Temperature - Absolute Zero

in science •  7 years ago 

The secrets of the universe are hidden in all observations. Even something as commonly known as absolute zero contains clues to help us understand the reality around us.


What Is Absolute Zero?

(noun): the lowest temperature that is theoretically possible, at which the motion of particles that constitutes heat would be minimal. It is zero on the Kelvin scale, equivalent to –273.15°C or –459.67°F

It is important to note that this is a concept. It is a theoretical hypothesis that there is such a thing as absolute zero to begin with.

What it is not is a tangible, real entity. It is a construct of the mind. It cannot be reached in reality so as to manifest in the universe. Instead, it is a concept that remains solely within our minds.

Certainly, we can approach absolute zero. For example, the lowest temperature every achieved in a lab was -273.144°C, or 0.006K.

So, Why Can't We Reach Absolute Zero?

It is simple really: The universe is infinite. It is no more complex than that.

What we call "temperature" is a measure of how much of the smaller particles of the universe (otherwise known as the ether) are in a given system being measured. We then compare these measurements between various systems to create a scale that we call Fahrenheit or Celsius or Kelvin or whatever else we may call it.

When something is heated, say in a microwave or in an oven, we actively input these small particles into that system so as to increase its temperature. In other words, we increase the amount of particles per volume, which leads to higher temperatures.

When something is cooled, these same particles leave the system.

If we attempt to achieve absolute zero, then we strip these particles away drastically so that the temperature approaches the theoretical limit. Here's the problem: again, the universe is infinite. We can strip away all the particles we want. We will never truly remove all particles in a system. There are always particles remaining.

This is because there are always smaller particles; an entire universe of particles will always remain unperturbed even as more easily influenced particles are stripped from the system.

Even if we some day reach a level that we perceive as absolute zero, proclaiming "absolute zero has been reached!" with a measurement of -273.15°C, it is still an approximation of what is happening. It is akin to telling the difference between "the speed of light" and infinitesimal particles moving so close to this value that it is undetectably different. We can only measure so accurately, and in an infinite universe we reach the limits of our technology in each of these cases.

Therefore, we cannot achieve absolute zero, but rather can only approach it. This same understanding can be applied to "the speed of light", which is another concept; for light, too, is made of ether particles.

Disclaimer: This post is my view, which I have extensively elaborated on in my posts here on Steemit. Thanks for your understanding!

For more information, check out my other posts here on Steemit or my website CascadingUniverse.org

--Steve Scully

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I have started to believe in the fact that the only absolute is zero. And that it is truely obtainable. To your point of ever increasingly smaller particles occupying a space and never true allow absolute zero to be acheived is there not that same ever increasing small environment to house absolutely nothing?

Hi, thanks for reading! If we could zoom in on this ever increasing small environment, it would contain a system observable as very much like the entire observable universe; this is because the universe is the manifestation of infinity.

In other words, even what looks like nothing is infinitely complex in the infinite universe.

Another way to look at it is that if there were nothing, then there would be nothing. But there is everything, and therefore there is everything.

I know I don't put much forward in terms of evidence and just start with conclusions, but I would recommend checking out my other posts such as The Big Bang's Big Assumption that show why all observations in physics can be reduced to the results of gravity.