The Quantum LERM Entanglement Tunnel

in science •  3 years ago 

"the human brain is capable of focusing intentions so intensely that photons of light are pulled together from the very fiber of the universe to create the object of your desire."

"a certain special configuration of matter and energy allows the formation of a tunnel"

"wormholes—theoretical tunnels that link two points in space-time, potentially creating shortcuts for travel through the universe, or indeed, other universes (if they exist.)"

""Traversable wormholes are possible, consistent with the known laws of physics," Jafferis told Newsweek. "That was something of a surprise:"

"the kinds of wormhole-creating processes that scientists had studied rely on effects that could prevent a macroscopic traveler from entering. The challenge is that the process that creates the wormhole and the exotic matter that stabilizes it cannot stray too far from familiar physics. “Exotic” does not mean physicists can dream up any sort of stuff that gets the job done on paper. But so far, familiar physics has delivered only microscopic wormholes. A bigger wormhole seems to require a process or type of matter that is both unusual and believable. “That’s the delicacy,” says Brianna Grado-White, a physicist and wormhole researcher at Brandeis University"

"Wormholes, though, have never been observed — and while we’ve done a lot of theorizing about how a wormhole might work, and how they fit into general relativity, we’re still talking in purely theoretical terms. We don’t even know if wormholes would be traversable. Those caveats aside, though, a ton of new research suggests that each end of the wormhole is connected through spacetime with quantum entanglement.

Both quantum entanglement and wormholes share a very important property: They appear to be linked through some kind of dimension or medium that we can’t yet discern. With quantum entanglement, two particles can be separated by an infinite amount of space, and yet they still seem to be able to communicate their quantum state instantly, much faster than the speed of light. Wormholes, if they exist, would bend the fabric of spacetime to allow faster-than-light travel between two arbitrary points — just like entangled particles"

"manifesting and materialising matter and they do this by transforming light into matter"

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