A working list of what I've come across for this timeframe of the Chicxulub crater and KT Boundary.
Nadir Crater also occurred offshore of West Africa 66Ma: The Nadir Crater offshore West Africa: A candidate Cretaceous-Paleogene impact structure
The Boltysh Crater is dated to the 65.17 +/- 0.64Ma: Boltysh, another end-Cretaceous impact
The potential Shiva Crater is also dated to the same time frame: SHIVA STRUCTURE: A POSSIBLE KT BOUNDARY IMPACT CRATER ON THE WESTERN SHELF OF INDIA
The Deccan Traps are dated in the general range of 66Ma, such as here: 40Ar-39Ar age of a lava flow from the Bhimashankar Formation, Giravali Ghat, Deccan Traps
Within the Deccan Traps, many plutonic complexes formed also in the general time frame: Widespread silicic and alkaline magmatism synchronous with the Deccan 2 Traps flood basalts, India
Mount Girnar dates to ~66Ma: Mantle and Crustal Contributions to the Mount Girnar Alkaline Plutonic Complex and the Circum-Girnar Mafic-Silicic Intrusions of Saurashtra, Northwestern Deccan Traps
"Stratigraphy of Powder River and Bighorn basins adjacent to the Bighorn Mountains indicate that the main phase of uplift and exhumation of the range occurred in the latest Cretaceous-earliest Tertiary,": Influence of crystal size on apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology: an example from the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
The Labrador margin between Greenland and North America at 66Ma began sinistral faulting, uplifting, and spreading with major volcanics (Figure 3): A new model for the Paleogene motion of Greenland relative to North America: Plate reconstructions of the Davis Strait and Nares Strait regions between Canada and Greenland
The Trans Sahara Seaway environment changed from 72 to 66Ma, and last phases were through 56Ma: Paleoenvironment and paleoclimate of the Late Cretaceous Ise Formation, Eastern Dahomey Basin.
Paleomagnetic inclination of Wrangellia indicates motion from 85-65Ma: A Paleomagnetic Study of Three Granite Plutons Exposed in the Cascades Mountains, Washington
Onset of dextral slip on northern splays of the Border Ranges fault system in the Cordilleran orogen considered a "gold event": Orogenic gold and evolution of the Cordilleran orogen
Marine flooding in southern Wyoming from 65-63Ma: Paleocene (65–63 and 58.5 ma) marine flooding and 62–60 ma sediment bypass in southern Wyoming, U.S.A.: Implications for Laramide sediment flux to the Gulf of Mexico
Regarding Panama, "With respect to the initiation of subduction-zone magmatism (66 Ma, see following), it is interesting to note that the accretion of seamounts from the Galapagos hotspot track (ocean-island basalts) commenced at 66 Ma (data compilation in Hoernle et al., 2004).": Geochemical evolution of igneous rocks and changing magma sources during the formation and closure of the Central American land bridge of Panama
In the forming of the Caribbeans, "relative motion between North America and South America with at least a component of divergence continued until ~66Ma": An integrative geologic, geochronologic and geochemical study of Gorgona Island, Colombia: Implications for the formation of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province
Eolian dust was deposited on the Mid-Pacific Mountains from 112Ma-66Ma: "Late Cretaceous History of Eolian Deposition in the Mid-Pacific Mountains, Central North Pacific Ocean," Rea and Janecek (1981)
The main island of New Caledonia, Grande Terre, was submerged between 75 and 60Ma: Chapter 8 Palaeobiogeography of New Caledonia
The mean age of oceanic crust is 64.2Ma: A Global Data Set of Present-Day Oceanic Crustal Age and Seafloor Spreading Parameters