The next little ice age Vol. 3

in science •  8 years ago  (edited)

The next little ice age Vol. 3

After seven consecutive days without sunspots it has made one appearance of a much smaller size than the previous 2665. Which left us a nice CME which fortunately for us only caused some problems in communications.2668 however has no activity at the moment and is directed to the non-visible section of the sun.

Source sdo nasa

The solar wind is at 537 km / sec, slightly above normal values ​​340 - 400km / sec. And in three days we will begin to notice again the rapid solar winds coming from a coronal hole of the sun that will be facing the earth in the next hours.

Source ccmc nasa

As I said before we had been seven consecutive days without sunspots, which means that we have already equated the number of days without sunspots of the year 2010.In the absence of more than 150 days to end the year. Although still very far from the year 2009, which recorded a total of 260 days without sunspots. This year is ranked number five on the list of years with more days without sunspots since 1849.

Source SILSO data / image, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels)

As the current solar cycle 24 will gradually give way to the new solar cycle 25, several consecutive days and even weeks without sunspots will become the norm. Also we will have large persistent coronal holes letting the fast solar wind escape to the Earth. This means a considerable increase in electromagnetic storms when they are persistent over time.


Since the projections of the different agencies on both the number of sunspots and the number of days without sunspots do not correspond to the data that are being offered by the tools we have available we will have to wait to see what the data tell us. For now we can say that we have less sun spots and more days without spots which leads us to think that the solar cycle change is faster than expected.
We will see the consequences at the climatic level that we are detecting, but if you read the title of the post, you will imagine what my opinion is about what will be the next decade.
Whatever your opinion about how the weather will be here you will be welcome. What do you think? Do you think the CO2, NO + NO2 model will lead us to a hot era? Do you think like me that we will have a little ice age? (Similar to the Maunder minimum) Coment!

All opinions are important to me.

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buen post bro

Muchas gracias! Voy a empezar la semana que viene con un parte diario de actividad solar, sísmica,etc. Nos leemos!

The solar minimum we are heading into is a 400 year cycle.
But, it could actually be an older cycle, maybe 7,000 year as some volcanic activity and other things are happening that haven't happened since then.

I'm not one of those that think Niribu is coming, but when they keep finding out that our Solar System is much larger than expected and they just learned that long-length comets are more numerous than expected, who knows what is going to happen with this Solar Cycle.

Thank you very much for your comment, it is always a pleasure to see that there are more people interested in the sun and its cycles. Under this title I will be writing about cycles too. As you say we do not know for sure which cycle we are going to face. Neither the consequences that will have, increase in seismicity and volcanology is clear that yes. The earth's climate will depend on the emissions of volcanoes that erupt. Many people do not realize that a medium-sized volcano expels in a single eruption more gases than we generate with human activity in a year, which can lead to drastic changes quickly.

Very Nice writhing keep it up

Thank you very much!

Now, I will give you the conspiracy side.

Agenda 21 has it's roots in the people who believe that the world's population is too large. They probably go back to the Eugenics Movement. I believe that this group is responsible for placing the Georgia Guide Stones, which limits the population to 250 million. At 7 billion, what would it take to reduce the population by that much.

Well, a Carrington Event Level CME would kill off a large portion of 1st World Citizens. 80-90% in one year are some estimates. With the sunspots so low and Earth's magnetic field low, it would be easy for one rogue sunspot to do that sort of damage. After that one sunspot we just had another X-Class sunspot shot off towards Mars. I think we might get one that will hit Earth instead.

Next, you have to take out all the third world countries. Well, the first thing was to make burning fossil fuels bad, so they would have to rely on solar and wind. Those wouldn't work after the big CME. Then, they told everyone it was getting warmer and to prepare for much warmer weather. But, it isn't, it is going to get much colder. And that's how you take out developing country populations.

What you are left with are the people who knew it was coming since the 1950s and put into place political and social seeds to set things up for the 2030s. In 2015, Agenda 21 was renamed to Agenda 2030.

As a follower of conspiracy theories I will tell you that many of them will be realities in the future. As for a possible CME, they will become less likely due to the decrease in sunspots. But think about this: the coronal holes will become more and more massive, in the scenario of a massive coronal hole letting out a fast solar wind for months. A few days after that event would have severe electromagnetic storms, more severe days exposed. Let see.

But, we just had an X-Class solar flare a few days ago, it was just on the other side of the sun. It would only take 1 sunspot to do it.

I think NK will do an EMP attack before the CME hits.

If a few days ago there was a CME and it only takes one to restore us to stone age, but a prolonged massive coronal hole will have the same effect and for me it will be more likely. With respect to nk I do not know if they will have capacity for an emp attack, what if they have is capacity to hack critical systems that of producing with the correct timing could be devastating.

They have the ability. There have been many articles pointing out that they are focusing on it and that when the USSR fell apart, the majority of the technology to make an EMP bomb made its way over to NK. All the "weak" nuclear tests are being ignored as to what they really are.

Need to read a lil more about it. We living in a very interesting times.

Upvoted by Emma

Thank you Emma.

Thanks for the post

De nada un placer!

Thinks @teks , if you want join me at

Ill check this out later.