STANDARDIZED REFERENCES. — WITH REVIEWS AND PREVIEWS. ... [ Word count: 6.800 ~ 27 PAGES | Revised: 2018.9.6 ]

in science •  6 years ago  (edited)


Lists of references at the bottom of long texts interrupt a smooth reading experience for readers. By forcing them to scroll up and down. At random.

Make a text easier to read. — If you want more people to read it.
Therefore I thought:

Link to the latest standardized references list in each text.

[BAL13] : People have mental effort budgets. More can afford to read that which costs them less to read.
So what should be done? — That which supports the concise use (and reuse) of each reference? — Much like that which supports the concise use (and reuse) of code? — Yes. Right click the link. And open it in another window. Then read the text with its references beside it.
The nonrepeating letters in the review marks are mostly arbitrary. Rather they're only such that many typos must be made in order to accidentally produce a transition from an intended review mark to another. — Which makes it far less likely. — Less frequent.
Only a –2 is properly a bad review. Each –1 review is really a neutral review. Rather time reading has a cost: — therefore neutral reviews are negatives. Time reading is budgeted; this cost — the next best opportunity foregone — are the other things not read only because these things were read. — So everything 0, 1, 2, 3 is basically recommended.


bp  >   ix  >  gd  >  su  >   er  >  pt
 ⇅       ⇅       ⇅        ⇅        ⇅        ⇅
  3   >   2   >   1   >   0   >  –1   >  –2

NONFICTION: \section{A}: 13

gd   [ABE96]   Harold ABELSON, Gerald SUSSMAN, Structure and interpretation of computer programs, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1996.

bp   [ABRA17]   Samson ABRAMSKY, Contextuality: at the borders of paradox, Categories for the working philosopher, Oxford: University Press, 2017.

bp   [ABRA99]   Samson ABRAMSKY, Guy MCCUSKER, Game semantics, Computational logic, Berlin: Springer, 1999.

bp   [ABRA09]   Samson ABRAMSKY, Bob COECKE, Categorical quantum mechanics, Quantum logic, Amsterdam: Elsevier North Holland, 2009.

su   [ALL33]   Floyd ALLPORT, Institutional Behavior, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1933.

bp   [AND62]   Alex ANDREW, Learning in a nondigital environment, Aspects of the theory of artificial intelligence, New York: Plenum, 1962.

gd   [AND09]   ↑↑↑, A missing link in cybernetics: logic and continuity, New York: Springer, 2009.

bp   [ARB03]   Michael ARBIB, The evolving mirror system a neural basis for language readiness, Language evolution, Oxford: University Press, 2003.

bp   [ASH62]   Ross ASHBY, The self reproducing system, Aspects of the theory of artificial intelligence, New York: Plenum, 1962.

bp   [ASH81]   ↑↑↑, Mechanisms of intelligence, Seaside: Intersystems, 1981.

gd   [ASH48]   Thomas ASHTON, The industrial revolution, London: Oxford University Press, 1948.

bp   [ATI06]   Michael ATIYAH, The interaction between geometry and physics, The unity of mathematics, Boston: Birhaeuser, 2006.

su   [AUM99]   Robert AUMANN, Interactive epistemology, 1, 2, International journal of game theory, 28(3):263–300, 301–314, 8.1999.

NONFICTION: \section{Ba–Bi}: 9

bp   [BAA88]   Bernard BAARS, A cognitive theory of consciousness, Cambridge: University Press, 1988.

gd   [BAA97]   ↑↑↑, In the theater of consciousness, Oxford: University Press, 1997.

bp   [BAL13]   Philip BALLARD, Obliviscence and reminiscence, Cambridge: University Press, 1913.

bp   [BAR32]   Frederic BARTLETT, Remembering, Cambridge: University Press, 1932.

bp   [BAT43]   Gregory BATESON, Human dignity and the varieties of civilization, Science, Philosophy, Religion, New York: Bryson Finkelstein, 1943.

bp   [BEK02]   Jacob BEKENSTEIN, Quantum information and quantum black holes, Advances in the interplay between quantum and gravity physics, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002.

bp   [BIR88]   Richard BIRD, Philip WADLER, Introduction to functional programming, Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall, 1988.

gd   [BIR10]   ↑↑↑, Pearls of functional algorithm design, Cambridge: University Press, 2010.

bp   [BIR97]   Richard BIRD, Oege DEMOOR, Algebra of programming, Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall, 1997.

NONFICTION: \section{Bl–Bo}: 9

bp   [BLA39.1,2]   Brand BLANSHARD, The nature of thought, 1, 2, London: Allen Unwin, 1939.

su   [BLA54]   ↑↑↑, Philosophical style, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1954.

su   [BLU74]   Lenore BLUM, Manuel BLUM, Toward a mathematical theory of inductive inference, Information and control, 28(2):125–155, 11.1974.

bp   [BOD06.1,2]   Margaret BODEN, Mind as machine, 1, 2, Oxford: University Press, 2006.

bp   [BOH93]   David BOHM, Basil HILEY, The undivided universe, London: Routledge, 1993.

bp   [BOIS57]   Samuel BOIS, Explorations in awareness, New York: Harper, 1957.

bp   [BOO54]   George BOOLE, An investigation of the laws of thought on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities, London: Walton Maberly, 1854.

bp   [BOO63]   George BOOLE, Stanley JEVONS. Letters, 1863 (The correspondence between George Boole and Stanley Jevons, 1863), History and philosophy of logic, 12(1):15–35, 6.1990.

bp   [BOY90]   Pascal BOYER, Tradition as truth and communication, Cambridge: University Press, 1990.

NONFICTION: \section{Br–Bz}: 11

gd   [BRA15]   Gilad BRACHA, The dart programming language specification, Geneva: Ecma, 2015.

gd   [BRA16]   ↑↑↑, The dart programming language, Boston: Addison Wesley, 2016.

bp   [BRA84]   Valentino BRAITENBERG, Vehicles, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1984.

bp   [BRO52]   Eugene BRODY, Enger ROSVOLD, Influence of prefrontal lobotomy on social interaction in a monkey group, Psychosomatic Medicine, 14(5):406–415, 9.1952(9).

bp   [BRO58]   Donald BROADBENT, Perception and communication, Oxford: Pergamon, 1958.

bp   [BRO71]   ↑↑↑, Decision and stress, London: Academic Press, 1971.

gd   [BRU83]   Jerome BRUNER, Child's talk: learning to use language, Oxford: University Press, 1983.

su   [BRU90]   ↑↑↑, Acts of meaning, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.

bp   [BUR69]   William BURROUGHS, Entretiens, Paris: Belfond, 1969.

ix   [BUR76]   William BURROUGHS, Brion GYSIN, Oeuvre croisee, Paris: Flammarion, 1976.

ix   [BUS94]   David BUSS, The evolution of desire, New York: Basic Books, 1994.

NONFICTION: \section{Ca–Cm}: 11

gd   [CAF97]   R. CAFLISCH, W. Morokoff, A. Owen, Valuation of mortgage backed securities using brownian bridges to reduce effective dimension, Journal of computational finance, 1(1):27–46, 1.1997.]

er   [CAR45]   Rudolf CARNAP, The two concepts of probability, Philosophy and phenomenological research, 5(4):513–532, 6.1945.

er   [CAR50]   ↑↑↑, Logical foundations of probability, Chicago: University Press, 1950.

gd   [CAR52]   Rudolf CARNAP, Yehoshua BAR-HILLEL, An outline of a theory of semantic information, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Electronics, 1952.

bp   [CHA03]   Gregory CHAITIN, From philosophy to program size, Tallinn: University Press, 2003.

gd   [CHA10]   David CHALMERS, The characters of consciousness*, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

bp   [CHA15]   Nick CHATER, Morten CHRISTIANSEN, Squeezing through the now or never bottleneck, Behavioral and brain sciences, 39(E62):1–19, 4.2015.

bp   [CHA16]   ↑↑↑, Reconnecting language processing, acquisition, change, and structure, Behavioral and brain sciences, 39(E62):46–72, 6.2016.

su   [CIP62]   Carlo CIPOLLA, The economic history of world population, Baltimore: Penguin, 1962.

gd   [CIP65]   ↑↑↑, Guns, sails, and empires, New York: Pantheon, 1965.

bp   [CLA99]   William CLANCY, Conceptual coordination: how mind orders experience in time, Mahwah: Erlbaum, 1999.

NONFICTION: \section{Cn–Cz}: 9

bp   [COE09]   Bob COECKE, Quantum picturalism, Contemporary physics, 51(1):59–83, 2.2009.

bp   [COE17.1]   Bob COECKE, Aleks KISSINGER, Categorical quantum mechanics: causal quantum processes, Categories for the working philosopher, Oxford: University Press, 2017.

bp   [COE17.2]   ↑↑↑, Picturing quantum processes, Cambridge: University Press, 2017.

gd   [COM67]   Arthur COMPTON, Cosmos, New York: Knopf, 1967.

gd   [CON71]   John CONWAY, Regular algebra and finite machines, London: Chapman Hall Clowes, 1971.

gd   [CON71]   J. CONWAY, H. BURGIEL, C. GOODMAN-STRAUSS, The symmetries of things, Boca Raton: Taylor Francis, 2008.

su   [CHRI75]   Nicos CHRISTOFIDES, Graph theory, London: Academic Press, 1975.

ix   [CHRI97]   Clayton CHRISTENSEN, The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail, Cambridge: Harvard University Business School Press, 1997.

su   [CHRIS08]   C. CHRISTENSEN, M. HORN, C. JOHNSON, Disrupting class, New York: McGraw Hill, 2008.

NONFICTION: \section{D}: 11

bp   [DAAN48]   Albert DAAN, The idea of freedom, Synthese, 6(9):476–486, 9.1948.

bp   [DAR17]   G. D'ARIANO, G. CHIRIBELLA, P. PERINOTI, Quantum theory from first principles, Cambridge, University Press, 2017.

su   [DEN87]   Daniel DENNETT, The intentional stance, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1987.

su   [DEN91]   ↑↑↑, Consciousness explained, Boston: Little Brown, 1991.

gd   [DEU11]   David DEUTSCH, The beginning of infinity, London: Lane, 2011.

gd   [DEW03.1,2]   Bryce DEWITT, The global approach to quantum field theory, 1, 2, Oxford: University Press, 2003.

bp   [DIJ76]   Edsger DIJKSTRA, A discipline of programming, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1976.

bp   [DIR39]   Paul DIRAC, A new notation for quantum mechanics, Mathematical proceedings of the cambridge philosophical society, 35(3):416–418, 4.1939.

gd   [DUCA18]   Stephane DUCASSE, Damien POLLET, Learning object oriented programming, design, and test driven design, with Pharo,, 2018.

bp   [DUR07]   Nikolai DUROV, A new approach to arakelov geometry, arXiv:0704.2030v1:1–568, 2.2007.

bp   [DUR11]   ↑↑↑, Classifying vectoids and generalizations of operads, arXiv:1015.3114v1:1–22, 5.2011.

NONFICTION: \section{E}: 3

ix   [ECC80]   John ECCLES, The human psyche, Berlin: Springer, 1980.

bp   [ELD25]   Seba ELDRIDGE, The organization of life, New York: Crowell, 1925.

bp   [ESP02]   Javier ESPARZA, Grammars as processes, Formal and natural computation, Berlin: Springer, 2002.

NONFICTION: \section{F}: 15

bp   [FARM09]   D. FARMER, D. CHERKASHIN, S. LLOYD, The reality game, Journal of economic dynamics and control, 33(5):1091–1105, 2.2009.

gd   [FEU48]   Lion FEUCHTWANGER, Notes on the historical novel, Books abroad, 22(4): 345–347, 9.1948.

bp   [FEU63]   ↑↑↑, The laurels and limitations of historical fiction, Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1963.

bp   [FEY85]   Richard FEYNMANN, Surely you're joking Mr Feynman, New York: Norton, 1985.

bp   [FIN03]   D. FINKELSTEIN, J. BAUGH, A. GALIAUTDINOV, M. SHIRIGARAKANI, Transquantum dynamics, Foundations of physics, 33(9):1267–1275, 4.2003.

bp   [FOD68]   Jerry FODOR, Psychological explanation, New York: Random House, 1968.

bp   [FOE62]   Heinz FOERSTER, Circuitry of clues to platonic ideation, Aspects of the theory of artificial intelligence, New York: Plenum, 1962.

bp   [FOE65]   ↑↑↑, Memory without record, The anatomy of memory, Palo Alto: Science and behavior books, 1965.

er   [FOG91]   Robert FOGEL, The conquest of high mortality and hunger in Europe and America, Favorites of fortune, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991.

er   [FOG04]   ↑↑↑, The escape from hunger and premature death, Cambridge: University Press, 2004.

er   [FOG11]   R. FOGEL, R. FLOUD, B. HARRIS, S. HONG, The changing body — health, nutrition, and human development in the Western World, Cambridge: University Press, 2011.

bp   [FOR89]   Steven FORTUNE, Stable maintenance of point set triangulations in two dimensions, Institute of electrical and electronics engineers computer society annual symposium on foundations of computer science, 30(1):494–499, 1.1989.

bp   [FRE83]   Hans FREUDENTHAL, Didactical phenomenology of mathematical structures, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1983.

gd   [FRE91]   ↑↑↑, Revisiting mathematics education, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991.

bp   [FRI05]   George FRIEDMAN, Constraint theory, New York: Springer, 2005.

NONFICTION: \section{G}: 17

gd   [GAR63]   Martin GARDNER, A new paradox, and variations on it, about a man condemned to be hanged, Scientific American, 208(3):144--154, 3.1963.

bp   [GAR62]   Wendell GARNER, Uncertainty and structure as psychological concepts, New York: Wiley, 1962.

bp   [GAR72]   ↑↑↑, Information integration and form of encoding, Coding processes in human memory, Washington: Winston, 1972.

bp   [GAR74]   ↑↑↑, The processing of information and structure, Potomac: Erlbaum, 1974.

su   [GAR18]   Rodney GARRATT, Neil WALLACE, Bitcoin 1, Bitcoin 2, ..., an experiment in privately issued outside monies, Economic inquiry, 56(3): 1887–1897, 7.2018.

bp   [GIR86]   Jean-Yves GIRARD, Linear logic, Theoretical computer science, 50(1):1–102, 10.1986.

gd   [GIR89]   ↑↑↑, Proofs and types, Cambridge: University Press, 1989.

bp   [GIR95]   ↑↑↑, Linear logic, Advances in linear logic, Cambridge: University Press, 1995.

bp   [GIR99]   ↑↑↑, The meaning of logical rules: syntax versus semantics, Computational logic, Berlin: Springer, 1999.

gd   [GIR01]   ↑↑↑, Locus solum: from the rules of logic to the logic of rules, Mathematical structures in computer science, 11(3):301–506, 4.2001.

gd   [GIR11]   ↑↑↑, The blind spot, Zuerich: European mathematical society, 2011.

gd   [GLE87,92,11]   J. GLEICK, 1987, Chaos, 1992, Richard Feynman, 2011, Information.

su   [GLE99,02,03]   ↑↑↑, 1999, Faster, 2002, What just happened, 2003, Isaac Newton.

gd   [GOLD87]   Robert GOLDBLATT, Orthogonality and spacetime geometry, New York: Springer, 1987.

bp   [GOS54]   Hermann GOSSEN, Entwicklung der gesetze des menschlichen verkehrs, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1854.

gd   [GROM02]   Misha GROMOV, Random walk in random groups, Geometric and functional analysis, 13(1):73–146, 12.2002.

gd   [GUN65]   Robert GUNNING, Hugo ROSSI, Analytic functions of several complex variables, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1965.

NONFICTION: \section{Ha–He}: 9

bp   [HAK77]   Hermann HAKEN, Synergetics, Berlin: Springer, 1977.

bp   [HER17]   John HAMMERSLEY, Karl MORTON, Transposed branching processes, Journal of the royal statistical society, 16B(1):76–79, 10.1953.

gd   [HAM77]   Richard HAMMING, Digital filters, Engelwood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1977.

bp   [HAR54]   Errol HARRIS, Nature, mind, and modern science, London: Allen Unwin, 1954.

bp   [HAR65]   ↑↑↑, The foundations of metaphysics in science, London: Allen Unwin, 1965.

bp   [HAR70]   ↑↑↑, Hypothesis and perception, London: Allen Unwin, 1970.

bp   [HAR88]   ↑↑↑, The reality of time, Albany: New York State University Press, 1988.

bp   [HER08]   Maurice HERLIHY, Nir SHAVIT, The art of multiprocessor programming, Amsterdam Burlington: Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.

su   [HER17]   C. HERNANDEZ, H. WAYMENT-STEELE, M. SULTAN, B. HUSIC, V. PANDE, Variational encodings of complex dynamics, Physical review, 97E(6):062412-1–11, 12.2017.

NONFICTION: \section{Hi–Hy}: 15

bp   [HIL60]   Peter HILTON, Shaun WYLIE, Homology theory, Cambridge: University Press, 1960.

bp   [HIN53]   Alexander HINCHIN, A short course of mathematical analysis, Moskva: Technical Theoretical Literature Publishing House, 1953.

gd   [HOA85]   Anthony HOARE, Communicating sequential processes, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1985.

gd   [HOF79]   Douglas HOFSTADTER, Goedel, Escher, Bach, New York: Basic Books, Hassocks: Harvester, 1979.

su   [HOFST06]   ↑↑↑, What is it like to be a strange loop, *Self representational approaches to consciousness, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2006.

su   [HOFST07]   ↑↑↑, *I am a strange loop, New York: Basic Books, 2007.

bp   [HOL75]   John HOLLAND, Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1975.

bp   [HOL95]   ↑↑↑, Hidden order how adaptations build complexity, Reading: Addison Wesley, 1995.

bp   [HOL98]   ↑↑↑, Emergence from chaos to order, Reading: Addison Wesley, 1998.

gd   [HOL14]   ↑↑↑, Complexity, Oxford: University Press, 2014.

su   [HOPF37]   Eberhard HOPF, Ergodentheorie, Berlin: Springer, 1937.

gd   [HUG95]   Barry HUGHES, Random walks, Oxford: University Press, 1995.

gd   [HUG96]   ↑↑↑, Random environments, Oxford: University Press, 1996.

bp   [HUG06]   Dominic HUGHES, Proofs without syntax, Annals of mathematics, 164(3):1065–1076, 8.2004.

bp   [HUT94.1,2,3]   James HUTTON, An investigation of the principles of knowledge, and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy, 1, 2, 3, Edinburgh: Strahan Cadell, 1794.

NONFICTION: \section{I}: 2

bp   [IVE62]   Kenneth IVERSON, A programming language, New York: Wiley, 1962.

bp   [IVE80]   ↑↑↑, Notation as a tool of thought, Communications of the association for computing machinery, 23(8):444–465, 8.1980.

NONFICTION: \section{J}: 9

bp   [JAM90.1,2]   William JAMES, Principles of psychology, 1, 2, New York: Holt, 1890.

bp   [JAM04]   ↑↑↑, Does consciousness exist? Journal of philosophy, psychology, and scientific method, 1(18):477–491, 8.1904.

bp   [JAM07]   ↑↑↑, Pragmatism, New York: Longmans Green, 1907.

su   [JEN67]   Fleeming JENKIN, The origin of species, North british review, 7(2):277–318, 6.1867.

gd   [JEN25]   Herbert JENNINGS, Introduction, The organization of life, New York: Crowell, 1925.

su   [JEU96]   Johan JEURING, Patrik JANSSON, Polytypic programming, Advanced functional programming, Berlin: Springer, 1996.

er   [JEV82]   Stanley JEVONS, The state in relation to labor, London: Macmillan, 1882.

bp   [JIB95]   Mari JIBU, Kunio YASUE, Quantum brain dynamics and consciousness, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1995.

su   [JOS97]   Adolf JOST, Die assoziationsfestigleit in ihrer abhaengigkeit von der verteilung der wiederholungen, Zeitschrift fuer psychologie und physiologie der sinnesorgane, 14(1):436–472, 4.1897.

NONFICTION: \section{Ka–Ke}: 7

su   [KAH11]   Daniel KAHNEMAN, Thinking fast and slow, New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2011.

ix   [KAN11]   Satoshi KANAZAWA, The intelligence paradox, Hoboken: Wiley, 2011.

bp   [KAN88]   Pentti KANERVA, Sparse distributed memory, Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1988.

bp   [KAS00]   Masaki KASHIWARA, Foundations of algebraic analysis, Tokyo: Iwanami, 2000; Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2003.

bp   [KAS90]   Masaki KASHIWARA, Pierre SCHAPIRA, Sheaves on manifolds, Berlin: Springer, 1990.

bp   [KAS06]   Masaki KASHIWARA, Pierre SCHAPIRA, Categories and sheaves, Berlin: Springer, 2006.

bp   [KAY93]   Alan KAY, The early history of smalltalk, Association for computing machinery special interest group on programming languages notices, 28(3):69–95, 3.1993.

NONFICTION: \section{Ki–Kl}: 3

bp   [KIN72]   David KINNIMENT, Dai EDWARDS, Circuit technology in a large computer system, Proceedings of the conference on computers, systems, and technology, London: Institution of electronic and radio engineers, 1972.

bp   [KIN07]   David KINNIMENT, Synchronization and arbitration in digital systems, Chichester: Wiley, 2007.

bp   [KIN11]   ↑↑↑, He who hesitates is lost: decisions and free will in men and machines, Newcastle: University Press, 2011.

NONFICTION: \section{Km–Kn}: 4

gd   [KNUT76]   Donald KNUTH, Mariages stables et leurs relations avec d'autres problemes combinatoires, Montreal: University Press, 1976.

bp   [KNUT79]   ↑↑↑, Tex and metafont: new directions in typesetting, Bedford: Digital Equipment Corporation American Mathematical Society, 1979.

gd   [KNUT92]   ↑↑↑, Axioms and hulls, Berlin: Springer, 1992.

bp   [KNUT15]   ↑↑↑, The art of computer programming, volume 4, combinatorial algorithms, fascicle 6, satisfiability, Boston: Addison Wesley, 2015.

NONFICTION: \section{Ko–Ku}: 9

gd   [KOD71]   Kunihiko KODAIRA, James MORROW, Complex manifolds, New York: Holt Rinehart Winston, 1971.

bp   [KOE40]   Wolfgang KOEHLER, Dynamics in psychology, New York: Liveright, 1940.

bp &#160 [KOS04] &#160 Raph KOSTER, A theory of fun for game design, Scottsdale: Paraglyph, 2004.

gd   [KRE02]   Hans-Joerg KREOWSKI, A sight seeing tour of the computational landscape of graph transformation, Formal and natural computation, Berlin: Springer, 2002.

gd   [KRIE09,11,15]   Uriah KRIEGEL, 2009, Subjective consciousness, 2011, The sources of intentionality, 2015, The varieties of consciousness, Oxford: University Press.

su   [KUB36]   Lawrence KUBIE, Practical elements of psychoanalysis, New York: Norton, 1936.

ix   [KUB50]   ↑↑↑, Practical and theoretical aspects of psychoanalysis, New York: International Universities, 1950.

bp   [KUB58]   ↑↑↑, Neurotic distortion of the creative process, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1958.

bp   [KUB78]   ↑↑↑, Symbol and neurosis, New York: International Universities, 1978.

NONFICTION: \section{L}: 15

bp   [LAM03]   Leslie LAMPORT, Specifying systems, Boston: Addison Wesley, 2003.

bp   [LAN69]   David LANDES, The unbound prometheus, Cambridge: University Press, 1969.

bp   [LAN98]   ↑↑↑, The wealth and poverty of nations, New York: Norton, 1998.

bp   [LEIB66]   Gottfried LEIBNIZ, Dissertatio de arte combinatoria, Leipzig: Fickium Seuboldum, 1666.

bp   [LEIB95]   ↑↑↑, Letter, 1695 (Undated reply of Gottfried Leibniz to Bernhard Nieuwentijt, 1695), Early mathematical manuscripts, Chicago: Open Court, 1920.

bp   [LEIN04]   Tom LEINSTER, Higher operads higher categories, Cambridge: University Press, 2004.

bp   [LET89]   Jerome LETTVIN, Warren MCCULLOCH and Walter PITTS, Collected works of Warren McCulloch, Salinas: Intersystems, 1989.

gd   [LIB04]   Benjamin LIBET, Mind time, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.

bp   [LIPS17]   H. LIPSON, A. MIRIYEV, K. STACK, Soft material for soft actuators, Nature communications, 8(596):1–8, 4.2017.

bp   [LON34]   Mountifort LONGFIELD, Lectures on Political Economy, Dublin: Milliken, 1834.

bp   [LOR49.1]   Konrad LORENZ, Er redete mit dem vieh den voegeln und den fischen, Wien: Schoeler, 1949.

bp   [LOR49.2]   ↑↑↑, So kam der mensch auf den hund, Wien: Borotha Schoeler, 1949.

bp   [LOR63]   ↑↑↑, Zur naturgeschichte der aggression, Wien: Borotha Schoeler, 1963.

ix   [LOR73.1]   ↑↑↑, Die acht todsuenden der zivilisierten menschheit, Muenchen: Piper, 1973.

bp   [LOR73.2]   ↑↑↑, Die rueckseite des spiegels versuch einer naturgeschichte menschlichen erkennens, Muenchen: Piper, 1973.

NONFICTION: \section{Ma–Mc}: 7

bp   [MAC83]   Bruce MACLENNON, Principles of programming languages, New York: Holt Rinehart Winston, 1983.

su   [MAC90]   ↑↑↑, Functional programming, Reading: Addison Wesley, 1990.

gd   [MATH17]   N. MATHEWS, A. CHRISTENSEN, R. OGRADY, F. MONDADA, M. DORIGO, Mergeable nervous systems for robots, Nature communications, 8(439):1–7, 1.2017.

bp   [MCCA10]   Joseph MCCABE, The evolution of mind, London: Black, 1910.

bp   [MCCU43]   Warren MCCULLOCH, Walter PITTS, A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity, Bulletin of mathematical biophysics, 5(4):115–133, 12.1943.

ix   [MCLU64]   Marshall MCLUHAN, Understanding media the extensions of man, New York: McGraw Hill, 1964.

ix   [MCLU68]   Marshall MCLUHAN, Harley PARKER, Through the vanishing point, New York: Harper Row, 1968.

NONFICTION: \section{Me–Mn}: 17

bp   [MEA80]   Carver MEAD, Lynn CONWAY, Introduction to very large scale integrated systems, Reading: Addison Wesley, 1980.

bp   [MED75]   Ray MEDDIS, The function of sleep, Animal behavior, 23(3):676–691, 8.1975.

bp   [MED77]   ↑↑↑, The sleep instinct, London: Routledge Paul, 1977.

bp   [MEN71]   Carl MENGER, Grundsaetze der volkswirthschaftslehre, Wien: Braumueller, 1871.

bp   [MEN83]   ↑↑↑, Untersuchungen ueber die methode der socialwissenschaften und der politischen oekonomie, Leipzig: Duncker Humblot, 1883.

bp   [MEN43]   Karl MENGER, What is dimension, American mathematical monthly, 50(1):2–7, 1.1943.

bp   [MEN52,53]   ↑↑↑, Calculus, Ed. 1, 2, Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology Press, 1952, 1953.

bp   [MEN55]   ↑↑↑, Calculus, Ed. 3, Boston: Ginn, 1955.

bp   [MEN61]   ↑↑↑, A counterpart of Occam's razor in pure and applied mathematics, Synthese, 13(4):331–349, 12.1961.

bp   [MEN17]   W. MENNINGHAUS, V. WAGNER, J. HANICH, E. WASSILIWIZKY, T. JACOBSEN, S. KOELSCH, The distancing embracing model of the enjoyment of negative emotions in art reception, Behavioral and brain sciences, E347.1–E347.63, 2.2017.

bp   [MIL67]   George MILLER, Computers, communication, and cognition, The psychology of communication, New York: Basic Books, 1967.

gd   [MIL81]   ↑↑↑, Language and speech, San Francisco: Freeman, 1981.

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NONFICTION: \section{O}: 6

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NONFICTION: \section{U}: 1

bp   [UME93]   Hiroomi UMEZAWA, Advanced field theory micro, macro, and thermal physics, New York: American Institute of Physics, 1993.

NONFICTION: \section{V}: 2

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NONFICTION: \section{Wa–We}: 6

bp   [WAD77]   Conrad WADDINGTON, Tools for thought, New York: Basic Books, 1977.

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FICTION: \section{G}: 1

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FICTION: \section{H}: 3

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FICTION: \section{JKL}: 1

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FICTION: \section{S}: 8

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FICTION: \section{UVWXYZ}: 5

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