Electromagnetic Fields / Frequencies, Montauk Chair, Philadelphia Experiment, LERM, Time Travel, Albert Einstein & Nikola Tesla

in science •  2 years ago 

"According to legend, the military was developing an electromagnetic field generator in an effort to put Albert Einstein’s unified field theory to use in real-world settings."

"Either way, it is commonly believed that the mechanism involved was the generation of an incredibly intense magnetic field around the ship, which would cause refraction or bending of light or radar waves around the ship, much like a mirage created by heated air over a road on a summer day. The legend goes on to say that the experiment was a complete success… except that the ship actually disappeared physically for a time, and then returned. They wanted to “cloak” the ship from view, but they got de-materialization and teleportation instead…

It has been claimed that the Philadelphia Experiment was partly an investigation into how Albert Einstein’s “Unified Field Theory for Gravitation and Electricity” might be used to advantage in the development of electronic camouflage for ships at sea. Einstein allegedly published his Unified Theory around 1925-27 in German, in a Prussian scientific journal, but it was later withdrawn as incomplete. This research was aimed at using intense electromagnetic fields to mask a ship from incoming projectiles, mainly torpedoes. This was later extended to include a study of creating radar invisibility by a similar field in the air rather than in the water.

The story begins in June of 1943, with the U.S.S. Eldridge, DE (Destroyer Escort) 173, being fitted with tons of experimental electronic equipment. This included, according to one source, two massive generators of 75 KVA each, mounted where the forward gun turret would have been, distributing their power through four magnetic coils mounted on the deck. Three RF transmitters (2 megawatt CW each, mounted on the deck), three thousand ‘6L6’ power amplifier tubes (used to drive the field coils of the two generators), special synchronizing and modulation circuits, and a host of other specialized hardware were employed to generate massive electromagnetic fields which, when properly configured, would be able to bend light and radio waves around the ship, thus making it invisible to enemy observers."

"Specifically, in the 1970s he worked with other researchers on a device they called the Montauk Chair, which was a device that made use of electromagnetic fields based on Nikola Tesla’s experiments to amplify psychic powers."

"According to the writer of the The Montauk Project , the ITT World-Wide Communications corporation (which is owned by the Krupp family - see 'Setting Up Phoenix II' above) constructed a mind-reading device. The device translated the electromagnetic field, or "aura", around the body into a visible format. The primary component of this device was a Cray 1 super-computer that turned the data into something a person could understand.

The technology used to create this is device is a mystery. According to the book, some of the basic technical information was provided by aliens. These aliens were the Sirians, from the star system of Sirius. Exactly why these aliens provided the technology is not explained.

Over at the Montauk Project, the research people realized that this mind-reading device could could easily be converted into a mind control device. They hooked the device up to a series of computers, electrical coils and the Sage Radar system, creating a powerful transmitter that could be used lessen the risks to humans undergoing invisibility and time travel experiments. This new device was called the "Montauk Chair" and came online about 1974. Linked to a Cray 1 and an IBM 360 computer, the researchers would sit a psychically active person (such as Duncan Cameron) in the Montauk Chair and have them try and transmit their thoughts to a similar set up back at the ITT corporation (located in Southampton, Long Island).

After about a year of experimentation and research (in which many problems relating to transmitter feedback had to be over come) the researchers at the Montauk Project now had a device capable of projecting a person's thoughts to a remote location. Unfortunately, there was now a new problem to over come: "time glitches".

The time glitches tended to interfere and break up the thought transmissions between Montauk and Southampton. They were caused by psychics projecting a reality that different from 'our' reality. This would cause the flow of time to disrupted and the link between the two chairs would be cut.

In order to correct these problems dealing with interruptions in the flow of time, the Montauk researchers redesigned and rebuilt the chair, closely following the original prototype and the methods used to build it (this is the device created by the Sirians, remember).

This second generation Montauk Chair used multiple Delta T or Delta Time coils to create the desired energy fields. It was also shielded from any outside interference, thanks to the redesigned coils that powered the chair and created the electromagnetic fields."

"After about a year of tests, the Montauk Chair was shown to be working flawlessly. Now, instead of transmitting thoughts, the researchers wanted to try something new: creating solid objects. The idea was for Duncan to visualize an object and provided there was sufficient power coming from the transmitter, materialize it somewhere on the base.

This process was not exact, however, as some objects remained intangible and others faded as soon as the transmitter was turned off. But, if given sufficient power, Duncan could create permanent objects. The size and type of object seemed only to be limited by his imagination, and it is said he materialized entire buildings during the course of these experiments.

Following the success of the object creation experiments, the researchers at Montauk began to step up their tests by looking into manipulating the human mind directly. The first such experiments involved what was called "The Seeing Eye". This was where Duncan was given a lock of hair (or other object) and concentrated on the person that object had come from. He could then see and hear everything that person could see and hear, no matter where that person was.

After that, the tests were taken one step further. Now, instead of simply looking though the eyes and ears of another, Duncan tried to actually influence what the person was thinking and doing. By pushing out with his thoughts, Duncan could take over someone else's mind, making them do what he (Duncan) wanted. People could be virtually 'programmed' to do almost anything. Further experimentation showed that large groups of both people and animals could be affected, making them behave in a variety of bizarre ways.

With time, it was discovered that more than a person's mind could be controlled. Electrical devices could be made to malfunction, short out or otherwise rendered useless. Telekinetic effects were discovered, where Duncan was able to move objects, shatter windows and wreck entire rooms."

"As light beings we have the ability to manifest physical forms of matter. The way this is done is by projecting an electromagnetic field of energy with the source code of creation into a holographic image of an object that we desire. This is done by projecting light particles from the kundalini energy at the base of the spine into the sixth chakra and projecting the kundalini's electromagnetic field of manifestation to a point just in front of us. This is known as quantum mechanics and is the natural law of quantum physics in the universe known as the Light Encoded Reality Matrix or LERM. The way that we do this is by projecting an holographic image of an object into a quantum electromagnetic field and surrounding the holographic object with the quantum field and blending it with the holographic object creating a quantum object of physical matter."

"In the case of us human complex oscillating biological entity; we have Meissner-antiMeissner nonionizing fields surrounding our bodies at 90 degrees perpendicular and away from the surfaces of the body, and these fields within fields function as our memory and information processing capacities well beyond our cortical awareness. Animals and plants also have Meissner-antiMeissner fields, but do not appear to have the capacity to extend antiMeissner harmonics. Non ionizing fields emitted by the living matrices of any living system on Earth would qualify as Meissner range fields, as their electromagnetic range lies within the extremely low frequencies (ELF) of 1 Hz and 1560 Hz, though mostly from 1 Hz to 120 Hz. However, simply because the human Meissner field expressions are low-powered cellurar maxima of approximately 1.2 volts per cell, the total possible output of a human being as overunity sink is about one quadrillion volts, taking into consideration the total cellular capacitance of the body. And this capacitance level is sufficient to MPO-LERM most anything we want."


"In 1895, Tesla reportedly made a surprising discovery, suggesting that time and space could be influenced by magnetic fields.

Supposedly, this idea – which could alter time and space by magnetic fields – led to a series of experiments that allegedly gave rise to the infamous Philadelphia project, mostly considered a hoax. Tesla is believed to have worked on the idea of ​​time travel, discovering surprising results along the way. Using magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that the space-time barrier could be altered, and accessed by creating a Trojan horse, which eventually led to a different time. However, it is still unclear whether or not Tesla succeeded, as there is no document to prove, or in that case, that something like this occurred. All we know is that reports indicate that in 1895, a witness found Tesla in a small cafeteria looking agitated and disturbed."

"Tesla’s experiments with magnetic fields as well as high-voltage electricity led him to discover that time and space could create a door that needed distortion, which could be another time.

Upon discovery, Tesla was able to discover through her own personal experience that travel in time brought some real dangers."

"The Time Phone Booth' travels through the "Circuits of History" to go forwards and backwards in time"

"Nikola Tesla was obsessed with time travel. He worked on a time machine and reportedly succeeded, saying: ‘I could see the past, present and future all at the same time.’"

"Einstein’s neighbor at Princeton, Kurt Goedel, perhaps the greatest mathematical logician of the past 500 years, found a new solution to Einstein’s own equations which allowed for time travel! The “river of time” now had whirlpools in which time could wrap itself into a circle. Goedel’s solution was quite ingenious: it postulated a universe filled with a rotating fluid. Anyone walking along the direction of rotation would find themselves back at the starting point, but backwards in time!

In his memoirs, Einstein wrote that he was disturbed that his equations contained solutions that allowed for time travel."

"First, the main problem is one of energy. In the same way that a car needs gasoline, a time machine needs to have fabulous amounts of energy. One either has to harness the power of a star, or to find something called “exotic” matter (which falls up, rather than down) or find a source of negative energy. (Physicists once thought that negative energy was impossible. But tiny amounts of negative energy have been experimentally verified for something called the Casimir effect, i.e. the energy created by two parallel plates). All of these are exceedingly difficult to obtain in large quantities, at least for several more centuries!"

"In 1928, Nikola Tesla registered a controversial patent. The patent claimed itself to be the “World’s First Flying Saucer”. This was groundbreaking for Tesla. This is because he had utilised the prowess of Electromagnetic force instead of Gravitational. Among the two, Electromagnetic force is said to be powerful. Hence if this Flying Saucer was to be a reality, then it might as well be the fastest aircraft. Scientifically, the Electromagnetic force is (2.2 x 10^39) stronger than the Gravitational. To put it into perspective, if the energy required for mechanically lifting a block at a distance of one-quarter of a millimetre is, say X. If the same energy given to the block using Electromagnetic force, it could lift the block (5.6 x 10^24) km. That is how powerful the aircraft propelled using Electromagnetic force would be!"

"The world we live in is on a “set” frequency range very similar to a radio station on a receiver.

If our 3-dimensional world is set at 98, these Reptilian Extraterrestrials would exist on a frequency range of 98.1, which would be the lower fourth dimension just beyond our ability to see them"

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