Disney engineers showed us the true artistry of their work.
These are the robots that will appear in the studio's new productions in the coming years. Disney has been experimenting with cutting-edge robotic technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms to generate DeepFake videos for some time.
The company does not hide that it intends to go even further and create fictional characters that will look so realistic that we cannot distinguish them from real actors. We recently saw the world's most advanced prototype of an animatronic bottlenose dolphin.
Edge Innovations built it for Disney.
The company plans to use robo-dolphins in its productions and even create new amusement parks that will feature not only electronic dolphins, but also other sea creatures (see here). Coming back to Avatar, this is one of the best sci-fi movies ever made.
There will be 4 more parts.
The premiere of the first one was supposed to take place in the fall, but it was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic for next year.
It will be similar with the next parts, but they will appear up to two years later. Currently, the premieres are as follows: Avatar 2 - December 17, 2021, Avatar 3 - December 22, 2023, Avatar 4 - December 19, 2025 and Avatar 5 - 17
December 2027.
However, there is nothing bad that would not turn out to be good.
We can expect the productions to be pampered, thanks to which the final effect will delight us even more.