Soil and Gut Health

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)


GT (Glyphosate-tolerant) crops were introduced into our agricultural system in 1996 and have spread throughout our world. It is estimated that 85 present of our global crop lands are planted with (GM) genetically modified crops. Roundup which is the most widely used commercialized herbicide primary ingredient is glyphosate is the choice for most farmers around the world.

Finding studies that haven’t been funded by self interested corporations and government bodies has been difficult. Good news for those of us that wish to read alternative reviews and research, there are now new studies, however they are not getting reported by the US media or scientific journals.

I figured it’s because scientist, universities, and the media don't want to bit the hand that feeds them.

Regulators have looked the other way for years regarding the emergence of super-weeds, allergens, and sterilization of our agricultural soils. More than 1.8 million tons of glyphosate since its introduction in 1974. Worldwide, 9.4 million tons of the chemical have been sprayed onto fields, 2016 Report.

It has been found glyphosate deactivates the shikimate pathway, which is used to transport essential enzymes and minerals, nutrients essential for plant growth and immune systems. Most forms of life have gut bacteria with shikimate pathways, you would think that scientist would know that.

One of the reasons glyphosate has been promoted safe is because mammals don’t have a Shikimate pathway. However, our gut biome does and our food, dirt and even the air we breath is full of glyphosate.

When I first read about the adverse effects of glyphosate on my gut bacteria I immediately thought about the flora and fauna found in dirt, which work symbiotically with plants as a transport system for essential nutrients absorbed through the plants roots. I am so thankful for the internet. I did so many searches trying to find research that wasn't funded by chemical companies and government funded grants. I couldn’t find any independent research material. That has changed in the last couple years. There are many more independent labs and research scientist that are not dependent on big chemical companies and governments for research funding.

Glyphosate has many negative effects on crop health. The chemical does not stay on the plant to eventually dissipate with time. The chemical spreads through binding with minerals, which leaches into our ecosystem.

The glyphosate tolerant plants that are genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate take in glyphosate throughout their system, including the root system, which affects the soils community of microorganisms and future crops.

Two senior scientist, Don Huber, recently retired from Purdue University, and co-author G.S. Joha, in the USA have been researching ecological changes that might be caused by glyphosate and the Roundup Ready genetically modified agricultural system have been writing papers warning about long term negative impacts using chemicals.

Scientists Reveal Glyphosate Poisons Crops and Soil

Warnings include lost mineral content, reduced reproductivity, and sterilization of our soil. I remember reading several stories about people, domestic, and wild animals becoming seriously ill and even dying by the thousands from mold, fungus, and other diseases that used to be harmless.

Soil-Dwelling Fungus Rode Joplin Tornado to Unexpected Human Home

One of my questions is changing the soil environment has caused the mold, fungus, and bacteria to adapt and change becoming toxic to the plants and animals around them.

The authors warn against expanding agriculture in saiga territory, noting that plowing or herbicide use would simply lead to mass growth of the weedy toxic species in the cleared area. “This will enlarge the risk of pasture problems even more,” they wrote.

It has come to light through independent research glyphosate has become a large factor in plant diseases and toxins. Don Huber a retired scientist from Purdue University co-authored with G.S. Gohal, from Purdue’s dept of botany and plant pathology, wrote a paper published in the October 2009 issue of European Journal of Agronomy that the huge increase in the use of glyphosate in the US can increase the severity of plant diseases. Which makes sense because it is known to kill plants through the shikimate pathway that is also part of all plants immune system and binds with minerals in the soil, cutting off important nutrients to the plants root system.

It is also been found glyphosate can increase the growth and toxicity of fungi like Fusarium, which effects a wide variety of crops. Big Ag has ignored the warnings so far, especially when it comes to plants and ecosystems outside of croplands affected by the spread of glyphosate

The fungus can infect wheat through the reduction of manganese uptake, making it vulnerable to fungal infections. Most wheat fields are sprayed with herbicide to reduce weeds and just before harvest, which causes vigorous growth and desiccation of the wheat head.


Glyphosate blocks the uptake of not just manganese, but also copper, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. This not only weakens the plant but it also weakens the mammals that use wheat as a food source. We all need these minerals for our health. I think this is why we not only see an increase in plant disease but also human, wild, and domestic animal diseases.

Behind Mass Die-Offs, Pesticides Lurk as Culprit

The increase in plant disease for the last 18 years are Fursarium, Phythium, Rhizocccctonia, and phytophthora, which are the cause in scabs or heads of corn, root rot in soybeans and crown rot in sugar beets. Fursarium fungus cases head blight in grain crops and produces a mycotoxin that has been introduced into our food chain. Hubar has reported there are now over 40 plant diseases caused by the use of glyphosate and the number is growing. It is apparent on so many levels that glyphosate is not environmentally benign as reported by the people who make a living from this herbicide.

Monsanto's Roundup toxic to soil fungus at ultra-low doses

Photos From Pixabay

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There is nothing beautiful than nature

Wow this was a nice read and very interesting article to say the least. While these herbicides being used on our precious crop supplies effect our soil environment, they are also directly impacting our water supply, as well. The chemicals enter our water supply, whether it be Groundwater or as surface runoff, and introduce levels of contamination that are not always purified by water treatment plants.

I was curious if you ran into anything regarding such chemicals entering our water sources when you were conducting any of your research along the way??

Regards from
@conradsuperb :-)

What is happening to our water ecosystems will be another paper @conradsuperb. The impact from big ag and industry is awful..

Oh, it most definitely is terrible, I will be looking forward to tuning in when you post about this.

Much Respect

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very in depth and interesting post. I try to use organic as much as possible and we have a good variety of choices here, however, it can be a bit more expensive; but, when it comes to one's health what better way to use money.

There is so much information on the net now it's very difficult to write an article that is simple while getting the whole picture. I think if we all consciously spend our money on products that are healthy we can change the markets and improve our health.

Así es team101.
Que mejor manera de invertir tu dinero que en uno mismo.
Si no nos cuidamos nosotros mismos AHORA,el día de mañana tendremos que dar nuestro dinero a otra persona para que nos cuide.Hay que recordar que los alimentos son nuestra medicina.

It's horrible how humans are dealing with nature, we are so far the biggest problem earth had never known before, it's really sad to see those bad impacts :(
Thank you for sharing!

I hope we can clean up our chemical dependency before we have total ecological crashes. People worry about climate change destroying our world, I think chemical use is way worse than co2 production.

both seem interdependent, the problem is how we gonna meet the needs of an increasing population, nowadays eating healthy is a privilege and very expensive in our modern society!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I read healthy dirt is the biggest carbon sink we have, sterile dirt can't hold onto anything. Yeah, today is crazy.... when I was growing up buying package food was the sign of privilege. I grew up in rural Oregon and we gardened, fished, had livestock, and hunted for our food. That's what poor people did back in the day and we were really healthy too :p

There is more then just roundup lurking in our soils. We have to worry about this and supposed natural bacteria in soil which is the cause of parvo in dogs and valley fever in humans. Sorry if this was off subject. I enjoy your posts,RESPECT

These diseases could be linked to all the chemicals being used @fracasgrimm, it's been noted bacteria, fungus, viruses that used to be benign become toxic from overuse of industrial chemicals.

you are amazing as usual
i love you and like your pics
thanx dear for sharing this informative post

Thank you for reading my nerdy article @nourtawfiq, pictures are from pixabay, I have a link at the bottom of this article, they are free to use if you leave a link to the pixabay site.

thanx dear 😍

If I start eating turtles and frogs will It help me with my stomach problems??

I can't give you dietary advice, but I eat organic food as much as possible, I don't know if food is labeled where you come from @sadpotato, and it is also expensive because of high regulations fees that factory farming doesn't have to deal with, in fact factory farms are given money by the government here in America. I also don't eat refined food, processed foods, soda, alcohol, fruit juices, and I avoid sugar. I also eat fermented food like kimchi, sauerkraut, and assorted pickled food that hasn't been cooked. This help restore gut bacteria. I also filter my water using a pure water filter, there are many chemicals in our water now. I no longer have auto-immune system problems including headaches, weight problems, fatigue, and digestive issues. I suffer from fibromyalgia.

This is so great! You got the great point here......

Thank you @emilyben

Good post friend.
I like.
are you busy now. .. ???

I am very busy @safrijals, I have a family to care for, volunteer work, researching for articles, and creating art. I will try and remember to stop by and check out my friends blogs. But I will only up vote blogs that are well formatted and interesting and not just pictures with a few words.

Yes, I understand.

we have unwittingly destroyed vital microbes in the human gut through overuse of antibiotics and highly processed foods, we have recklessly devastated soil microbiota essential to plant health through overuse of certain chemical fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, @reddust

Correct @prosteemian!

well, #Reddust hope you have a good day as always, I just read out your work, but honestly not completely, its very much technical, there are a lot of names which i never heard and thats which i take it, might be it will much convenient for many of us.
but all of your work seems to be well research, and thats indeed and helpful for many of us, I belong to a country in which most of the population attach to the agriculture field, but its not my concerned field, but most of the related new which i heard about the agriculture in my country, is the rate speculation.
thanks for your valuable contribution, its worth for many of us, sorry i think i have less interest in agriculture....
blessed You..
Steem On....

I know these articles are difficult for people to read whose first language isn't English. Plus my skills are geared towards art not writing. I hope my article isn't so badly written that it can't be translated very well by google translate.

Chemical companies control many countries agricultural governing bodies, money speaks louder than the land and people's health. India and the death of it's small farms and farmers is an example of the corruption running rampant through our worlds agricultural systems and governing bodies.

I really hate these companies that just continue selling their destructive cr#p chemicals. We know that organic is the way to go.

Look at what Monsanto is trying to do with Avaaz (People-powered petition website) right now:

"I'm sitting here with a sinking feeling in my chest. Looking at a 168-page court subpoena I just received.

It's from Monsanto's lawyers, under authority of a US judge, and it "commands" us to hand over pretty much every single private email, document, note, chat, or anything else that any Avaaz staffer has ever written or done on our campaigns to ban Monsanto's key herbicide, glyphosate. "

Here's a link to donate to Avaaz to hire lawyers if you are interested.

Please don't forget to mention other companies that damage our food and life. We will not be defeated by these filthy giants! Stand firm and continue spreading knowledge. Thank you very much for the information.

My next article on this subject I will list the worst companies and the products they sell so people can make choices on their food choices. A couple years ago before I got off FB for good their was a woman called, "The Food Babe," who wrote really good entertaining articles on this subject. I am going to look her up and invite her to start blogging on Steemit.

I haven't checked out your blog yet, hopefully you can raise funds here to help pay for your cause!

Resteeming this right away.

Research has already showed the results now its upto us where we wanna head to

If we have a free market, we can decide what manufactures can sell. Just stop buying products that use destructive chemicals. Great insight @cityslicker

Researchable post ...its so creative and valuable post for the agriculture thanks dear to share with us@reddust

you are welcome @masuma!

chemical chemical everywhere will make us ill all the way

From what I've found in my net searches, chemical caused diseases are trending, people are waking up!

Great post @reddust! Very informative! Keep it up :D

I am in the middle of writing about sugar, this article is going to piss off a lot of sugar addicts :p hahaha thank you @gavinthegreat.

this is so horrible thing happening and many of us are still unaware

Most people are unaware of the chemicals we come in contact with in our every day life @cutiepie.

Everything is modified they don't want to eat more natural now even in food too how it will lead in the upcoming years

Most modification and chemicals are introduced to our food system so we can store our food longer increasing profits. However, most of those chemicals are bad for our health and our food has lost a lot of nutrition through processing.

I honestly dont even know what to say after reading this. I know what is going on but reading proof of the impacts chemicals have is just disgusting! Even when we are eating healthy its not really healthy!

@cbank, I will write more articles on this subject, I seriously thought people wouldn't care. But I see this problem as the number one issue regarding humans and our planet. We have to become aware and spend our money and time on companies that are not harming the planet.

This is a great post. So thorough and informative. Thank you for spreading this awareness that help us all improve our health as a species!!!

I hope this helps people make conscious choices regarding their own health and the health of our world.

Another reason to avoid conventional wheat. We are learning more and more each day about how important gut health is. Studies are linking many of the chronic diseases of modern society to poor gut health. Our guts are like root systems that depend on 'soil' life to help break down and transport nutrients into our bodies.

That's another article @treebuilder, the wheat used in the United States is very different when compared to Europes wheat strains. We have more gluten containing wheat through hybridization, also from what I've read Europe has stricture rules regarding chemical applications on their foods.

Infection of parasitic worms transmitted through soil through eggs, It is transmitted from the faeces of infected people

There is a patent taken out using glyphosate as an antibiotic to kill parasite infection in humans, however it also kills our digestive ecosystem....It's crazy...

What you're highlighting here is super crucial info. It points to the overarching theme of large forces creating really but destructive condition for the most masses.

It's time we as folks reclaim a peasantry that honors land and takes the power back!!!

This article highlights some reasons why my partner and I are choosing to create a thriving perennial polyculture. We need to eat food, but there's a better way that big ag has shown us!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@mountainjewel, what I don't understand is the scientist involved in the chemical revolution have to know they are ruining our health and our ecosystems health. Who are they going to sell their products too if everyone is too sick to eat their products? Also the health of the dirt is so bad, very soon, within 20 years (a guess) most of our productive land will be rendered sterial, land that won't be able to grow anything.

As soon as I am done helping family here in Oklahoma I will go back to my home state and buy a little hobby farm that I can raise my own livestock and grow my own food and hopefully sell some in our community markets. I grew up in rural Oregon on a farm where we grew and hunted for much of our food. I hope I can still do this, my worry is our environment will become too poisoned to grow anything naturally.

I wish you the best!

Thank you for this revealing post. Definitely information that needs to be surface level.

We need more people writing articles about this issue, please join me!

humans are acting like there is a war between nature and us we are just so bad

@steemitwarrior, it's part of the darwinian mindset. Look up Social Darwinism, it is a very destructive theory that only the strongest survive and that ideology gives any psychopath the green light to do what ever they want if they have the power....

I see the world as a symbiotic system not as a society of predator and prey.

Really i like your blog dear @reddust
I enjoy by your photographs and posts
Great work 👏
Good luck

Thank you @hariabbad.

Its a very informative post...also ur photography is awesome i love ur post keep it up @reddust

Thank you @mizanuk, you can use the photos in our articles as well, just provide the link to Pixabay site.

Thank you for this. What a nice treat. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

Thank you @sansastark.

I am really feeling happy to read this article.
You are doing a great job with a ptients.
we are getting benifited by your articles.
keep doing this..
wish you all the best.
this is for your mankind...

Thank you @sh-saimun

We humans are trying to manipulate nature as per our own will/interests. But are we ready to face the consequences or even aware of them??

I think short term profits rule our world and damn the consequences @xabi. I guess science thinks it can create products that will be able to survive the poisoning of populations and earths land and water....or maybe they are just crazy psychopaths...or both...

Right up my alley, Monsanto and the cabal of companies ruining our food for profits. Great information!🐓

I wish I had your writing skills @mother2chicks, writing is like walking through knee deep mud for me. Thank you so much <3

Goof jop friend.
Upvote and resteem

Goof means silly in English. Good means well done. Thank you @papma.

I am sorry friend.

It is okay! I am trying to help, you will get better curation rewards if you can communicate clearly, even if on a very simple level friend @papma.

Thank you for your advice. I will. trying the future better
Thank you friend

Love the layout sir @reddust I don't know where you live but its awsome science post i see in steem


sir=male, mam=female, thank you @daybala

wow looks very beautiful and healthy

Thank you @dek-jal

Yes you are welcome.


hahaha, you made me laugh, thank you <3

yes i do it just make you smile and smile. so you stay young ..😀😀😀

this is so informative post

Thank you @boishakhitripty

thanks for sharing such an healthy and scitenific post i love it and really get much knowldge from it !

Thank you @akashhassan

Pharmaceuticals & Pesticides corporations are slow killers. I don't know how true is the population control theory, but who knows if it is true. That's what they are doing. Making people sick.

Even if this isn't a population control agenda, the long term impact on fertility is a population control. But not just for humans, every living being is suffering from this war on nature.

Regarding your points on chemical toxins, they are definitely a problem. ☠️

I think they are the number one danger regarding or ecosystems. For humans I think we are heading for a huge uptick in homelessness and disease. The starting point is California, I hope they take care of this problem before we have epidemics like the 1850s.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's a whoooole nother article my friend! Both of us should write about this @truthtrain

I have Been writing my Butt off lately and cooking posting recipes to create awareness I hope I start to get more interaction , I see the craziest post getting way more attention .
The money is what it is ! The awareness is most important .

very good photo.
you are a great artist.

I really like

photos are from pixabay, it's a free site you can use for pictures. Check it out @munawire.

this is a very beautiful gift for me.
thanks a lot of beautiful siblings (y).

Thankyou very much @reddust

Topic from the artistic side great job my dear very informative and useful

my artsy side is in rebellion, writing these articles are not fun or creative. But hopefully I can express my curious nature and help some people out. Thank you @soufianechakrouf

"Topic from the artistic side" i mean something different you know the people who is have an artistic eye can see things can't normal people see it that's what i mean it not about art

Oh, yeah, I never fit in with anyone because of how I see the world. My family thinks I am crazy, I am so happy you can see me in a positive light my friend, thank you <3

When I sit around and talk with people I go crazy with boredom because all they talk about is food, gossip, sports, and entertainment.

they always call who's see things different crazy and stupid and things like that you are different not crazy my dear

Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale & @ipromote team and mentioned here:

Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

I know that one way we can assist our gut biome is to take probiotics and probiotics. They create a great atmosphere for our gut bacteria. That is one way to immediately improve your health.

All this GMO spraying, though? Its getting harder and harder to counteract without spending exorbitant money on foolproof groceries.

Regarding the gut microbiome: as an Environmental Microbologist I know the importance of "eating dirt" as a child. I grew up in a rural area, and nobody thought twice about kids playing in and around the barn. In fact, farmers and their children were generally in better health than others. The beneficial bacteria became established, whereas those "living in a bubble," taking lots of antibiotics for every sneeze or cough, or using too much hand sanitizer tended to get sick from anything and everything. There's nothing better than a meal cooked on a campfire with nothing to clean off the ashes and coals!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I almost went into microbiology before I decided not to continue my education, I was going for my BSN. Researching the history of medicine and science and looking at what my professors had been through I saw so many ethical problems in medicine and science I became depressed and sick. I walked away, I saw no way to change our science and medicine systems, they have too much power and money from transnational corporations and centralized governments.

I think the toxic environment both social and biological are changing our microbiological systems, which also are tied to our psychological well being. Our micro biomes are becoming toxic when they adapt to this new environment full of chemicals and life as we know it will end. I don't know how but I don't think it's going to be AI or a nuclear war that will kill this planet. I think toxic waste will do it over time.

I grew up in rural Oregon, my backyard near mt hood was next to eagle creek wilderness area ;-)

I love Oregon! I was doing cave biology research at Oregon Caves Nat'l. Monument.

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The information is so valuable! Thanks for creating such a comprehensive picture of the current state of affairs.

This post has received a 11.35 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @reddust

It's shocking to see how little we know about what we eat. Evenn when we think we're eating healthy, so many of our plants are sprayed and modified it's just getting impossible to avoid.

Thanks for sharing this, One thing I know is that organic has changed my life for good.

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