Is Schrödinger’s Cat Dead Or Alive? ..Quantum Mechanics. [Take an idea]

in science •  7 years ago 

Maybe, the most famous cat in the history of physics is Schrödinger’s Cat.
you may have heard of it before, but you don't know why it's famous?

So let's get to know why this cat is famous.

The experiment Schrödinger is a fictional experience and has no relevance to reality.
The objective of this experiment is to show the contradiction between the physics of Newton and quantum mechanics...

The British physicist Stephen Hawking says: "When I hear of Schrödinger's cat, I
reach for my gun "

because the equation seems possible by mathematical, but it's impossible, actually.

_Dear @yagoub: We know Newton's physics... But what is quantum mechanics?

Don't worry my friend I'll try to explain some of quantum mechanics...
but don't try to focus so much because you're going to get crazy.
quantum mechanics is weirder than you can imagine.

Quantum mechanics is the field of physics that tries to understand the world of subatomic ( subatomic is particles much smaller than an atom).

_This seems easy, dear @yagoub .

Unfortunately my friend... Not as you think... In quantum mechanics, everything seems random and illogical to our minds...
Scientists at the end of the 19th century thought they had discovered all about physics and understood it, but after several decades, Einstein surprised them with physicists specializing in quantum mechanics like Kenneth Bohr and Werner Heisenberg and Arden Schrodinger, and they shook their understanding Of the world of physics.
the beginning of the last century was a very confusing time for scientists, and we cannot blame them, quantum mechanics is very confusing.

All I want from you now is to make space for your imagination and put the logic aside because it has no place in quantum mechanics.

_ok, dear @yagoub, you mean that quantum mechanics is a science of small objects--smaller than atoms. but where is the weird and the random here?

That's good because you could understand this...
now we're going to try to explain the principle of Quantum superposition, which is the most bizarre part.
Quantum superposition is one of the puzzling principles of the mind, which provides for the possibility of a particle in several positions at the same time, and we cannot know what position it is .in unless we observe it.

_Can my dear @yagoub explain more?

Imagine with me that you swim in the sea and think that there is either a whale or a shark chasing you
How will you know what's chasing you?
You'll look back, of course... In order to know that it is a whale or a shark.
but according to the principle of Quantum superposition, if you don't look back, the animal chasing you is a whale and a shark at the same time...

_Dear @yagoub, I want another example.

Now imagine that you have two doors in front of you,
You can at any time cross one of the two doors, here you are like a physical particle.
Now imagine that the water flow through the two doors, i.e. the waves of water will cross both doors at the same time.
The subatomic particle behaves exactly like a wave of water that crosses both doors at the same time,
but at the moment when we observe it, the particles will stop acting like water, and it will come back to behave like you (physical particle) by crossing in one of the doors...

_Dear @yagoub, you mean subatomic cross both the two doors and cross one door at the same time.

Yes, exactly ...
If we do not observe it: it crosses both two the doors
If we observe it: it crosses one door

_ok, dear @yagoub, but where is the Schrödinger’s Cat here?

Schrödinger suggested an intellectual experiment,
there is a cat in a box, with a bottle of poison placed under a hammer that attached to a Geiger, (the Geiger is used to detect radioactivity).And in the box, some radioactive material that has 50% susceptibility to decaying

  • If the radioactive material decayed, the Geiger will cause the hammer to fall on the bottle of poison, which means killing the cat.
  • If the radioactive material didn’t decay, the cat will still survive...

In accordance the principle of Quantum superposition, the radioactive material is decay and not decay at the same time, that's normal, because radioactive materials are very small (subatomic)

_ok, dear @yagoub, but what can we say about the cat: is Cat Dead Or Alive?

The problem is that the cat cannot be alive and dead at the same time, and must be in one case. Schrödinger raised this intellectual experience as a contradiction between quantum mechanics and massive particle physics (Physics of Newton).
It seems easy for us to assume that subatomic can be physical particles and wave or, decay and not decay at the same time
but if you compare quantum mechanics with the world of Newton in which we live, many contradictions will emerge.

Schrodinger himself could not understand principle of Quantum superposition and developed this experiment only to prove his idea of its preposterous nature.

source pictures1 ,2
All pictures from wikimedia (all found with Google image advanced with license for modification and commercial use)

In order to learn more about Schrödinger’s Cat... You can read the references

References :

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i have only limited knowledge of quantum mechanics, super position theory, multiple universe theory string theory etc...Its a big list and they are all just that, theory. i don't believe there is any evidence for 99.99% of these theories in quantum mechanics - except for mathematical equations, where the physicist tends to make up half of the equation because he doesn't really know what the input drivers actually are. i regard a lot of quantum theory in the same boat as flat earth theory and hollow earth theory. The speed of light, is a favourite of mine, they say nothing can travel faster than light and it is a constant - Well if you take the rotation of the universe and the rotation of the galaxy and the rotation of the solar system and the rotation of the planet into account, we are currently travelling at around 75% of the speed of light. (if you believe in the big bang theory and that the universe has a centre) So if nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, at 186,000 miles per sec, then surely light can only travel at 46,500 miles per second in one direction. The fact that the speed remains the same in every direction, means that light is travelling faster than light. i would say that the speed of light is constant, but only from its point of origin. like throwing a paper plane down the isle while on a jet plane. how fast is that paper plane going? it all comes down to the basics for me, mass, influence from an outside source and relative position. i'm not saying all quantum mechanics has no base, i'm saying a lot of physicists are calling normal physics quantum physics cos it sounds sexy :)

I told you before, my friend @realtreebivvy. i love the way of your think--thinking outside the box.
You have great information about physics.
But there's a difference between theory and hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a reasonable guess based on what you know or observe, and hypotheses are proven and disproven all of the time.

A scientific theory consists of one or more hypotheses that have been supported through repeated testing. Theories are one of the pinnacles of science and are widely accepted in the scientific community as being true

flat earth and hollow earth is not a theory. it's a hypothesis
Quantum mechanics is a theory

If we can't imagine something, it doesn't mean it's not true.
Imagine you're traveling through time and you're going to the past, the year 1880, for example.
Can anyone believe that there is a smartphone and that you can talk to someone else and see him in a different place and at the same time
... They'll probably think you're crazy or charming.
Same thing as quantum mechanics. Sounds weird, but it's true.
..... Thank you my friend @realtreebivvy for this great comment

i was a huge fan of Isaac Asimov in my youth, with the last question in Robot Dreams being my favourite, and i believe that if we can dream it, we will strive to build it. So i agree with you my friend - many people in the past would think us crazy, except Jules Verne - if time travel was possible, then there would be a history or evidence of travellers from the future, it doesn't matter how far in the future, 50 years or 50 thousand years. Of the previous hundreds of millions of years investigated, there is no evidence of time travel. if you go back in time just 3 seconds, the distance you will have travelled could put you on the moon. (if you accept the big bang theory), if you accept multiple universe theory then we would have another point of origin to consider as our universe could also be moving at a phenomenal rate. Isaac Asimov also understood this, if my memory serves in a short story called "the Billiard Ball" again from Robot Dreams. Thanks for the reply, this is great fun.

Very nice! This reminds me of the story I used to know. I studied quantum physics before and have already forgotten about it. ;-)

oh thank you best friend @cheneats

Come on cheneats, jump in. Would love to hear your perspective on this.

i'll need to find my advanced math books first. ;-)

I presume no cat's where hurt creating this post ;-)

Nice way to bring the info .

thank you @small1axe

Don't worry, as the cat is dead and alive at the same time, it's a zombie cat. We all know that you have to destroy the brain on a zombie cat to kill it. So i just proved schrodinger wrong... How about that.

This is cool. am hearing about Schrödinger for the first time.
The outcome of those experiment was lovely.
Thanks for sharing this.

Regards @funkylove