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There are lots of options. The powers that be don't what you to consider the options. Such as mercury engines. Anti gravity. sky hooks, space elevators, Some if not all in our technological capabilities.

As we shift from petroleum donated economy you will see these technologies emerge. To suggest them now you will be labeled a conspiracy theorist. But there are many reasons that we are being prevented from getting of the planet. Gravity is only one and technologically a small one. The bigger issue is political. Which as many factors.

Personally I think is actually external. We have to grow up as a species before we will be allowed of the planet. Profit ahead of the well being of the planet and its inhabitants is a major. Sorta comes around to the issue about how we currently peruse getting of the rock. We use the dirtiest and most expensive way fuel powered rockets. Though at least Elon has proposed the use of methane. Think of it rockets running on poop. Good step. Reusing the first stage. Another. Second stage will soon be used to create space stations. The process will eventually lead to the acceptance of other less toxic ways of travel. On the planet and getting of it.

The stage is set for this to happen. A decided move to clean energy production and wise use is well underway. A shift it the economic view points. Till now based primarily on taking. Now shifting to giving. A change in the way we think about our roll on earth and as a future member of a galactic community.

Who know what we will get when we join the galactic community.

Well said, Yes, I did not think about these concepts, I was also fascinated by the spacehook concept and space elevator, I have not gone through mercury engine and anti-gravity, but maybe our minds are working on it, there are technical difficulties like structures, so far we have carbon fibres, which can only withstand halfway across the atmosphere, but I believe will be overcomed someday, for now falcon is the best we have, there are concepts like EMdrives defying Newton's third law, which sounds impossible, we are looking for alternatives, and to mention, firing a rocket from a poop sounds very friendly, we can work on such project! Methane can be obtained from poop, which can be collected and stored, rockets going for renewables is a very principled concept for me too. Solar can't do it, unless concepts like EMdrives will be a success. I am with you regarding this matter :)

The mercury engine is in fact vary old technology that we have lost. You can find carvings of them in stone in India. A part of the age we lost. but then you have to be open to previous cultures being as technologically endowed as we are today and maybe more advanced. There are also some anti grave units developed just around the end of WW2 that work on electrical principals that were vary successful but suppressed.

On the point of getting into space.

Isaac Arthur on YouTube is a futurist that has some vary good insights into the issue. They are only based on current available technologies. I don't think he gets into anti grave.

In later videos he gets into elevators and space hooks Multiple space hooks look vary interesting. I watch his videos because I like his style and the depth of his cometary. For the most part it is interesting and understandable even he gets into quantum stuff.

Methane as a rocket fuel came from a spacex video were Elon mentioned it in his quest to make it mars.

As for Newtons laws they are just laws based on understanding of how things work based on a rather gross way of looking at things. Not necessarily wrong but defiantly limiting. As we learn more about quantum physics the more we will find the old laws will be replaced by new ones. Eer old ways of thinking vs new ones. The old ones give us a temporary step to stand on till we find a new foot hold. This based on another 'law' base on new observations and thinking.

Yes, I got to know about space hooks and elevators from Isaac Arthur. I have also watched few of his videos.