Ken Wheeler's Ferrocell Videos - Confused Observations and Misleading Terminology

in science •  4 years ago  (edited)


For years... I’ve had to address post after post about Ken Wheeler’s FerroCell Misconceptions. Finally decided to make a note on it.

Ken Wheeler doesn't realize what he is observing.
That FerroCell is similar to a green magnetic viewing film.

But the FerrocCell uses clear liquid and magnetic reactive particles/ ferrofluid.
It's the clear thin film of fluid which makes loops of light from refraction/ diffraction.
More LEDs, more loops of light.

The small (nano) particles suspended in the thin film of fluid change at angles depending on the approach of a magnet.
The dark portions show the poles. And the line of light at the equator shows the Bloch Wall.
(The point where magnetism diminishes to zero from each pole.)

On the left is a sphere magnet stuck to the top of a drill.


Notice there are NO loops of light.
Just the dividing line between N & S.


When looking at the FerroCell, Ken is mistaking the refraction/ diffraction of the LED lights for “magnetic field lines.”


The thin film of fluid is acting like a fiber-optic cable in that the light is refracting/diffracting through the fluid. But the magnetic field is not bending the light directly at all.
The lights are attempting to shine parallel with the surface of the film of fluid. Which is why the fluid refracts/diffracts the light like that.


Here is a link to a study on the “controlled diffraction” in a ferrocell:

Magnetism DOES NOT bend light.
There is NO DIRECT LINK between magnetic fields affecting the path of light.

The path of a LASER beam will not be affected by a magnet.
If the LASER beam is shined through a fluid... the beam will deflect at angles according to the refracting media. Or make loops if diffracting.

If there are magnetic reactive particles in the fluid and a magnet near-by... then the light from the LASER will shine onto the particles and make loops of light from dffraction. And moreso when you point the beam parallel instead of perpendicular.
You can do the same with sunlight, a flashlight or any light source with the Ferrocell.

The magnet is affecting the angle of the small suspended particles in the thin film of fluid/oil.
The LED light is shining on the particles trapped in the fluid which are aligning in loops.
The light is exposing the gradient of particles at angles. And the more LEDS, the more lines and loops. The lines are not representative of the existing magnetic field. Illusion.

There is No such thing as Magnetic Field Lines.
There is an overall gradient that drops off according to the inverse square away from the surface. Like how brightness drops off away from the wick of a candle flame.
It’s a smooth drop-off.
There are no candle light lines just as there are no magnetic field lines.
But you can make a 2D graph to represent the drop-off of the gradient using lines on a chart.


Iron shavings will align and "line up" within the magnetic gradient.
But a magnetic field is a smooth drop off in the strength of gauss as you move away from the surface of the magnet.


There will be sharper angles closer to the surface and wider angles away from the surface.
But there are no field lines.
The more LED lights surrounding that FerroCell... The more they will refract/diffract and the more loops you will see.

Has nothing to do with magnetic field lines (which do not exist.)
With the green magnetic viewing film…Notice there are no loops of light.
Only that the dark portions show the poles.

When you allow magnets to collect together the way they want to... the separation between each North and South will appear as a STRAIGHT LINE.


When you force magnets together even though they want to repel... the separation between each North and South will appear as RINGS. Below are All North Pole facing up forced together.


Similar to healthy individual blood cells.


TOP: Standard magnet with ball bearing.
BOTTOM: Coded Magnet with Ball Bearings.

The ball bearings are bound and automatically move to the border of N & S

By forcing magnets together even though they want to repel, you can form curves and waves:

My attempts at magnetizing a coded magnet. Replicating the work of PolyMagnets/ CMR (Correlated Magnetics Research)


The "dividing line" between north and south… Where the magnetism "diminishes to zero", (the Bloch Wall)... that is what shines because the angle of those tiny particles in the thin film of fluid are turning on their side allowing them to slightly reflect light.

They are standing straight up at the poles, which is why they are not reflecting light.

There are no loops of light.

Here is a short Q&A with a University Professor asking if Magnetic Fields Lines actually exist:

Here is the first example of a magnetic ferrocell uploaded by YouTube user SirZerp back in May 19th 2008.
Almost 14 years ago. (at the time of updating this article)

Ken Wheeler's comment is still on the video where he first saw the concept.
He goes by Theoria Apophasis
"awesome video!!! Commendable research!!!!! Wonderful 5 GOLD STARS"


But Ken did not see that video until 2015.
6 years after the video was uploaded.
(And many others like it)

Ken was so impressed, he decided to purchase one of the units for himself from the guys website at:

But then Ken Wheeler started making the same observations (that many were already making for years)… And started claiming he was the "First person on Earth to make such discoveries":


Listening to Ken Wheeler speak is like listening to the fictional explanation of the
"Turbo Encabulator."

He will use 78 syllables when you only need 2 or 3. While making up his own terminology.

Ken: "The dielectric cathode inertial plane synchronistically integrates with inter-aetheric modules which centripetally spin at a synergistic convergence while simultaneously resonating with centrifugal dispersions. The dielectricity infinitely propagates outward equatorially. It's just so simplex."

Me: "......... Bloch Wall..."

I like big words too.
And Ken is an "obfuscating sesquipedalianist and ultracrepidarian."

There is no such thing as “Dielectricity.”

There are Dielectric materials (insulators) and there are conductive materials.
Ken got the word "Dielectricity" from Eric Dollard in a couple papers authored by Eric decades ago while he was associated with Borderlands Research.


Heat flows from A to B following the Carnot Cycle.
There is no “heatricity”.
That would be a made-up word.

There are dielectric materials which promote a static charge or electrostatic potential.
But there is no “dielectricity.”

There is static... OR currents.
0 ... OR 1
Off... OR On

Electricity is all-inclusive, but mainly refers to the Current. Otherwise you say “static”.

I challenge you to go through the original work of Charles Steinmetz directly and find me one reference to the word “Dielectricity.”
It doesn’t exist.


Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomenon:

Theoretical Elements of Electrical Engineering:

Radiation, Light and Illumination:

Elementary Lectures on Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses:

Engineering Mathematics:

General Lectures on Electrical Engineering:

Theory and Calculation of Electrical Apparatus:

There is no such thing as a “cathode plane” or “inertial plane” or “dielectric plane” or dielectric inertial plane, or dielectric inertial cathode plane, etc etc.

There are 3 orthagonal axis in space. 3D Euclidean Geometry. X, Y and Z Axis.
Fleming Rule/ Lorentz Force.

There is nothing “dielectric” about the bloch wall of a magnet.
Dielectric is another word for “insulator”.
There is no insulator at the equator to a magnet.
All of that terminology by Ken is really just made up nonsense.

For someone who knows so much about cameras and lenses… Ken sure missed the mark on interpreting the refraction/diffraction of LED lights through the thin film of fluid. Acting as a lens.

Iron shavings around a magnet will align and form lines within the overall gradient of the magnetic field. The closer to the surface of the magnet… The sharper the angles. There are no magnetic field lines… But ferrous particles will "line up" within the field.
As will compasses.


The magnetic field around a magnet is static/stationary.
When in the presence of an electric current… It will induce motion of charged particles 90° to the magnetic field. WITHIN the field.
But the magnetic field itself is not spinning or making a vortex… But reactive particles within the field will spin and loop and align.

Like a Crookes Tube and a beam of “electrons” (fermions):
The charged particles are glowing like little candles.
The charged particles are made to flow in a sideways loop from the influence of the magnetic field.


Once again.. the light is NOT being bent by a magnet... the path of charged particles is being bent and those particles are glowing, therefore, it LOOKS like the magnet makes the Light bend... it is INDIRECT.

Magnetic fields do not affect photons.
“Gravity” does not bend light or affect photons either.
Light bends in space from refraction as well.

So Ken Wheeler is mistaking the dark spots and overall glow and light portion of the Bloch Wall as shown with a green magnetic viewing film... with the completely separate loops of light produced from LEDs refracting/diffracting through a fluid or media.

He is confusing the graphical representation of the over-all gradient with the loops of LED light shining parallel with the surface of the fluid. (Which has charged/reactive particles that reflect the light in loops)

Ken Wheeler is a good dude... but he is a sophomaniac who speaks with a matter-of-fact smugness and arrogance. Being an armchair researcher and never having magnetized a material himself that I am aware of.
Seems to have mutated into the epitome of the Dunning Kruger Effect since he first started his YouTube channel. But I’m sure he’ll continue to rack up 10,000 views in a week.
Blind leading the blind.

Part of being a good teacher and researcher is being able to translate complex ideas into simpler terms. And adjusting your explanation based upon who you're talking to. Giving analogies and examples.
Fit your explanation on a fortune cookie note bro!

I know Ken Wheeler through YouTube, email and interacted with him for a few years having conversations.
I uploaded a 20 part video series called Atomic Feng Shui - How Magnets Work and Why.
But I didn't include anything about electrostatic potentials and some very important factors.
So I deleted all of the videos because I didn't want to taint peoples minds with half truths and something that could be incorrect or elaborated on.

Until I gained a better understanding and not confuse people in the long run. Avoiding having to correct misstatements later on.
I'm careful about what I post now and try to maintain a good track record of providing timeless and accurate information. With data, sources and examples.
I’ve deleted and put more videos on private than I have available now.

Not just appearing in front of the camera daily just to hear my own voice or to have others see me. Quality over quantity. My videos might get 1000 views in 5 years. I used to post a lot.

When giving scientific explanations… I personally feel that there should be more visuals than audio. Allow people to observe and digest what they are seeing for themselves.

I watch a lot of Russian science experiments… But I don't speak Russian… So I'll just put the whole video on mute and observe.

Put Ken Wheelers videos on mute and see how much you can Really learn... without his influence and overly complicated attempt at explaining.

Ken Wheeler seems to like making claims about Aether.
And he's said the loops of light are also attributed to aether.

I used to believe in aether. But now I think… if you can define it, then it isn't aether.

I think aether is like the word quantum or magic or God. An esoteric and convenient copout to avoid talking about particle physics and dynamics on scales smaller than what Max Planck's models would allow.

Anything not understood is automatically labeled quantum or aether or magic, etc.

I think there are fine and ultrafine particles of matter like what Georges LeSage speculated.
I think there are gases that pervade space that are not recognized. Like what Walter Russell presented on his periodic chart from 1926. Showing 24 elements before hydrogen.

Thousands of years ago, ancient Greeks thought plasma was aether.
But as scientific understanding grew and tools evolved, our terminology advanced and understanding also grew. So what used to be "aether" evolves into a now definable and a definitive variable.

Aether is undefinable.
It’s debatable that even Nikola Tesla and Charles Steinmetz viewed an electrostatic potential as being "the aether."

So, if there are particles not recognized... and gases not recognized… and semantics about electrostatic influence over great distances… Then those are real factors that we can talk about. Therefore, the more we learn, the less "aether" plays any role.
It's like Ken loves to live stream his brain.
Cliffhangers had so much suspense because they left you... hanging.
You had to digest the story for the week and then you would find out more the following week.

Ken has sometimes filmed multiple videos a day.
He's like Eric Cartman connecting his brain to the Internet directly.
And people who subscribe to his YouTube channel are like following his "Shitter" account.

I gave this presentation for the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement back in 2016.
Magnetic Field of Dreams to show the differences of magnetic fields and anomalies, etc:


Here are some magnet related links and material you might find interesting...
Albert Roy Davis & Walter Rawls Jr:

Magnetism and Its Effects on Living Things:
The Magnetic Blueprint of Life:


Geometrically Coded Magnets Behave Differently:

Correlated Magnetics Research (CMR):

CMR Changed their name to PolyMagnets:

CMR's 4 Deleted Vids:

Non-Contact Attachment

The Microswitch:

Max Field:


80 CMR Patents:



Lifting 23 Pounds - Leedskalnin Style with Scott Lang:

Leedskalnin PMH Experiments 1, 2 & 3:


Ed Leedskalnin:

Magnetic Current:

A Book in Every Home:

Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life:

Read the Truth about Coral Castle from one of the men who helped Ed move it stone by stone. With detailed hand drawn diagrams of how the stones were lifted. Through hard work, patience and leverage. No levitation or anti-gravity needed. (Not to mention Ed built the FlyWheel After he built the Castle)
Diagrams starting around pages 40 to 60.

Mr. Can't is Dead:

Jon DePew's Equilibrius Grid:

Lenz Law Experiments 1, 2 & 3
1 I drop an NdFeB magnet down a copper tube showing Lenz Law, down a PVC tube.. and PVC tube wrapped with copper wire. Towards the end of the video, I violently shake the copper tube which does not affect the rate the magnets falls.

Showing no inertia in the tube:

2 I wanted to do the inverse. Have a magnet ring around a rod of copper. Then spin the copper rod. I theorized that the eddy currents would result in a magnetic bearing. Stabilizing the magnet ring around the copper rod. Preventing it from touching even if you violently shake it. And the theory turned out to be correct. You can take a high speed camera and see that indeed, the ring is not touching the rod. That after a certain RPM, the eddy currents take effect to form a frictionless magnetic bearing.

3 The most complex and advanced homopolar motor demonstration you’ll ever see.
When built to the correct specifications... the homopolar motor can be tapped as a generator which absorbs energy from the environment. Abiding by the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
What you see here is a mock-up demonstrator and motor action only:

Eddy Current Magnet Flip.
If the piece of copper had less mass than the magnet in my hand… The copper would move to the side in the wake of the magnet as I dragged across.
But because the Copper has more mass than the magnet in my hand… The magnet is forced to change its tilt when in motion over the copper.
The resistance on my hand feels analogous to the pressure when you tilt a spinning gyroscope.
You feel the pressure in a gyroscope when you try to tilt it, but you feel the pressure in a magnet when you try to prevent the tilt:

If you want REAL/ GENUINE information about science, physics, magnetism, electricity (with a few demonstrations), information about gravity, optics, light, space and time… visit my Facebook page at:

Go through my Rumble Channel at:

Classic Physics vs Relativity
Reality vs Fiction
Part 1 - Light and Space
Re-Emissions and Dr. Edward Dowdye

Classic Physics Relativity 1.png

Part 2 - Time and Gravity
Real-Time vs Space-Time:

Gravity and Time Screenshot.png

Plasma Physics - Flaws & Correction (Google Photo Album):

Searl Photo Album:

Compilation/ Brief Summary of a few Challenges to Relativity
(with LOTS of Math!)
Regarding GPS Claims and Atomic Clocks
Mass to Energy Interchange Misconception
Misinterpretation/ Refining E = mc²
Illusion of Mass Increasing with Velocity
Sagnac Effect, Optical Gyroscopes and Shapiro Delay
Perihelion of Mercury Alternative
Deflection of Light in a Gravitational Field Alternative
Gravitational Redshift Alternative
Perihelion of Binary Pulsar PSR1913+16 Alternative
Re-interpreting Michaelson-Morlay Fringes
Time-Dilation Misinterpretation / Frames of Reference
Re-Emission of Light vs Distortion of Light
Fallacy of Gravitational Lensing
History and Misconception of Aether

Mathematical Consequences of Galilean Transformations vs Relativity & Lorentz
Hypothesis vs Theory
Evidence vs Proof
Knowledge vs Wisdom vs Intelligence vs Smart
Education vs Propaganda
Truth vs Facts
Belief vs Knowledge
Credibility vs Trustworthiness
Telepathy vs Audible Language (The Atrophy of Communication)
Universal Communication and Bypassing Deafness
Ultrasonic Dolphin Speak
The Language of Math and Observation

Email me at [email protected] if you don’t have Facebook.
Ask me questions directly.
I’ll be more than happy to address any topic and offer LOTS of links, sources, diagrams and information to compare and scrutinize. (For free of course)
If I’m not sure how to answer a question... I’ll tell you “I don’t know” and try to offer sources where we can find out.

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