The Human Trinity: Lust, Mind, and Conscience

in science •  7 years ago 


Man is a collaboration between lust, intellect, and conscience, and nothing else. Man without one of the three things, no longer a human. This is the basic principle of the difference between humans and other living things.

At first humans are just a collection of passions. Man is a figure who continues to desire. Therefore, human desire will never be exhausted and man will never be satisfied because the unlimited lust must be fulfilled by a finite world. If anyone thinks that life is a suffering, then it can be seen in this case. Suffering is seen from the eyes of the inability of man to meet all the lust that is in him.

The passions then also compete with each other in human beings and in the end this is what makes man what it is, the figure that became the material of the assessment of many people. Man has never had a single lust. Lust in humans is always plural. Therefore, it becomes clear why humans have many traits, such as anger, generosity, humility, and so on. In fact, this is a form that arises from the realization of the passions that exist in the human being.

When lust is not fulfilled, for example, then we will become angry, but on the contrary when our passions are fulfilled, there is pleasure to envelop and terpnacar also to those around us. When there is a desire to share, then the human is called generous. It is these emerging traits that make us what we are. Therefore, in fact no human being has a fixed nature. It is constantly changing and dynamic, depending on how and what passions are being fulfilled and fulfilled.

Reason and conscience.

In the process of fulfillment of these desires, humans are also equipped with the so-called reason. Man does think as a basis for finding ways to fulfill his desires, but the most prominent of men is because he has a mind that works with that thought.

Reason in this case plays a role in providing clues about something, about what is valuable or not for the man himself. In addition, with any human reason can have creativity and with it make life is dynamic.

Reason makes humans seem like the most sophisticated computer in such a way that even the most sophisticated computers can not defeat humans. This is due to the never-ending human desire, which keeps people from pursuing something more. In this case lust works with the intellect to create something that has more value for the man himself. Man is a being who continually seeks better, that is the basic lust and akallah which becomes the intermediary, the means to realize it.

In addition to reason, humans are also equipped with a conscience. This conscience works with reason when realizing lust in order to make man better.

Man is essentially a free being, but not free. Therefore, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his book The Social Contract, says that, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." This indicates that man is free, but he is always shackled everywhere. No need to go far to prove. Humans always socialize with the surrounding community. This is one of the limitations of their freedom. The freedom of one individual is confronted by another individual and there will be a collision. If not limited, then what happens is a world filled with selfishness.

This sense of limitation in human freedom ultimately leads to the role of a human conscience. Conscience plays a role in determining the realization of passions that do not interfere with the freedom of others. In this case, others should take precedence because otherwise it is a world full of selfishness.

When man realizes his desire with reason but without conscience, he is not a human being, because he is unaware of his limitations as an individual who must also be aware of the existence of other individuals. Humans also can not realize their desires only with a conscience, because akallah that became the key in realizing human passions. Furthermore, man without lust can not be called a human, because he does not have the desire and his life will be static because the reason and his conscience is not used for its development.

Therefore, man must have a balance in his lust, intellect, and also his conscience. In realizing a passion made by reason in order to make man better, man must not violate the existence of another human being as subject, ie through the conscience of his conscience.

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In addition to reason, humans are also equipped with a conscience. This conscience works with reason when realizing lust in order to make man better.