. Eventually they would they become numb and hardened to almost everyone else’s voice and words in the outside world. Conversely the ‘handler’ who participated in the moulding process of the subject would be among the few who actually could use simple words to command them as they desired.

Original Testimonial Footage:

This has led many to suspect that the CIA used this very top secret and highly illegal program to create government spies and assassins.

Some believe that this use of sound as a kind of verbal rewiring extends overtly into the public eye too, into media and pop music. Even if pop music artists are not Project MKUltra victims brainwashing us all, one thing is for sure – the vibration they put out through their music does have an effect on many people’s lives and usually it is a less than peaceful one. Rather than bringing peace such sounds usually make one more restless and agitated.

Some say that certain people who went through the Project and that command a large audience to influence can leave us more open to suggestion. Corporations can take advantage of this state by making us more into consumer robots that human beings. While there are no doubt negative influences within society, this idea is largely just pure speculation of the ‘tin foil’ hat brigade and really each and every person is the master of their own life if they are aware enough.

Natural is Best

These few examples of sound being used for both good and ill would seem far out and alien to the ancient and natural methods of the Buddhists.

They are known to use both chanting and a kind of musical bowl like instrument to induce an intensely meditative and peaceful state.

Manta or repetition of a phrase or sentence, or even the recitation of entire passages, was and is still used today a core spiritual practice. Books full of universal wisdom and insight are often memorized, during which time the student will subtly imbibe what the words convey into their state of being and live them out through their everyday life. It is a powerful means to progress spiritually if done regularly over the long term.


I have trained this method before. I got to the point where all I could here in my mind was the repetition of my mantra and it brought about a profoundly deep meditative state.

Another method used is that of the so called Tibetan Singing Bowls. They date back over 3000 years, across many regions and religions. A wooden stick is run around the parameter of a metal or crystal bowl repeatedly and the resonance builds up into layers of soothing harmonics of various pitches. Higher pitches evoke a greater response from the nervous system, firing it up and unlocking the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini.

Although the origins of how this came to be used as a spiritual practice are unknown, the effects can still be felt by any and all receptive enough to experience them. This practice either prepares just oneself for deeper meditation or is continually done by one person to help many others engage in the unity of true meditation.


So while sound has been used for eons to evolve along the spiritual path, every divine virtuous things has its opposite. The folly of human greed for power and control over others has led to some of the most despicable occurrences in history, with some of the most atrocious abuses of sound imaginable. Yet while we cannot avoid some negativity sometimes, in peace time when no wars ravage the lands we live in we each have the choice every moment to choose what we allow into our lives and how we perceive the world around us.

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and have a great day, bye :D

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Thx for the post! I've been thinking about meditation a long time. Should try it.

Great to hear you like it :)

Meditation is more precious than gold. So I would recommend it to anyone. Physically stretching out the body is a great way to relax the body in preparation for a better meditative experience. I have an on-going series about this:

Great read.
I like when you say

Science likes to rigidly define things, cut sharp and swift like scissors.

Very interesting article, you may also refer to 432hz tuning, maybe in next posts.

Upvote and follow, thank you

Glad to hear you enjoyed it :)

Although I have used and do still occasionally use binaural beats, I am not familiar with 432hz tuning.

I use Bhajans or Sanskrit songs as my main spiritual practice. I find they raise my vibration quicker and higher than any binaural beats can. It is more natural and if the person singing is in a pure state then that vibration is far superior to any mechanical replication for developing oneself spiritually.

You should. Solfeggio and Horrorwitz are BS but don't trust me, use your feeling and ears. Here's a great track to point out the difference: