in science •  7 years ago 

There are 5 things that enable men know there is a God. and non of these truths proves the existence of God by itself. But by putting all five together, we have proof of God's being, work and power.
The Bible does not try to prove that there is a God. Men everywhere already know there is a God, one who is head over all things. and yet, many people wonder about who this God is and would like to know many things about Him.

  1. MAN KNOWS THERE IS A GOD BECAUSE OF WHAT HE SEES AROUND small_7e56af7dceec743acbaaa19c.jpgHIM. How did this world come to existence? It could not come into being by itself. Who made it? There is no secret about it. God's Word tells who made the world.
    "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth from nothing" (Genesis 1:1). The sky
    above man and the earth around him prove that someone made them. This did not just happen. When man makes something, he uses things to make other things. But God did not use anything to make the world. These Things around man do not tell him who made the world. But they do tell him that Whoever made it was very Great.
  2. MAN KNOWS THERE IS A GOD BECAUSE OF THE WAY PEOPLE ARE MADE. The one Who brought man into being had to be greater than man. Man can know and feel and act. Man has something inside him that tells him when he gas done wrong. He is not only flesh, blood, and bones, man is able to know right from wrong.
    This makes him know there is an All powerful
    God who made man and rules over him.
  3. MAN KNOWS THERE IS A GOD BECAUSE ALL THINGS WORKS AS THEY WERE PLANNED. Think of the earth, sun, moon and stars. They do not run into each other. They go year after year in the way they were planned to go! Millions of stars were put in their places. Nights And Days
    come and go always as they were planned. Summers and Winters come and go always as they were planned. The one who planned all this Had Great Wisdom.
  4. MAN KNOWS THERE IS A GOD BECAUSE OF WHAT THE PAST TELLS HIM. Man knows the Bible is the word of God. Early preachers said certain things would happen in the future, and they did happen. Christ came to the earth by a
    powerful work to do something special for men.
    The followers of Christ have taken the Good News around the world the years. Men's lives have been changed as they have put their trust in Christ. Sinful men have never been able to destroy what God has made. These things could only be done through God's Power and work.
  5. MAN KNOWS THERE IS A GOD BECAUSE ALL MEN KNOW THEY NEED A GOD. Every person knows there is something wrong in his life. He may not call it sin, but he has a guilty feeling. Every person knows there must be one perfect. He Knows there must be someone Who is head Over all. Man needs a Leader. The Word of God
    does not try to prove there is a God. It just tell us about God because men over all the world already know that He is. The Word of God tells us there is only one true God.
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