By: Shawn Alli
Posted: May 31, 2017 (on
Nye starts off with a seatbelt demonstration about minimizing risk and applies that to vaccinations. That only works if we're talking about DNA viruses or RNA viruses that act like DNA viruses. The analogy becomes disingenuous when we talk about vaccines for RNA viruses and RNA retroviruses. Why? Because vaccines against RNA viruses don't minimize risk. They create the illusion of minimizing risk.
Generally speaking, RNA viruses tend to mutate at a higher rate. Hence, getting a vaccine for strain A of an RNA virus is useless if strain B is dominant in society. And now you've added more potential toxic adjuvants to your body. Hence, the illusion or minimizing risk.
Nye goes overboard with the analogy and says that seatbelts save lives, like vaccinations. Generally speaking yes...but there are many people who experience serious or fatal adverse effects from vaccinations. The fact that liberals and scientists ignore this is unethical and disingenuous (see Vaccines & Viruses in Philosophy Reborn Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov’t, Big Ag, Big Industry).
As expected, Nye quotes Edward Jenner, the father of vaccinations. And yes, Edward Jenner is one of the greatest human beings for creating vaccinations. But today's vaccinations are more of a for-profit industry that puts Big Pharma interests ahead of safety and transparency.
Nye then demonstrates how scientists develop a vaccination. It's a shame that he doesn't mention how RNA retroviruses negate the abilities of the natural immune system. But yes, herd immunity is a real protective phenomenon. Protecting people on mass protects individuals that could be susceptible to a particular virus.
Nye says that unvaccinated people pick up viruses (which mutate) and then infects others. That's not exactly true. If a virus has a high mutation rate, it will infect both vaccinated and unvaccinated people equally. Why? Because the mutation rate negates the protection of a previous vaccine strain (for an RNA virus). If you're protected against strain A, and strain B comes along, your protection from A does absolutely nothing.
Nye continues with the seatbelt analogy and says that people don't have the right to unbuckle their seatbelts. Hence, they shouldn't have the right to not get vaccines. This is the problem with scientists using analogies. While they're useful to kids, they're not accurate or helpful for adults. Again, Nye is treating his audience and viewers like dumb kids that don't know any better.
Nye talks about whether people should be required to get vaccinations. Nye uses the example of polio to prove his point. While polio is a RNA virus, it has a low mutation rate and for lack of a better term, operates like a DNA virus. I recommend getting the polio vaccine (and other DNA virus vaccines) because they're usually good for life.
Emily Calandrelli (a member of Nye's team) goes into the field to talk about polio in India. While it's great, it's not really necessary. Yes, everyone should get a polio vaccine. And yes, the governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria are unethical in allowing polio to spread.
But most liberals and Western European (WE) scientists don't understand that there are two ideological movements in the anti-vaccination camp. One is religious and off the grid while the other is anti-bad health. The ideologies from both are very different (see Vaccines & Viruses in Philosophy Reborn Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov’t, Big Ag, Big Industry).
Nye convenes his panel: Kristen Omeara (former anti-vaccine parent), Dr. Jennifer Reich (a professor of sociology), and Dr. Lanre Falusi (a pediatrician). Nye asks why parents don't vaccinate their children. Dr. Reich says that parents believe that the evidence for the need to do so is less compelling.
Omeara says that she became pro-vaccine when her family gets the rotavirus. Umm...the rotavirus is an RNA virus that has a high mutation rate. In fact, most people will get the rotavirus at least sometime in their life and develop natural immunity to that particular strain. That's a good thing. The "suffering" as Omeara points out, is beneficial in the long run.
Of course, this gets into the question of whether natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity. It is. But while that works for chickenpox, that doesn't work for polio or measles. Hence, the need for polio and MMR vaccines.
And just to point out, while there are many anti-vaccine parents that become pro-vaccine parents. Many pro-vaccine parents become anti-vaccine after their child develops a developmental disability or experiences a fatal adverse effect from the vaccination.
Liberal media outlets that pretend that such people don't exist are unethical and disingenuous. How would you feel if your child develops autism after a standard vaccination and then liberal media outlets ignore your story and your pain? That would most likely piss you off. And that definitely pisses off the anti-bad health vaccination movement. Hence, the vitriol polarized ideological attacks between the anti-vaccine and pro-vaccine movement.
Nye asks whether vaccines cause autism. Dr. Falusi says that's been debunked., it hasn't. To be fair, it's not that the actual virus in the vaccine that causes autism. It's generally the toxic adjuvants that do it. And in the 21st century, more people are being born operating at a weaker level of health. Hence, they're more susceptible to small amounts of toxicity (see Final Thoughts in Philosophy Reborn Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov’t, Big Ag, Big Industry).
Falusi and Nye slam Andrew Wakefield (without mentioning his name) for his autism MMR connection. In reality, Wakefield helps the scientific community via his autism and vaccine claims (see Vaccines & Viruses in Philosophy Reborn Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov’t, Big Ag, Big Industry). Unfortunately, WE scientists refuse to interpret his actions as being good for science in the long run.
Reich is correct that most parents aren't completely anti-vaccine and choose to get some vaccines and not others. They see that as a problem. I see that as responsible parenting in weighing the risks vs. the benefits.
The panelists agree that too many doctors are not helping the vaccine movement by belittling people. Instead, they advocate for a more individualized approach. And yes, that would go a long way in convincing people to vaccinate. Unfortunately, most WE doctors are just drug pushers for Big Pharma. They see you as cattle to be milked via your insurance claims.
The panel then talks about mandatory vaccinations. And they're correct that most public education systems require vaccinations. And it's understandable. Protecting the health of children in schools for preventable diseases comes before your personal ideologies.
To argue for the other side, that rule is a good reason to opt out of the garbage institutional public education system that's indoctrinating your child as you read this article (see Philosophy of Education in Philosophy Reborn Part I: Purpose).
Nye then shows a comedic skit about the good days of viruses. Sigh. As a man of comedy I don't want to tell people how to do their comedy skits. But for the love of god, if you don't know comedy, just hire a damn comedy writer.
Finally, Nye does a scene about being immunocompromised and how herd immunity protects him. the times have changed from the past when most scientists around the world would kill or let such people die for the sake of the human race and evolution.
However, many atheist scientists and skeptics still believe that helping such people to live is watering down the evolutionary potential of humanity. They just don't say this publicly because they live in a politically correct era (see Philosophy of Science in Philosophy Reborn Part I: Purpose).
I like how Nye doesn't mention the fact that many herbs and vegetables have anti-viral properties. Reich even says that viruses don't care about your organic food. Nye, like other WE scientists, laugh at people who think that foods can heal you. In reality they can. And it's backed by peer-reviewed studies (see Vaccines & Viruses in Philosophy Reborn Part V: Naturally Unhealthy Big Gov’t, Big Ag, Big Industry).
The fact that the scientific community ignores this is completely disingenuous and representative of ideological dogmatic science.