Point of view and "opinion" - When to ignore children.

in science •  7 years ago 

"In my opinion", "in my humble opinion"... Those are usual prefaces people tend to use to prevent the interlocutor about his/her total ignorance of a topic. Let me explain why...

They could use "I've no f*cking idea but I want to say something" and still have the same oratory effect.
Using that example from above it is quite simple to explain: BOTH ARE WRONG
"Why is this?" you may think (before giving "your humble opinion). Well, simple: SOMEONE wrote that number down and knows what is it. Perhaps there's a reference point like a building, or a context to deduct what is it (if it is a number at all) like a 5 and a 7 next to it or an 8 and a 10. That symbol, has a purpose that both people arguing about are total strangers to.

It is funny to observe, as I google for an image able to define "opinion" for this article, that 90% of them are all about "your opinion matters". A futile attempt to make people believe that knowing nothing about something but speaking anyways is something desired. Allow me to pop the bubble for you: It doesn't! And it isn't!
Opinion without information and judgement is worth as much as saying nothing (some may not risk a lot by stating that even shutting the F*ck up is worth more than giving "opinion" about a topic). Both characters in that example image are wrong because neither one of them is willing to ask someone that knows, or willing to observe the surroundings to deduct and theorize a potential, valid hypothesis.

"Opinions" is the trademark of ignorant people. Remember this before starting a sentence with "In my opinion...". It is always better to read a bit, inform oneself to display a valid point of view about a topic later.

For the sources of this post's images check THIS out.
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This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @renzoarg! For more information, click here!

that's funny!

This post has received a 0.42 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @renzoarg.


hahahahhaahahhaa not sure what you really mean but do find this entertaining. Particularly shoving opinions up your ass.
Theere is a saying "opinions are like ass holes, everyones got one" so yes everyone has one but isn't that what makes someone someone?
Yes its important to realize our opinion is just our opinion. Yet it we realize this and don't try and make it an absolute or force it upon anyone else then its ok, its part of being alive.

Ha ha ha ... I’m fucking rolling here ....