Universal Water

in science •  7 years ago 

Universal Water

Universal Water.jpg

Just as gravity is a naturally occurring property of the universe, so is consciousness. The universe itself is conscious and gravitates towards denser and more complex forms of consciousness.

The universe is conscious and having a "you" experience. At the same time, you are having a conscious experience of the universe. We are the universe experiencing itself.

Think of it as a great sea of consciousness. In some places, the sea of energy becomes denser. Life gets more and more dense. As higher levels of consciousness emerge, the energy of that consciousness speeds up, gets excited.

You can think of it like water temperature. in most places, the water is cool, barely moving. In humans, the temperature is much warmer. When we become more conscious, it is as though the water heats up even more. You'll notice as you raise your own consciousness, it will affect those around you as well.

This isn't only psychological. You are warming the water.

Think of Earth as a pool in the cosmic ocean. Right now, the water in Earth's pool is cold from millennia of butchery, hatred and other bad stuff. We need to heat the water back up. We need to pee in the pool. And it is going to take a lot of us peeing in the pool to warm it up.

People may not like it... it may even make their eyes burn a little. But its sterile. It can't really hurt them. It can just warm them up.

Be honest, everyone loves peeing in the pool

Usually by the time we are adults, we stop the practice as a politeness to others, but you can remember how good it feels / felt to release that excess liquid and have cold water heat up a little around you. If we didn't think of peeing as a gross thing, we may even enjoy it if people pee'd near us in the pool.

Ever swim through a warm spot in a cold pool or ocean? Part of you liked it... found it refreshing... until you realized it was probably pee.

I have a theory that connecting into a space and raising your level of consciousness creates a 'warm spot' in the universe. A space where the energy becomes stronger and more conductive to raising consciousness. So I am going to connect into spaces everywhere I go, feel the energy and do what I can to shift it to a higher vibration.
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"I have a theory that connecting into a space and raising your level of consciousness creates a 'warm spot' in the universe. A space where the energy becomes stronger and more conductive to raising consciousness. "

That appears to be the case.

So, would it be like how our kinetic energy creates warmth through movement, our mental energy would also generate 'warmth' by raising our vibration frequency? I follow this logic... I really love the topic, and your explanation... Thanks for sharing!

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You had me except for the part about peeing in the pool..