Attractor - beauty in math

in science •  9 years ago  (edited)

Strange attractor:

The Lorenz Attractor:

3D Strange Attractors with Varying Parameters:

My work results in Maple environment (just simple university lab works):

Julia set

bifurcation diagram

interesting phase portrait (It was very hard to pick up parameters to get such picture))) )

chaos attractor

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Great ! I love chaos stuff.
I created attractors from biofeedback data. Its beautifull to create attractor patterns with breath. Check out my article :

I have studied chaos in university. I made a lot of cool stuff like Julia set, bifurcation diagrams, fractals ... in Maple enviroment.

here some example of attractor based on breath data pulse, in VR:

ah sorry thats the wrong one, come back later

Got to love chaos theorey