Water Source of Life, Energy For Humans

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

A friend of mine has just complained, body limp, want to sleep always, can not do much activity.

One reason, for two days he drank less water. He then admitted that water is not just thirsty, but a source of strength and source of life that must be met as needed in humans.

This water is very special in the life of beings in nature. Water contains chemical compounds H2O consisting of Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) compounds.

Both of these compounds form water into the basic and basic component in meeting the needs of all living things on earth besides the sun which is the source of energy.

Water is very important, because all living things in this world need water, no water.

This human body consists of 55% to 78% water, this depends on the size of the body.

The surface of this earth on the bottom has 71% water, when viewing the earth from outer space, the earth looks blue. 96% of the water on this earth is salty as sea water, while the remaining 4% is bargaining.

3% are in the form of snow and ice, while the other 1% is large groundwater, and the remainder is less than 0.1% as surface water (rivers and lakes), and is in the biosphere and atmosphere.

The function of water in life not only meets the physical needs, but also serves as the fulfillment of daily human activities.

This knowledge is then lived by my friend, who rarely drinks water. In addition, to meet the water needs in his body, he mengkosumsi fruits, so that enough water needs.

Water becomes a very important force in the activity, so often drink water for all activities can run normally,.

Photo shot whit smartphone Xiaomi

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A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.Therefore water is very important for life...Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.Nice post thanx for posting...followed and upvoted!!

Humans do have to keep the environment, so that the water needs remain for all beings in the world can be divided.

Water is not for human need alone, everything in this world needs water, so we must keep each other to the environment that becomes the source of water, so that water can be enjoyed by all creatures.

Good post! Water IS life!!

Thanks @skypilot has participated, I gather You can enjoy every post I have, I always follow every post you.

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