Be a scientist is a blessing

in science •  8 years ago 

Scientist is a person that study any course that turns wast to wealth especially chemistry.

Chemistry is a course that deal with innovation of turning things around for good. It is a course that allows us to know that majority of what we think is a wast is wealth. For instance seed of water melon can be used as coagulant to treat water, egg cell can be converted to ash which is the same thing as calcium hydroxide and it can be used in the production of biodesiel.

As a chemist anything green is useful because it will contain some secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, tannins, saponins ,steroids e. t. c. and all these can be used in the production of drugs. This is what our forefathers used to do by mixing different leafs, back of trees and root together and heat in order to extract the secondary metabolites out before use and it called herb mixture.

Industrial chemists made a recycling a way out for our wasts. Anything that may be categorized as wast such as lylon, paper, used clothes wast food e. t. c. can be converted to make new things or recycling to form new one. The used lylon can be recycled back all what we need is to gather it together and take to the factory for the further process. Think of anything even the less recognised seed can be used as supplement for food such as ''Omo Ayo''


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As agriculture student, I will only add that chemistry also help feed our entire population by producing fertilizers which contain very important plants nutrients. Without fertilizers and Haber-Bosch process, there is no way that there will be 7 billion people on Earth. Thank you chemistry, and thank you all scientists who are developing it and putting it into the everyday industry.

Thanks ,chemist recreate the world

Thanks for sharing