Evolution: What Are the Odds?

in science •  8 years ago  (edited)

Basically, it takes more faith to believe it's all a giant accident than to believe in a Creator..

" Dr. Harold Morowitz, former professor of biophysics at Yale University, estimated that the probability of the chance formation of the smallest, simplest form of living organism known is 1 out of 10^340,000,000. One out of ten to the 340 millionth power isvunimaginable odds. This large figure is a "1" followed by 340,000,000 zeroes"

"The very popular evolutionist, Dr. Carl Sagan of Cornell University, figured even steeper odds against the simplest life beginning naturally on a planet such as earth. According to Sagan, the probability would be about 1 out of 10^2,000,000,000. Try to imagine ten to the 2 billionth power. Pretty astounding odds. Interestingly, these impossible odds against evolution came from one of the most prominent evolutionists of our time"

Lot more here: https://www.scribd.com/mobile/document/448517/Evolution-What-Are-the-Odds_49482272_caters_lightning_new_york_01.jpg

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Basically, it takes more faith to believe it's all a giant accident than to believe in a Creator..

Pretty much but I would submit that the accident case is impossible due to irreducible complexity and believing in the existence of a Creator is not a matter faith. It's merely acknowledging the truth! :]

Good point, I always say to the atheists: "something cannot be created from nothing". So that fact alone proves the Creator exists. It also proves that the Creator had no beginning and is eternal since He was not created Himself.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Atheists are suppressing the truth as Romans 1 says. You can't convince someone who's in denial! I have had many conversations with atheists. It's pointless...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That is usually a counter argument, who created God, which is not legit since not understanding something does not make null, that is always what they say when it comes to scientific head scratchers, but of course does not apply to how God can be without beginning, pretty sad..

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yeah to a christian it's a fact, the statement was made to argue the illegitimacy of their belief.

They also of course do have arguments about how irreducible complexity does not end their theory, but the whole idea of what had to be overcome for their evidence to come together to create even a simple being makes it an illegitimate one.


A Holy Designer who pursues us with love and grace.

Praise Jesus!

Very good and explain post about odds.