Calculate Effects of Nuclear Bomb Near You 핵폭탄의 효과를 직접 실험하세요

in science •  8 years ago 

Made by Alex Wellerstein in 2012
You can select which bomb and site you want to detonate
Also it will show after effects of nuclear bombs, and how many casualties it will make

폭탄의 종류와 위치를 직접 선택해서 폭파시켜보세요
핵폭탄의 후유증과 효과 뿐만 아니라 그로인한 사상자의 숫자도 계산되어 같이 나옵니다

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almost as bad as a


I hate it when that happens

Wishing this thing never happens

me too neither.
better that than slavery though.