Isn't this an eye catcher...
Yup, a peer-reviewed article on "a piece of shit." For those of you using Web of Science for your article inquiries, this article has been cited 31 times!
Aside from the "catchy" title, this work is pretty interesting. The researchers discovered a technique to more effectively determine fecal egg counts, or FECs, which is important to accurately diagnose helminthiasis, aka (parasitic) worm infection. This is important for those that are effected (over hundreds of millions of people) particularly in tropical areas of the world. Effectively homogenizing and storing the piece of fecal matter and storing it in ice/moist towel while transporting it to a lab will improve the accuracy to determine the number of FECs.
If you don't understand any of their jargon, simply look at their published figures. A picture is literally worth a thousand words.
This one is FOR SCIENCE!!!
Krauth, S.J.; Coulibaly, J.T.; Knopp, S.; Traore, M.; N'Goran, E.K.; Utzinger, J.T. An In-Depth Analysis of a Piece of Shit: Distribution of Schistosoma mansoni and Hookworm Eggs in Human Stool. December 20, 2012