Has Relativity Been Proven? - "Black Holes" And Flying Dinosaurs Debunked Part Deux

in science •  8 years ago 

This is a follow up article to my original article, Why Were Dinosaurs So BIG? The Truth About Black Holes and Other "Physics" Fairy Tales

Someone wrote in saying the article was flawed and crazy:


Your "facts" are all wrong. So its not surprising your conclusions are wrong.
Yes, relataivity has been proven - both special and the preditions of general relativity. The muon flux at the surface of the Earth is just one of many proofs of special relativity; but every particle accelerator in the world demonstrates it.
General relativity (responsible for gravitational lensing) has been demonstrated multiple times in multiple ways, and lenses around even dead stars which no longer have plasma. General relativity time dilation is a critical part of the calculations which allow GPS to work (because the satellites are higher in the gravity well, their clocks run slightly faster, and the distance combined with the precise time is needed to calculate your position.
And that's just with your first crazy point, I'm not even going to bother with the rest.

I didn't think the facts were wrong, but am always open to the possibility, so I decided to research them and provide some more references, in my reply; my reply comment was so big, I thought it would make a nice follow up article, with some more funny pictures, so here it is!

Popular Science or Popular Fictions

Why is it that if someone is famous, or popular, or intelligent, or in the majority of people, and that person says something, somehow that makes what they say a fact?  Actually, it doesn't!  That phenomenon is called social proof and/or peer pressure.  Even worse, with the "tax"(theft) funded public school and university system, at best it is just ignorance and at worst, it just plain indoctrination  and brain washing. None of it has anything to do with facts!  It doesn't matter if the WHOLE WORLD thinks something is true, that doesn't make it true! (especially in this world!).   And that is why sometimes it takes a whole world of courage to stand up and let people know that the emperor has no clothes on... or in the case of Star Trek Captain Jean-Luc Picard, tell the real number of lights after being tortured.

Plus, reality will always catch up with us... ignoring the truth doesn't help.  Like Ayn Rand said:

“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

I have always been interested in science, and studied Einstein's theories religiously starting when I was about 10 years old... synchronizing clocks on trains, doing thought experiments, traveling back in time.. it was all very fascinating, and sometimes difficult to wrap my brain around, as it didn't really make sense... two cars approaching an intersection from opposite directions, each with a speed of .8 times the speed of light, were not approaching each other at 1.6 times the speed of light?... not very intuitive, but I accepted it... I didn't really reason it out for myself, I accepted that there was this really really really smart guy, who could not make mistakes that reasoned it out for me.. all I had to do was cram his reasoning into my head, even if it didn't fit.  And he had done other things that did make sense, so that kind of gave him a license to just make stuff up.

Thankfully there are people who don't just accept social proof or peer pressure as fact; thankfully, I found the electric universe theories, and things started to make complete sense. Explanations were clear, intuitive and scalable... unlike Einstein's quantum theory and theory of relativity not connecting at all, electric universe ideas scale from the microscopic to the macroscopic... plasma is plasma... not only that, there were records all throughout early civilizations of seeing this plasma in action... something was going on in the sky that everyone on Earth could see. 

Gravitational Lensing or Pink Floyd Refraction?

A popular argument that Einstein's theory of relativity is true, involves gravitational lensing.  One of the problems with this is there isn't a single picture that shows gravitational lensing that doesn't have some spectrum splitting of the light... if there were gravitation lensing occurring the light would remain intact and not be split into a spectrum of its subfrequencies...the space would be bent so no refraction would occur. 

People claim that it couldn't be lensing due to refraction because they have seen it happen around "dead" stars... yet dead stars are still just gas giants, and the gas is what causes the refraction.

The Thunderbolts project has a fantastic video explaining this, Exposing the Myth of Gravitational Lensing.  Mathemetically, gravitational lensing is identical to refraction of light through the atmosphere, be it plasma or just uncharged gas particles.

But What About The Global Positioning System?

As for GPS proving special and general relativity that is also another myth... the same data proves that it is just an absolute frame with the an appearance of relativity.  Thunderbolts comes to the rescue here again, with a fantastic video that explains the flaws in what Einstein and Feynman proposed and why GPS does not prove relativity, that there is something else going on.. in fact the GPS  system proves that relativity does not work! 

Time For Another Video (It's About Time!)

Another great electric universe video, a must watch, explains how the universe doesn't exist in time, that time exists in the universe... and if time exists in the universe, Einstein's relativity theory is wrong; there are no ripples in space time.  There are not 4 dimensions, only 3... and this can be proven rather simply.

Let There Be Light!

All I can say is that it is a really sad world we live in when 99.99999% of people think something as crazy as Einstein's theories are true, and think the actual truth is "crazy"! 

 I used to think everything was all figured out, and it turns out that actually very little is understood.   The great thing about this is that everything is still open to be discovered, amazing inventions are just around the corner! 

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i love this post and that you are here on steemit, now i am off to read your previous post to see if it helps make any of this make sense ; )
In the last 12 months I have thrown most of the $cience i have ever learnt out the window and now I am seriously reappraising all i have been "told"

Thanks, nice to meet you too! Your posts look interesting too, I'll check them out tomorrow morning!

Thanks for the reply, Im just laying foundations, I have hours of study ahead to even begin to appreciate what these two posts are about, Im only just beginning to contemplate electric universe but the source and substance of all life and everything is electromagnetism I feel it in me waters ; )

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Very good post. Spread the word. It's all electric!

Good question. I was discussing that in many conversations on this article. Come have a look and see if you can bring something to the table lol.