Frequency - Resonant Frequency
Vibration - Sound Waves
Energy - Intensity Of Resonant Sound Waves
"A resonant frequency is the natural vibrating frequency of an object and denoted as ‘f’ with a subscript zero (f0)."
"Sound is made up of wave vibrations."
"Cymatics is the science of how sound visibly creates matter"
"For centuries, mystics have been telling us that sound actually creates matter."
"Frequency and vibration play very important roles in creating the structures of matter because they help organize matter, giving it appearances and uniqueness. For this reason, frequency and vibration are essential for life to exists."
"The manipulation of sound waves could be the key to unlocking the actual process of creation."
"In quantum physics, wave-particle duality means that all physical objects seem to have a dual nature, both as waves and particles. This is only observable at the quantum level."
"Alien astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos believed that aliens had taught the Inca people to melt the rock and reform it."
"precise sound vibrations can structure matter into any form — and by extension, how vibration stands behind the creation of the physical world itself. For this reason, Cymatics has become a major touchstone for all types of modern Vibrational Medicine and Vibrational Science. It empirically demonstrates — in a way that is visual and immediate — the power of Vibration to create and change physical structures."
Matter is an Illusion: Physical Reality is Empty Space Buzzing With Energy
"Atoms are mainly empty space. Matter is composed chiefly of nothing."